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Stopped watching their garbage after John Carter and what a trash heap that was.

Wait until the average normie finally admits it's Always one of (((them))) and that's who "they" is in the english saying, 'well (((they))) always say...so and so' and other iterations of that saying.
For over a decade I always ask who is 'they'? What's their surname? Why do (((they))) say it.
Normies are like downie children, you can't show them you have to trick them into thinking they figured it out all by themselves.

We the jews now.

Oy vey such displays of intolerance bring back memories of the shoah!

>you have to trick them into thinking they figured it out all by themselves.
Amen, brother. That's the Golden Rule of dropping redpills.

it just feels weird "manipulating" people to believe what i do. i wish they were smart enough on their own

>not liking John Carter
Shit taste

Sorry we aren't smart like you. We just can't fathom such a reality like your developed red pill mind.

Manipulating people to realize what is right in front of them isn't manipulation user. Think of it like deprogramming, western people have been programmed from birth for a century now. If der juden wanted to make everyone agree that 1+1=3 they could do it in one generation.


g-goyim NO!

anybody who says y’all with all of their teeth is scamming you

you read any of the john carter books? Shit is great and from a time before all media was propaganda.

>Sorry we aren't smart like you.
dont be sorry, just kys

Blacks fucking hate fags and liberals just can't grasp this for some reason

A lot of them are, but they aren't very articulate. They need proofs to cement their beliefs. When all they get is intoxicating syrupy TV news narratives, they just go along with it against their better judgement because they don't know the counterarguments or the evidence for the other side. Most of the time I convince people on points of gender roles or government overreach, they tell me almost every time they always had a feeling these things were true.

Most of them are being willfully ignorant basically on purpose for no reason at all other than they want to be accepted by their peers. it's retarded as hell. you get any person alone and you will meet a racist

Just repeat "diversity is our strength" if bad thoughts start.

Why don't they just give up and start making anime already?

Kek, so true. I was laughing my ass off when Cali blacks all voted against Prop 8.


I worry I'm making their lives harder.

I was happier when I didn't think about politics, culture, society, the media and how they are changing. Changing us.


Don't be a bigot


My bad guys. I'm sorry for my open bigotry

Does a gay disney character even exist?

Im actually suprised it doesnt

Don't worry Disney will be sure to let us know that all past/present/future ethnic white characters will be lgbtqpxyz.
Screen cap this

>i-it's not a slippery slope goy! just let fags get married!

Oklahoma here
I have 100% of my teeth and say y'all on a regular basis

As a goy I am panicking about your current state of emotional discomfort and I will make this bigotry stop so to avoid future episodes of jewish stress.

read the books first pleb

it worked for the NFL. they started screaming that mantra when things started to fall apart.

Don't you guys think that are biased. You see 100 movies that are not about LGBT, and 1 movie that is and you start saying that they put this everywhere.

damn it took a lot of shit to get you out. the company itself was in total shambles after walt's family was out.


Maybe one day.

holy shit lol

nice meme


blacks are waking up to their animal relatives
