An afrocentrist psychiatrist Dr. Frances Wesling

An afrocentrist psychiatrist Dr. Frances Wesling

>In The Isis Papers, she described white people as the genetically defective descendants of albino mutants. She wrote that due to this "defective" mutation, they may have been forcibly expelled from Africa.

Co-inventor of the transistor Dr. William Shockley

>"My research leads me inescapably to the opinion that the major cause of the American Negro's intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin, and thus not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in environment."

Now with 44 years of hindsight, who do you think had the more convincing argument?

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The guy that isn't getting his "facts" from some jewish ghost author in Brooklyn

kek bump

Might be worth it to mention he won the noble prize for the transistor along with Bardeen. Bardeen went on to be the only one to win two nobel prizes by working with Cooper and Schiffer to set out a complete theory for low temperature superconductors. Just goes to show how brilliant Shockley must have been.

>Bardeen went on to be the only one to win two nobel prizes
this is false, multiple people have won 2 noble prizes

non of those people have a background in genetics. thye are stupid because they are talkin shit they hav no idea wtf they talkin bout

except that one guy who won a noble prize for discovering the DNA structure

So you are trying to tell me
>*invents wheel*
That you fail to realize
>*invents writing*
That there are fundamental differences
>*invents literature, theatre, the scientific method and the printing press*
In the genetically hard-coded predispositions
>*invents just about every single aspect of the current technological civilization*
Of different types of homo-so-called-sapiens
>*kikes and niggers try to steal our history*

We're still using the transistor. Ugly flaps of skin still surrounding a bleeding hole is still useless.

I'm sure James Watson was totally ignorant of genetics.