Literally this is all what we got from it.
One YEAR of Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone got a huge tax cut and the wall has been started and the economy is doing great. Oh and people don't think we are all pussies anymore. They are tiptoeing around again.
Nope, everyone still thinks you're pussies but now we see you as retarded pussies.
>Everyone got a huge tax cut
>83% go to top 1%
>removes deductions for 99%
>tax "cuts" for 99% gone in a few years
>oh and medicare and medicaid are cut as well automaically next year
Pic related. Got that too!
Do Americans really think this
1 year and OP's ass is still on fire from the bum fucking he got during the election
Trump is a piece of shit but he pissed of sjws so im still content for awhile
Lol. Literally jew cuck.
Is not even a year you fucking mongrel shill.
>Trump is a piece of shit but he pissed of sjws so im still content for awhile
He doesn't piss off jews, in fact is their puppet, so why is that ok?
>He hasn't used the tax plan calculator yet
The brainlet amongst brainlets everyone
The wall is never getting built and the illegals that live here will be given amnesty
>Is not even a year you fucking mongrel shill.
Triggered hard.
All Trump has done is get Democrats elected everywhere.
Btw seems like he cares about Israel more than about muriga. Make ya think, dontcha?
Link please.
Wow, you know you’re right. I used to believe in things like building a wall, deporting illegal shitskins and banning mudslime terrorists from America, and every other aspect of the MAGA agenda.
But then I saw the picture of trump touching the wall in Israel, and all of that is over now. I’ve completely abandoned everything I ever believed in, and am now going to vote democrat in all future elections
>said no one ever
Now fucking kill yourself
He's Israel First, America always last.
>He didn't get a Trump Tax Reform bonus
Sorry OP. I feel bad for you.
>But then I saw the picture of trump touching the wall in Israel
He's absorbing its power.
>as he uses a meme flag to hide the shithole he's from
>t. 56%
I just use the memeflag for shit posting
>I read a WaPo headline: The post
>What is the Tax calculator
Is this really what tries to blend in as a Sup Forumsack nowadays?
>Inspecting the wall for tips on building his own
What's the problem?
>he used the memeflag to hide the shithole hes from
His point still stands
Not really, my country's quite nice, Germany.
rich people pay 80% of taxes overall
The money we (US - United States, We the People...) will save from the tax cut and the UN - United Nations cut, $20billion, will pay for the wall!!!
its cause he didn't maga, damnit, the donald ruined a lot our once finely crafted memes.
>the wall has been started
your dumbass commander in chief literally said it would be in the form of a fence, enjoy
Send Me a Card from your Sharia Beheading
That's not accurate.
It is going to be a mixed bag of differing heights and materials in various locations, but nice attempt at being misleading.
Sorry, we don't have that over here, you should learn that not every country shares your culture of cucking to Islam. Reminder that if it weren't for Poland you'd be praying to Allah right now.
Nice mene flag faggot
He is right bro.
Just because you live in the country or something... Go to any city or large town. Most people these days are not white. Keep living in your bubble though. Must be nice.
>largest tax reform in 40 years
>ISIS has been nearly wiped out in Syria
>travel ban upheld by SCOTUS
>deportations at highest level in 20 years
>Obamacare mandate repealed
>Obama internet regulations repealed
>wall prototypes are done, construction could start as early as Spring
>US contributions to UN cut by 10% with threat of more cuts to get Europe in line
>Left wing media has wasted the last year pushing a bullshit Russia conspiracy theory 24/7 instead of actually making an effort to roadblock his agenda
so much for the "big beautiful wall" that was supposed to be his legacy
instead he allows himself to be stopped by bleeding-heart mexican sympathizers and the people who created cards against humanity
>instead he allows himself to be stopped by bleeding-heart mexican sympathizers and the people who created cards against humanity
You mean the guys who set themselves up for Eminent Domain?
Based jews
That's what it's like literally every where in the world though. He can't act like he's better than us.
Your flag's a fucking meme, the only difference is that I could get rid of mine.
>ISIS has been nearly wiped out in Syria
No thanks to fucking USA, since you know, USA funds ISIS
Wall is just a metaphor annon. Its 4d chess. You wouldnt understand it.
If you knew anything about the landscape of the southern border, some places are not going to need any wall or fence due to terrain.
Trump's "legacy" is off to a roaring start, see my post to read about his accomplishments and start to his presidential legacy.
And Trump has not allowed any bleeding hearts to appeal to his decision making, that is why he is using the DACAs as a bargaining chip...the way the lefties are also doing.
Trump turned off the taps set up by Obama, Clinton, and McCain, allowing Russia to mop the floor with the cunts. Obviously we shouldn't have been in that position in the first place, but at least Trump put a stop to it.
its foreshadowing that the wall is next to come
You got utterly and irrevocably
Limp wristed manlet war loser
>Expecting the American bureaucracy to be revolutionized within the same time that the movement began to do so formed
That's an infantile understanding of sociopolitical revolution, OP. There needs to be time to allow this relatively new ideology to take root in the common people and we need to start taking up political activism with far more vitality than what we're currently doing. Shitposting on an internet forum with little to no traction among ordinary people and holding a 'The Goyim Know' signs at Sup Forums meetups isn't going to do much other than present us as spergs with the single commonality of esoteric beliefs.
Give us time to mature, senpai
SAY IT WITH ME, Sup Forums
How did I get BTFO exactly?
You were the ones who lost to a few fucking rice farmers even though you had more men, weapons, better trained men and better technology.
>b-but fellow bong...
>y-you're supposed to be on my side
Fucking faggot, enjoy sucking your third muzzie cock
The weapons of the Vietcong were not outdated at the time. The US military was still using M14s and in some cases M1 carbines, which I would put on the same level technologically as the SKS.
I bet you know a lot about sucking cock since you do it to negroes and mestizos every day. Then you go home and get Jewish cock up your ass while praising freedom and acting like your country isn't worse off than the rest of the world. I didn't want him on my side, I find it pathetic that he has such an inferiority complex.
The US still had better trained troops and more troops. US weapons were also far more reliable. The Vietcong also didn't have things like planes and helicopters either.
Yeah, Americans are good at appreciating the results of something without appreciating the steps to get there..
>Obama in charge for 8 years
>Economy recovering every year of his Presidency
>He leaves just as unemployment goes below 5%
>His predecessor is in charge for less than a year
Meh, It'll happen to Rapethuglycunts some day, so I'm not worried.
I don't think you know how warfare works, especially when it's something like the US vs. a guerrilla insurgency. The United States is the most powerful military on Earth because a bulk of their armament and training goes into fighting other trained militaries. In a conventional war where we're sending in all of our resources, we could hold our own with any other country. The problem is in an occupation like Vietnam or Afghanistan, you can't just obliterate a town and say it's "controlled". You need a ground presence doing inspections and patrols. Sure we call in a fuck load of air support just to take out a small group of people, but that's to extend the lifetime of the boots on the ground. Infantry is required to win wars, even if it is the least specialized role.
For example, siege warfare and ranged combat are the most dominant types of warfare from the times of Rome until now. Single areas can easily become besieged from across the world with the advent of planes and powered boats. Well you counter a siege maneuver with ranged weaponry, and hold your position as long as possible. When you're fighting against a group that has no distinct "castle", it goes out the ass. You're fighting a group that blend in with the common people you want to control, and use your confusion to an alien environment to their advantage. It's why the US won against the British, they weren't prepared for the type of warfare we were dishing out, in hostile lands nonetheless.
The US couldn't take Vietnam, and it couldn't hold Afghanistan, because it would require far too much effort for what it's worth. In the end, we just gave up and firebombed or droned fora while then fucked off, just to get a high kill count and make it seem like we actually did something. If you're trying to occupy land, and your occupation fails, you have nothing to show for it. All you did was waste time and resources trying to fight a conventional war against unconventional fighters.
Liberals use this argument every time they get voted out of office and things start to actually improve "oh, that was all because of us, you just didn't give us enough time to see things work out"
It's literally the same argument they use in support of communism "oh you just didn't give it long enough to succeed"
Americans really are embarrassing. Take a look at the new Austria government or Hungary government or Polish government if you want to see an actual Conservative government and not some Kike cocksuckers.
I'm considering getting new citizenships, If Trump does nothing about the demographic change then I'm not going to raise my kids here. I heard those three countries you mentioned are trying to raise there birth rates? How hard will it be to get into them?
Ink on your tax bill is still drying and you claim he hasn't done anything. I'll trade you Trudeau for him.
Still a war loser lol
>It's literally the same argument they use in support of communism
You don't even know what a liberal is, you're a babbling retard.
I have high respect for British bants, Imagine reading that whole thing. lmao
Your points are true. Americans like to make fun of Europe but American demographics are much worse and Trump seems to not be doing anything to fix them. I am very curious to see the demographic changes at the end of this new Austrian coalition's rule, I hope Austria can get back to 90%+ Austrian people. As for your question, if you are skilled, I am sure you could get a job in Poland as they seem to be expanding their production potential. I myself would love to move there but the language barrier is very difficult. Polish is a very different language to English and practically impossible to learn for non-natives.
Your pic is an accurate representation of yourself.
If the RAISE act doesn't pass then America will truly be lost. That's pretty much the only chance we'll ever bring back European immigration to the states. And yes I'm pretty skilled to say the least. I do graphic design and work with my hands. Hopefully that could be enough.
>That's what it's like literally everywhere in the world though
Not in Maine.
Yeah, that's what I've heard about Maine, real fucking white. Most of the world isn't Maine though. People are getting replaced all over the world and that isn't exclusive to the UK or the US or wherever.
>Literally everywhere
>Admits that some places aren't infested by gangbangers or Muslims
Do you even know what "literally" even means?
Stop being pedantic user
Is it me or does anyone else notice a disproportionate amount of shrills and retarded people here since Christmas?
This for example
Every working class Canadian had their balls fucking busted when Trump lowered taxes, Our working middle class pays a 50% tax rate and he / she comes here and pretends USA has it bad because Trump.
Honestly you're a retarded welfare or disability recipient saying Trump is bad and showing our flag.
(yes I see "one post by this ID")
and then this next (one post by this id)
obvious shrill
Obama said can't be fixed as he brought in the most degeneracy in American history.
Faggots reading to kids
Faggots allowed in children's show
While Obama in charge it was predicted that USA economy would crash no matter who was elected.
A business man gets put in charge and USA flourishes with wealth freedom and prosperity. All that will be left is to get rid of the degeneracy Gay faggot nigger obama and faggot nigger trany michael created.
Nice you know you finally busted out the dictionary,
Butthurt foreigners with their country overrun with shitskins. Is your country building a wall along its border? Are your SJW’s convinced they’re fighting for their very existence? Do your illegals live in abject terror of your nation’s administration? Is shitposting for Soros and David Brock giving decent pay?
Did you know that the USA is made up of 50 states? Basically partially autonomous countries. With the exclusion of California, this nation is vast majority white. Internally, most of these states are also supermajority white too. Amerimutt memes are dug out of Soros’s eyelid folds and Europoors are subhuman shitskin hybrids.
Is pedantic really that complex of a word in America?
No you’re repying to a brainlet. Not used in speech but often in text.
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein. #lasvegasstrong