How will it feel when China & India will be #1 & #3 world economies in 15 years

>By PPP China is already #1 economy and India is #3.
>In 15 years they will be #1 and #3 in dollar terms too.
>India will be a bigger economy then UK and France by 2018.

How does it fee /pol?

China will overtake the US economy in 15 YEARS and India will leapfrog the UK and France in 2018, global report says

Pic unrelated

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if that means less chinks and poos travelling abroad, good for them

>muh superpower by 20__

I would guess that it would mean the exact opposite. More of them will be able to travel abroad and they will.


Right, because Americans are known for how often they go abroad.

We'll be getting close to ecological collapse if they increase consumption.

>>In 15 years they will be #1 and #3 in dollar terms too.

By end of 2018 China will be number one in dollar terms.

America is finished.

>chinky boob.png
Is that fucking breast cancer? Never saw an actual picture of it till now.

Hah China is almost as poor as my shithole(per capita) and India is poorer are these the great "powers" that the subhuman manlets of asia have to offer.Some shitty countryes that can barely compete with the somalia of europe....kek.

India population - 1.35 billion
China population - 1.4 billion
Of course they'll be the biggest economies out of sheer magnitude of the population.

You think they'll be 1 and 3. But the reality is that long before that Poos and Chinks will kill wage war against one another and the we, the master race, will simply invade the warthorn clay and split it.
Plus Poos aren't really a problem untill the reach the 2billion mark. Chinks are smarter

No. It will be by 2032.
Only India will be bigger then UK and France by 2018.
So your little island is finished.
"China will be the world's no 1 economy by 2032, ahead of the U.S."

Tits are too big.

Fuck your economy. We will kill the Kikes and rule the world.

Economies of mindless disposable slave drones manufacturing goods most of their own people can't afford.
>super power

No. This assumes that the growth and decay of the economies is static. Trump's tax plan will increase our economic growth, thus proving this article wrong. This is why stupid predictions and speculation should never be trusted, even if "the numbers" are legit.

how long can you play this farce when your country is in 90th position, below ecuador?
do you think you become a global superpower by just running cheap knockoffs?

As they say "quantity has a quality of its own".

When it comes to projecting military or diplomatic power the combined economic clout of the country matters.Its not the small boutique "country" of Lichtenstein that is going to have more say just because they have a higher per capita GDP.
The overall size also matters.
And your little jealousy isn't going to change that fact of life.

Not gonna happen. They may have overtaken us except for one thing no one saw coming....

Hopefully the Muhammadans and Africans will all flock to China and India.

>Western countries stop buying shit fro mChina and India
>economy collapses


They can all flock they want but I see no signs of China and India letting them in. They do not suffer from same dillusions and metal illness as whites do. Plus they are really full already. Whites have a lot of stolen land and a dying race.

sure, but on the 90th position, chink chonk, your drone population can only last so far in war before revolting, specially now millions of them have seen the West, and what it can give them
the US knows
the EU knows
Russia knows
and China knows
paper tiger, to be crushed under its own debt
with a great difference: the US, and many Euro countries, could, and have lived in autarky, with some decent chances
you'd return to cannibalism
the only thing your quantity is taking you is to posion your waters and skies at at record pace. hey, thanks to that, you may discover a final cancer cure faster than anyone else
btw, drop the proxy, you're fooling no one

If you stop buying from them, who are you going to buy your shit from? You sure as hell wont be able to make it all your selves.
Wait till the prices of shit go through the roof because the millennials wont work factory jobs.
There will be another revolt.

India will become superpower

Jai hind

we can nuke the shit out of your shithole country and you can't even defend yourself kek

Millenials are not boomertarded, they are well aware that bringing factory jobs back the US is what we need, and surprisingly are willing to suffer to make it happen.

When the first millenials get into offices, expect to see drastic shifts in foreign policies. What WILL happen to China and India when the US says "I'm good, no more cheap chink shit pls?"

>we can nuke the shit
Spoken like the islamic/hindu hybrid that most indians truly are

India Superpooer by 2020

China and India cannot possibly grow bigger than the US because their economies piggyback off of the US though shitty trade deals, rampant outsourcing, and intellectual property theft.

we wont since Europe will stop consuming

We'll still be a shithole though, of course most of Western Europe will be too

>we can nuke the shit

where do you find this shit lol that's awesome

True though. Romania is a nigger country

I'm always skeptical of China being as big as they say because when I worked over there setting up a phosphate concentrate plant for Mosaic they were really big in fudging the production numbers. Wouldn't surprise me if they have liars all throughout their industries.

Right user, consume addicts will stop consume

They will have no choice, and are more resistant to advertisement programming than the "me" generation. Or maybe they'll fail and the US will go with them. Would be pretty cool to see a world where the US is just a normal country and not the fucking centerpiece for every war, relief effort or controversy

That feel when China has a fetish for white people.

That feel when white males can fuck a shit load of Chinks.

>China will overtake the US economy in 15 YEARS

Maybe. But they were saying that 25 years ago.

I don’t care. That means all the turd worlders will wanna go there for work. Plus, I’ll still be comfortable.

It applies to India as well

I'm going on holiday

economy is not only GDP
there are a lot of other factors like civility, economic opportunities and equality, labor relations etc

Once America gets out from under the pressure of millions of leeches who come here for a "better life" (welfare+free real estate) the country will get stronger, and ironically attract more free loaders.

Never understood why people think economic migrants were good for the US. As soon as a better economic opportunity shows up, US is left holding the flaming bag of dog shit they left behind.

they can't speak chinese and learning it requires a high iq

>t. Poorfag romanian

Fuck I can't imagine two middle classes bigger than America. The earth can't sustain that.


Just go to Leicester.

Of it means more Chinese qts will be able to come here I’m good with that. We don’t have nearly enough Asians.


If the west stops buying their products China will crash alongside it. Also economics is not a linear thing, all it takes is a single fuckup for it turn on it's head, just look at the 2008 economic crisis, and another one is predicted to hit in the next decade or so. Get ready.

I mean, no one cares predict what will happen in 15 years so it may have just been a guess.


i bet you didn't buy bitcoin either because its predicted to crash


>And your little jealousy isn't going to change that fact of life.
How pathetic do you have to be to find pride in a country you happen to be born in? Particularly a multi-ethnic shithole controlled by Jews like the US.

I have no interest in cryptocurrencies. Never have, likely never will.

>insectoid souless chinks
>streetshitting filthy pajeets

Hol up, u tellin me that all it takes to be a superpower is literally just to ignore basic human rights and standards of living? why didn’t we think of that!?


Show me on this chart where it hurts.

typical American

The tallest basketball player is not the greatest one, the fattest sumotori doesn't automatically become yokozuna.

oh, raj.

China doesn't have a hope in hell, they are being squeezed by increasing automation and slave wages. This means that a society of middle class factory workers cannot emerge, which means they won't be able to kickstart internally fuelled growth based on domestic consumption, which means that they are America's bitch in the long run.

India has slightly more hope because it's not communist, good for them I guess, but they have too many internal problems.

Pic Sauce?

Armpit hair on women is underrated tbqh

china will be the first country to implement basic income


>Communism doesnt wor-

>Democracy wor...

Cheap chineese shit ...... Is a thing

You want a toy a puter a car
Then..... Dont buy cheap chineese SHIT

Same goes for n.korea paki and india produced Shit

You fuckin young cunts, dont know shit fro puddin
Tick a vehicle... My ass

>We'll still be a shithole though
They're already thinking like a first world country

Look the faggit lulz. no wonder they lost the war

60 grains of rice a day

It's a meme lads.

I'm old enough to remember the stupid chinks saying in 2008 that China would be ruling the world in ten years. Well it's the current year +3 and guess what? The Chinks are still saying "hahahahaha in ten years..."

It's just a meme. Their government has just admitted mass-falsifying of statistics... again. Everyone knows it's a meme. That's why their entire business class (the people who got rich exploiting the meme) are getting as much of their wealth out of the country as they can get away with. That's why that basically every richkid only child chink from China is studying in the West.

Standard of living already stagnant for China's billion strong lumpenproletariat. Gender imbalance. Environmental devastation. Trillions of wasted investment creating non-performing loans that are already a major drag on the economy. A population bristling against the extreme cuckoldry that Internet censorship is for them. A "middle class" that knows that everything they can be taken away at no notice from an unaccountable government at any time and they have no recourse at all. A staggering amount of unanswered crimes by the mafia-government. etc etc

No need to go over this again, really. It's like 1980s Soviet Union. They have some momentum and they certainly have some power. But relatively, they're still weak. They're still dependent on massive (welfare) wealth transfers from the West every year. We're going to end those at some point sooner than the chinks think... and far sooner than they're ready for.

Trump is going to BTFO of China, just like he BTFO Ted Cruz and Hillary. We're currently BTFO the Clinton subversives in the US deep state and then once the US government is actually patriots again, then we're going to fuck up China's shit. It's going to happen.

you know they have given up on communism? at this point i doubt there is any major difference to an emperor ruled china in social structure


Is that your House? Nice. Where is the Toilet?


Neither will be anything different than they are today.
Jesus wept gingers are ugly.


your mouth is my toilet kek

They will obviously move their money into America and buy up business and property. It's not a good thing. Look at Manhattan, it's virtually all owned by wealthy kikes, russians, chinese and indians now.

And your Life is mine :)

quality control is unheard of in those overpopulated human warehouse nations, so there economy sells a form of goods, but without the actual function. I have Anglo made tools that are older than the CCCP that still function as per design. Let's not delude ourselves into believing these quantity over quality economies will ever compare to the pre de-industrialized West. Pretty sure India is still manufacturing a motorcycle based on an English design from the 1950's.

wtf happened to greenland

This map is retarded. All it did is divide up Russia.

They still own 20 trillion of your money though, looks like you'll go down with them.

Just like now since they predicted the exact same thing 15 years ago too.

post more photos of this milk whore

We'll ship feminists and niggers there. Those countries will fall within 3 years tops.

China is leading in automation though

Being a "bigger economy" dosent mean shit when you have 100x the population.

Saudi Arabia. The last thing they need is more weapons

They have bigger economies because of their population

>20 Trillion
USD? That's simply wrong.

And the fact that you don't even know your basic facts shows how worthless your opinion on politics is. Lurk moar. And read pic related

>China will overtake the US economy in 15 YEARS and India will leapfrog the UK and France in 2018
They can guess at the future but THEY DIDNT EVEN SEE TRUMP COMING .

India may surpass America because of population size, but will never go beyond third world lifestyles because of a huge number of illiterate, uneducated morons.