TDSB schools now pay daily tribute to Indigenous lands they're built on
Hundreds of Toronto District School Board schools started the acknowledgments at the start of this school year

"In keeping with Indigenous protocol, I would like to acknowledge this school is situated upon traditional territories," she begins in a clear voice."The territories include theWendat,AnishinabekNation, theHaudenosauneeConfederacy, theMississaugasof the New Credit First Nations, and theMétisNation."

"The treaty was signed for the particular parcel of land that is collectively referred to as The First Purchase and applies to lands west of Brown's Line to Burlington Bay and north toEglintonAvenue.

"I also recognize the enduring presence of Aboriginal Peoples on this land."

99% of canadians are oblivious to what's happening in our own schools. These progressive retards are more concerned with DRUMPF

The absolute state of this cuckold nation

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*breath in*

This sort of thing will become more common.

They are trying to turn the school system into an ‘anti racism’ factory. They are very open about this. It no longer just learning to read and do math... it is an ideological instruction/indoctrination centre. The teachers are are rabid sjws, and the pupils will be overwhelmingly non white in the future, so they like this crap too.

Get out of Toronto... especially if you have school aged kids, because there will be some radical shit happening, and it won’t be working in favour of white people.

Just moved out of toronto to rural ontario.. left high paying job w pension and benifits.. white flight is real

I wonder if the Muslim hordes in Europe will have mandatory acknowledgements of the aboriginal Europeans.

This sort of practice is actually more common in BC. I knew a girl who grew up there, and even during presentations in University they start with an "acknowledgement". The funny thing is that when she tried that at the University of Toronto where she was doing her Masters, people just groaned.

My brother says they play the national anthem in some native language now.

This is treason.

O Canada is shit anyway. The Maple Leaf forever is much better.

One rule for us, another rule for them. Also implying that the indigenous people some how occupied empty land, most likely they took it from a previous tribe that was there.

>they play the national anthem in some native language now
The proper language of French?

Official English Official French Translation from French by the Parliamentary translation bureau

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

O Canada!
Land of our ancestors
Glorious deeds circle your brow
For your arm knows how to wield the sword
Your arm knows how to carry the cross;
Your history is an epic
Of brilliant deeds
And your valour steeped in faith
Will protect our homes and our rights,
Will protect our homes and our rights.

We’ve created a massive problem for ourselves. It will creat a huge amount of conflict in the future.

Social cohesion is going to take a major kick in the balls

Good thing Toronto is not Canada. :^)

O Canada is a French Canadian song, I fr2inge when I hear the English one.

Holy shit I just realised that when they taught us the French version of O Canada at school, they never told us what it meant when translated. No wonder, really.

Yep, they only want you to think POZZED UP thoughts eh

What until North Americans begin to realize that all the treaties are null and void because the white colonists made them so by taking and doing whatever they wanted to do, essentially forcing indigenous peoples onto reservations.

If the treaties were honored by white North Americans, Canada and the United States would both be tiny countries in contrast to the real, actual non-ceded, treaty lands.

But it doesn't matter anymore. The indigenous people are weak and stupid and are deserving of their fate. A strong people don't roll over and die.

And now Europe, Canada, and the United States are being overrun with "migrants" and "refugees" and all kinds of illegal aliens who don't give a shit about the laws of the land. Kind of like the white colonizers who didn't give a shit about respecting indigenous laws of the land, or even the treaties that whites themselves made with the indigenous.

So really, what's happening now to Europeans, Canadians, and Americans, is really nothing more than karma.

Sucks, but what can you do? Whites had their chance at greatness, but they fucked it up by screwing people over every chance they got. And whites have the audacity to bitch about Jews doing the same.

White extinction, aka karma.

Never thought to look at the translation. Thanks.

My uni prof did this on the syllabus

Surprise surprise she's jewish

avec plaisir mon ami

this school board is among the most corrupt organization in Canada, it should be investigated and all the administrators brought to justice

I had a female uni prof who was pretty based, she worked in baltimore and was open about black crime etc

Do indigenous people not have philtrums like fetal alcohol syndrome kids?

>indigenous people
>fetal alcohol syndrome kids
Basically a chicken or the egg scenario

>you poor fucks still sifting through what passes for education in this godforsaken country

The native savages couldn't keep there end of the agreements and kept attacking the villages. So the settlers pushed them back, and in the process took more land. That's really why it took 500 years to actually "conquer" the americas.
> And whites have the audacity to bitch about Jews doing the same.
"Karma" is not actually real hun. The reason "whites" bitch about joos is because they have fucked over every race. They are responsible for the mud-migration into europe and are responsible for bringing negros into America's during the slave trade. They were bought and sold from jew ship owner, to jew field owner. Then turn around and say "my fellow white people, "WE" need to right these wrongs." Then when (((they))) get cornered, they pull the "im'a joo, give me victam status" card.


Gonna learn it the hard way.

When do we overthrow these fucks and start our new white pan-american nation?

Yes everyone, this is the state of Canada. Toronto in particular. It's a Left wing stronghold so far gone you would puke if you saw what takes place here on a regular basis.

You know how gays haven't really been in the public eye until recently? We just had out 26th annual gay pride parade. Twenty six years of gays parading up and down the street completely naked (illegal by the way, but not for them) in front of kids while every shouts about how brave they are.

Bend over backward for immigrants (over 100k per year) and give them everything, the Chinese can come here and buy all the land with dirty money with less effort than a real Canadian can trying to buy in his own city, we condemn white people for existing while demanding they pay for everything, we explain how it's racist to police black areas that have by far the highest crime rates in the cities, and we hail it all as progress.

The examples are endless so just remember this: no matter how bad it gets, at least you don't live in Toronto.

What have you personally done to achieve it?

Fucking spics. Them, hajjis and eskimos should be deported to the NT.

that'll be illegal there soon, if it isn't already, got to make sure everyone gets pozzed, can't risk any independent thinkers

I vote for Parti Québécois to get us out of this shithole that Trudeau created.
Fuck the leaf anthem
That's my Anthem

try 47th, and an all out poz parade instead of just faggots

Print this on stickers and put them up on every bus stop, every lamp post at intersection, every bulletin board in every school, bar and coffee shop.

Don't be cowed by those trying to destroy you.

You're currently a soft target.
But once Canada is majority non-white, America will be surrounded.
The UK, sweden, Germany and france will already be lost to the muzzies at this point.

The US will be majority non-white.
The hispanics will be majority in cali, Texas and the rest of the south west and several other major cities.
Blacks will be the largest group in most other large cities throughout the nation.
Our media, enterrainment, academia, finance, and government largely controlled by jews.
All of this in less than 50 years.

Is it not obvious collusion to destroy the white man?

All the people's of withe world were threatened by the strength, intelligence, cunning, and societal cohesiveness of whites.
We settled in to an easy position of unchallegable strength throughout the world.
The jews subverted our culture and institutions of learning and power and let in the flood.

The Asians can see what is happening to us as clear as day.
They do not warn us because it is to their advantage.

blacks are below replacement rate too, still slightly higher than whites but they're getting taken over by spics too

(the good news is that at least spics hate them almost as much as we do)