What would a society where women are dominant(matriarchy) look like?
What would a society where women are dominant(matriarchy) look like?
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yeah, Sweden u fuktard.
Absolute state of American television
Exactly like it does now because it already is.
Gay as fuck. Probably wouldn’t last for more thrown a few years.
OP also try Ecclesiazusae by Aristophanes
>out of control welfare state
>female preference in custody or divorce settlements
>leniency toward female criminals
>constant media narrative of womens problems
>large scale importation of all the nigger dick they could ever desire
>next to zero immigration of females to compete with them
A sale at a shoe store
It would look like some indigenous shithole tribe that hasn't invented anything other than a stick in the past 50,000 years.
>she got even fatter after operation harpoon
It's funny how black men,by all studies that have been done on race attraction,are the least desirable group of men and white women out of all women,prefer men of their race-yet you are still so brainwashed to think white women desire black men.
I guess this is what Sup Forums does to men of low intelligence and self-esteem.
They already covered this on an old episode of SLIDERS.
>society where women are dominant(matriarchy) look like?
ancient history.
Weak, and thus short-lived.
women would be bigger and stronger and have more testosterone and pseudopenises
like unicorns
like this
White woman, here. I have never been attracted to non-white male, not in the slightest. Frankly, although we don't talk about it much, I don't have any friends who have had emotional or sexual relationships with non-white males. If so, they're unwilling to admit it.
I think this trope that white women are attracted to black men is stupid. It's simply not true. Perhaps at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, and perhaps among the least attractive, you'll find women mudsharking with non-white men. But, for the most part, all people are attracted to people who look like them.
>White woman, here. I have never been attracted to non-white male, not in the slightest. Frankly, although we don't talk about it much, I don't have any friends who have had emotional or sexual relationships with non-white males.
maybe you're just a racist
Stone age.
it's called "The Africain Dream".
also Checked.
Iroquois society is a matriarchy, ask them.
Well that would be a society where "men" have the minds of women, and engage in feminine shit like make up. They'll also be emotionally dependant and would all be attracted to alpha women who are dominant and have high social hierarchy.
Meanwhile the women would be like men. You'll get the alpha womenp which are the top 20% and you'll have the 80% of weaker women who find it hard to get laid.
And yeah, the women would be the ones with the money and the men would be domesticated at some wiping shit from a babbys asshole.
Like the Blood Trolls coming up in Battle for Azeroth.
>Blood trolls are an ancient troll subspecies that inhabit the swamp of Nazmir on Zandalar and have been called the "bogeymen" of trolls. They worship the blood god G'huun. Their culture is very harsh and the most primitive troll culture there is, because their god has no need for technology. Their society is also matriarchal; males follow the orders from females without question lest they get chained up and punished or outright sacrificed.
Thanks dude, but we know. The only reason the blacked meme is so common here is a) bantz, and b) JIDF
Black guy who has dated an attractive White woman, and whose brother has fucked numerous white women. She's right, however, to the extent that there is a tendency to deny sleeping with Black women. I've dated and fucked at least one woman who initially denied that she would ever date a black guy.
There would be one queen who's allowed to breed. The rest would be mindless drones. So basically we wouldn't even reach stone age. Just like today.
Like this too
Say what you will about it, but a matriarchal society with a fascination with blood is pretty damn funny, looking forward to seeing what they do with it.
Also, going to call it now: King Rastakhan is going to get killed and replaced by his daughter. Though, I think there's a good chance Jaina's mother ALSO dies, so probably not agenda-pushing.
The Greeks predicted this thousands of years ago.
All men would lose 6" in height by law
The matriarchy is already here, and getting moreso every day. The best thing men can do is submit and obey.
HNNGGGG what are my orders mommy
Take a look at society from 400 years ago.
It would look like a black neighborhood:
-all adult men in and out of jail
-women the primary "earners" via welfare
-high rates of abortion and birth and single motherhood
-lots of inbreeding because fathers don't know their families, lack of Westermarck effect
-every conflict resolved by violence, police called frequently
The two guys in the back lmfao
Where do you think you are slut. Tits
that whore could have become a supermodel but noooooooooooo
It's interesting that they actually put make up/paint on to hide the stretchmarks.
>What would a society where women are dominant(matriarchy) look like?
I don't understand the question, you have put in place a rule that insures a functioning society could not form.
Pick any natural scene, like a forest or rolling hills.
Intersperse it if you like with a few crumbling ruins of a former civilization. That's what women running society would get us in a few generations at most. Oh, and don't forger hordes of shitskins everywhere, thanks to women letting them in.
Holy shit, the whales learned how to walk
Nobody knows
Like Sweden.
Technologically primitive
Depressing as fuck for the 90% of the time when you werent masturbating/having sex
Basically just Bonobo society
c e l l u l i t e
literally science fiction
liek this
it's so funny how big femdom guys perceive the society we're heading towards as something they'd remotely be more happy in. dude do you really think they wouldn't still expect you to do everything in bed, be taller than them, make more money and so on? why
>have a fetish for taller, bigger and thicker girls
That wont happen because iil rape them and impregnate the whores.
It doesn't matter what it may look like because it would collapse on its own or be overtaken by an invader within 5 years. Women aren't willing to do the dirty jobs most men do. Construction, waste management, skilled trades, soldiering, etc. all of them aren't desired by the vast majority of women. These jobs are the backbone of any industrialized society.
>Those comments
>Every woman is praising her
>Yasser slat, qween!
>Every guy is either dropping memes or calling fat and gross
Well, they can still ruin a previously male-built society, like what's happening now.
is hilarious.
>"Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal."
>"Anthropologist Donald Brown's list of human cultural universals (viz., features shared by nearly all current human societies) includes men being the "dominant element" in public political affairs"
In essence, even literal niggers know that you don't fucking let women make decisions for the group. They can have significant influence and autonomy in a domestic setting, but they must never be allowed to disrupt politics.
The real heroes are the women who understood and still do understand this--the ones who ironically would be the only women qualified to make political decisions, are the ones who oppose their group's ability to do so. The reason is that those women who can see clearly and have group loyalty, are always in a minority among their gender, meaning their own vote is useless against a wave of emotional, selfish voting of the rest of female society.
Remember, Sup Forums, women are different and must be treated as such, but they are not our enemy. Whores are.
nope, women would get even more out of shape and obese (you would be an Entitled Male for being annoyed by this). no muscular gf for you
well women hate each other with a passion. so it would not last very long.
>submit and obey
Not gonna happen, roastie. Kys.
>all beta males gassed
>chads rule society by the choice of women
>the lowest chad has to allow all the other chads to cuck him or else be gassed
>this continues up the ranks where higher chads fuck lower chads' women
>top chad fucks all the women
>no paternity testing
Its hilarious how little those kind of people think of women. They literally think without any societal restraints every woman would turn into a voracious sex-freak who will fuck anything that moves.
Matriarchy presumes a family-based social organization where authority is held by clan mothers.
Rule by "Strong Independent Women" is not Matriarchy because it lacks the sense of familial obligations implied by matriarchy.
It would look like black america
I'm surprised this isn't posted yet.
It's called cuckspam
She looks good from the front but OMG what a trainwreck in the back.
Just look at any pre-, and even post, colonial subsaharan african society. Matriarchs run everything while the men are essentially sexual nomads who trade the game they kill for sex
It's total shit and honestly the same dynamics are playing out in the American nigger communities and its a big reason to why they suck
When people get to this level of fat, you can't tell if they are male or female. I think that should be a red flag to lose weight ASAFP
Look at black inner cities and there’s your answer. No fathers, dominant mothers, and therefore no leadership or guidance of the young.
Civil war until there's only one female left in the entire country.
looks comfy
We will see soon.
Pic related is what I think would happen if creepy girls who find homosexuality sexy, were the majority. Pic related females are only attracted to a male if he has a following of other males. But the girls will mate with the first to reach her so some males have dull feathers to look like a female and sneakily mate with her. 1% of males are the gay one. But their genes are so mutated the majority of their offspring die. (Don't forget what gays say, perfectly natural!)
More info on the weird bird with three male mating strategies.
Mosuo tribe in rural China
The grandma is the most powerful.
Everything is passed down the female line mother to daughter because they can tell who is related to who because they popped out of her vagina. Unlike male to male, where they have to rely on the mother being honest about who the child came from. It makes sense if you look at it from a ancient peoples perspective where you can't tell who is the child of who.
They have "walking marriages." The men sleep with a woman and then return to their family the next morning. Thd women can have multiple boyfriends this way.
Men do not raise their sons but raise their nephews and act as a male roll model to them. When asked about it, one man said he didn't mind raising his nephew because he knew they were from his bloodline and related.
Sadly due to a massive influx of tourists, they are having trouble with rampant STDs brought by the outsiders they had never delt with before.
So it pretty much results in women having no loyalty.
Forgot photo
realisticly or in context of femdom fantasies?
I'm in a female dominate relationship and I'm pretty happy. She's a wealthy older lady and I worked at her gym. She's way more financially successful than me but shes in her 50's. She's really fit and I happen to like older women, but I suppose the only real catch is she absolutely wears the pants. She more or less makes all the fashion and grooming choices for me and she gets basically whatever she wants sexually. It's not all that weird though just a lot of oral and massages really. There's an occasional element of femdom but nothing to bad. Shes just a little bossy. I keep the house neat and cook but mostly my job is looking good and making her comfortable. I honestly can't complain but neither can the women that live in the traditional "trophy wife" situation.
Not quite. We're in a society run by men terrified of being yelled at by the female lynch mob.
I like how faggots believe in this and how false it really is. But, no point in trying to prove it wrong to the mentally ill.
We already know: Cannibalistic and engaging in slave wars and "mourning wars."
No, I'm not kidding. It's already been done. The Iroquois were fucking monstrous and matriarchal in the extreme. They engaged in war for conquest, then war to repopulate their tribe through captives because they were fucking at war all the time. Then the matriarch leaders would cry and make the warriors feel bad so they would go back to war again to avenge their Earth Mothers.
wait so women like to fuck the weakest one the most?
It would be dumb.
Everyone is racist and niggers are hardly human so I can't blame her.
I like pic. Very much. Too skinny and your baby won't be nourished well.