The McCain family.... hahahahahahah
The McCain family.... hahahahahahah
The boot
Who the fuck is that fat short Indian bitch with red hair?
It all suddenly begins to make sense. I swear, the Jews force their shabbos to have nigglets or mixed-breeds in their family as a mark of ownership. It's like a neo-slave stamp.
Don't be a bigot, that's just the friendly McCain family witch doctor.
>shouldn't we move out of the partial shade
>no, it's a family metaphor now
>ywn titty fuck Meghan
You know I get mad when people throw the le 56% face meme around but how can I even refute it? Like look at this sad excuse for a fucking family it’s disgusting. And he has the audacity to take a photo of them and post it for the public to see?
holy shit. It all makes sense now
I wonder if he realizes how utterly repulsing his spawn are
What a cuck.
2000+ years of careful breeding and mate selection that was ruined in only one generation.
Fixed it
>Meghan "big titty" mccain
I'm going to meet her and fuck her one of these days. I'm Mexican, so I probably have a chance.
>boomer conservatism in a nutshell
Why live
She's fat as fuck brah.
He said he's Mexican. They seem to love fat women almost exclusively.
i think she's a nigger or maybe from bangladesh i don't rememember, mccain adopted her
He can't even remove that boot for a 2-minute photo session. What the actual fuck, man...
What's up with that brown thing in the middle? Is she adopted? Did the maid photobomb their Christmas card...?
She’s a fat fuckig cow
What is wrong with his face?
An entire family of garbage
isnt mccains wife the heir to a beer distributor?
Nothing wrong with a motor boat user.
Lol it’s funny you said that because I legimately thought maybe the maid jumped in. But then I see that other animal next to her and the brown mongrel child he’s holding and I’m out of excuses for them
im just going to fucking end it tonight
Can anyone tell me what’s inside the boot?
Does he get his power from the boot?
Does the Jew supply power through the boot to goyim?
How many shekels for a boot? Asking for a friend
And she's got some massive udders to match.
>Can anyone tell me what’s inside the boot?
Many people theorize he is under federal investigation and/or some sort of "house arrest", and forced to wear an ankle monitor.
Hillary Clinton has also been wearing a medical boot for over two months because she "hurt her toe". Hmm...
as you can see that ankle bracelet is very large and would not fit inside the boot
stupid ass
old people are frail and break shit all the time, it really is not far-fetched to believe they both fucked something up
nice try
Wow thanks for that informative post, not-a-shill.
You're right, nobody could possibly modify a medical boot to conceal an ankle monitor. It's physically impossible.
>makes 100k a year
>worth 20 million
More cushion for the pushin
burned in the USS Forrestal fire he caused
she won the lawsuit and gets to live on his Sedona ranch and do Christmas with the McCain family for life
no shit
Si, si, si. Es verdad que Sra. Chelsea esta en la DOJ bota tambien ? Sra. Chelsea es una persona vieja? No? Entonces shutas el fucko upo Sr. CIAnegro.
so close to death, i can almost taste it.
The thickness. It hurts my eyes!
Just in case you think this is shopped. (birthmark leg)
Gotta admit, I'd hit that hard and give her a baby bump...
What was that for playboy or something?
Wait...did he start that?
I've seen numerous videos of it. I nearly saluted those Chiefs who ran straight to the fire with extinguishers before the ordinance exploded.
That's not meghan mccain
Boom. Das Boot!
You can do whatever you want to her on the day of the rope.
His wife is an heir to an organized crime family.