Why doesn't Mike Enoch debate him, Sup Forums? On race realism and the JQ. Mike would win... r-right?
Why doesn't Mike Enoch debate him, Sup Forums? On race realism and the JQ. Mike would win... r-right?
Send in Duke.
why is this guy a meme? He's Milhouse tier
Enoch or Jean-Francois Gariépy would make the manlet quit the internet like that kike Kraut
>paying attention to unmuscular men
Guess I shouldn't even be responding
It wouldn’t be fair.
Fuck off nerd, I know it’s you making these threads to self-promote. No one cares.
Reminder he's horrified to have Ryan Faulk back on
I live killing you in pubg, you're such a shitter with that game it blows my mind.
wait is that the next in line after the jew kraut ?
Of course this time its the end of mike and the whole right wing.The messias will explain to us why we need to consent logically to be genocided.That makes perfect sense.
The manlet has already debated Althype. Everything that needed to be said was said there.
Imagine if him and Sargon joined forces. The Alt-right would be dead in a day
Its gonna happen eventually
They already do, both are liberals, one is just retarded
Yes... we would laugh ourselves to death.
He's actually very clever. Using himself as bait on Sup Forums thus making himself a meme. It's such a clever way to promote yourself. Well done steven.
>that ending
so basically he's a race realist, he just feels bad about it
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>Blaire White is scared of him
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.
>has never participated in a serious academic debate, just YouTube yelling matches
Why should I take Destiny seriously again?
Are you take same Swede that could not name a single thing he learned after watching the 10 hour long video?
>he's going to make this a big part of his content and he'll make multiple completely destroying all of us on race realism
When was this recorded?
>Prove me wrong within this standard of proof I decide that doesn't apply to me?
>Can't do it?
>Guess I win again.
I hate this style of "argument".
>On race realism
Destiny doesn't believe in evolution?
No money in it.
>3 minutes of pseudointellectual babble
is this really all it takes to make money on twitch?
nope just a destinyposter
You mean destiny himself, right?
Actually, I think it's fairly sad that he doesn't even believe in evolution.
Everyone, imagine being so retarded and worthless that you would actually believe that Destiny knows how to "debate." It's hard, isn't it?
Seeing as he gets destroyed vs pretty much anyone who knew what they were talking about. He refuses to "debate" with TheAltHype again for example, obviously because he was burned that badly during the "debate."
Now, imagine how much more retarded and worthless than that you would have to be, to be the kind of person who shills for that same water-on-the-brain bobblehead on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Makes you want to kill yourself, doesn't it?
Maybe that's what OP should do. Maybe today, OP will be strong enough to make the world a better place.
Now that would be entertaining. Someone needs to get them to do it
Maybe it has something to do with that date in the lower right corner you fucking twit.
Destiny is such a little snake.
Look at how he's apparently networking with random people on twitter in an attempt to "debunk" TheAlternativeHypothesis website:
But what's hilarious is that this person he's consulting is a physicist, and her argument is pretty much the same as Kraut's - that we can't use statistical models to infer heritability between populations.
Someone with an interest in genetics knocked her down a peg or two on the subject of quantitative genetics in this comment chain:
d e s t r o y e d
no one cares about you kill yourself faggot
tell nathan i said hi, such a cute boy desu