how can we solve the manchildren epidemic?
How can we solve the manchildren epidemic?
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This is sickening. 28-5 = 23. Twenty FUCKING three. A twenty three year old kid, he was, in his mind and the opinions of his parents.
Bugmen, soyboys, nu-males are worse than Jews.
What incentive do these 'men' have to contribute to society?
None, unless they can conjure up some sort of meaning of their own. This is the reality we currently have to deal with.
Parents should be beaten
This kinda stuff annoys me. I'm 29 and still live with my parents, because my father is ill and they need my help, financially and around the house. This guy's just a fucking NEET leeching off his progenitors. I'd never have let them get me a $300 toy.
Yet, according to every "millennials are X" article, I'm just like this piece of shit. I hope he shits himself to death in public.
You'd think he'd learn his lesson after getting burned by the Wii U.
My parents never helped me learn to drive, or even helped me with my homework. They were raised by tv and thought that you could walk into a factory at 15 and ask for a job, thought that a bus driver would let you on without a ticket, because you were being honest that you lost it.
It's sad but the truth is that people make babies are the same kind of people who want to buy a pet. Both actions are delusional attempts to quell the inner loneliness.
I got gifts for Christmas and it pissed me off honestly. None of the other adults gave each other gifts but for some reason my parents, aunt and uncle, etc. all got me gifts.
It seemed really demeaning.
Remember when 16-year olds would kill men in wars?
Wait a while.
Most of them are infertile and suffer from ED.
Their mothers were old and on birth control while they were pregnant.
Natural selection will clear this pandemic up within 40 years.
they stil do, look up KONY 2012
>how can we solve the manchildren epidemic?
Court-appointed manchild wives.
Put them to work reproducing/raising children instead of merely playing with toys.
kek, fuck that faggot
What would you say to people who say they just want to ride out the Great Recession until it's over so they don't have to suffer from it?
Best Christmas ever finally seeing the cats absolute success with curing man child syndrome.
Cat = 1
Faggot = 0
Says the manlet shitposting on Sup Forums
wtf goyim stop having fun and start producing more slaves and be miserable with the brainwashed feminist retards we created
based cat tired of faggotry
i got a sweater and a wrench set
Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Not much longer til the great reckoning.
We must execute order 66
Fuck off, shill
Hard times when?
Comfy till death and let society crumble.
Not the time of strong men, no use for them.
Soyboy down
I haven't purchased a game console since I was 20 (I'm 27 now).
They are the cause of their own social Darwinism. The betas will make themselves go extinct and leave all the women for the men who actually want to live their lives.
I was a beta nerd, but also liked sports.
At 25 I decided to do a 360 to avoid being a loser.
Travelled to a lot of countries, met people, lived a chinese cartoon tier sex life and was fit as fuck.
Got some fucked up neck because of an accident now so I went back to vidya.
Funny how's life. I missed the comfy life when I was living the normie life. But I don't miss the normie life now.
That said, books and tabletop games>vidya and internet
Why can you guys let people be happy on their own ways? He's doing no wrong to anyone
Asking Sup Forums what can be done about manchildren is like asking a leper colony why they don't just cure themselves with magic wishes
>making fun of perceived effeminacy
that's rich considering you sound like everybody's ex-gf.
Is this guy actually retarded?
>manchild votes for the left
>the left in turn shoves their shit on society
Yeah, he's doing nothing haha.
Because he is weak with no convictions
Jew says jump numale says how high
>women tell 2 gen of boys that women don't need them.
>feminists convince women to have sex without marriage, giving men easy access to sex
> jews provide men porn; with easy cheap sex substitute
>pre-trump presidents fuck up economy causing blue-collar men to lose the most job opportunities
>people complain that men are no longer self-sacrificing for society
You want men to grow up? Fix society
by ending the womanchild epidemic too
>get back to work
>be a productive member of the society
>war is peace
>freedom is slavery
yeah, no. not when the ((((system)))) is gynocentric.
Sell services at a local level under the table cash only so you don't get noticed by the system
bring others into your way with your lack of taxes
that's tax evasion user.
if you want a legit way of making money without the ((((government)))) seeing you rake in money, I'd suggest patreon or kickstarter.
I don't want to wage a war for (You) but rather find my own freedom to do what I like the most like the autist I am.
What is it you want? Freedom? Spirituality? Tradition? Independence from the system? Or just money, drugs and pussy like most degenerates? That's easy to obtain, but you need to wear the right mask for it.
Each and every side is full of useful idiots who are easy to control. Go bother them.
>that's tax evasion user.
Yes and? Questioning the holocaust is illegal as well.
Women never mentally age past 14 y.o.
there's also that huh? make yourself a juice that's not worth the squeeze
I got a switch but did not pose like this am i a manchild?
wamen edukayshun is a mistake. government needs to ban wamen from entering schools if we really want high quality workforce.
>Women never mentally age past 14 y.o.
this may be why they mature faster.
b-but muh same opportunities annon
Not in the States you waste of life
gas chambers
A Hitler Youth program
their opportunities to snag a 6 digit earning husband where?
These are the supposed faces of white collar workers (not any imprtant job ofcourse)
>everyone should be a miserable faggot like me
how about actually achieving something instead of comparing yourself to strangers on a chinese shit sculpture imageboard?
Might work.
I don't hate all boomers, my parents are the best, but most of them ruined more than they even understand. Socialism has been implemented after WOII, and after this short time it didn't work out just once.
Nothing wrong with taking care of your parents like that...good on you user.
100% agreed, some people should never kids, my parents included
10-20 years
people shouldn't bring poor souls into this earth anyway. not when men are seen as trash pigs and that women don't need men since they are stronk and independint.
let this society die. it has no worth.
That is one based cat.
>books and tabletop games>
You must have misspelled 'booze and tabletop games'+ bunch of friends
That's pretty based. My parents just wanted to see me succeed and feel like their job was done, so I gave them the illusion of it and then focused on my own simple life. Still, I couldn't afford to leave my own house for long until late 30s without going full wagey
There is one way...but It might not work. Rehabilitation? Cancelling the TV shows? Like My Little Pony? Hell even Bill Clinton is a man child
I was asked for what I wanted by my family and I told them they don't need to get me anything I'm an adult now. However if they felt so inclined to just give me $5 so they don't have to think about it. I'm now $195 richer, do I feel good about it... I guess
>That pic
You're such a faggot.
Ease up OP, I'm 29 yo, have a well paying job, gf, just bough an apartment. And I still enjoy getting and giving out presents. It's just as me and my sister got older, we started buying parents as many presents. Because yes OP, it is fun to see a small mountain of presents, even when you are old.
It's like some people mistake being old with abandoning fun.
>how can we solve the manchildren epidemic?
Make them fight for their life.
Last console I owned was a ps2 that I got for Christmas in 2002. That being said I'm still a soygoy who plays PC games.
Why do these guys have unusually round heads?
good idea.
Give value to things. If you haven't got them with sweat and blood of your own effort, you don't deserve them.
>Links me
My dad got me a drill for Christmas so I can build a deck for him. He's a cunt.
Gave to my father a very good wine from 1966 (Pomerol) in exchange of nothing.
My grandma gave me $50 in a card even though she's on a fixed income and I make 50k a year. Makes me feel really bad I don't know why she does it.
That's nice. I got shit for my parents last year but not this year. I'm just a lazy shit.
Electronics are an evolutionary honey pot. If you don't fuck, your genes disappear. Numales don't fuck anything but dirty socks.
Or just call up the draft again. We already have laws on the books for that, might be a bit easier than convincing fathers to give up their daughters into nu-male concubinage.
>Makes me feel really bad I don't know why she does it.
It's a way for her to tell you "even when you are a grown up I will still love you forever".
Give her a big hug.
A drill is a great gift you wuss.
There's a good, traditional reason for maintaining the household, so long as you as a young male are contributing actively to the economics of the home. But when you have a bullshit job, are not looking for a wife, and spend all your money on selfish toys, you are a detriment to society.
A good drill is expensive. You can do a lot more than build his deck. You can build a deck for yourself. And renovate your house. Why are you complaining about getting a good tool for christmas?
>how can we solve the manchildren epidemic?
Make the benefits/risks package of being a responsible man outweigh the benefits/risks package of being an irresponsible child?
I don't think I've ever hated a website as much as I do reddit.
I got clothes I mean, My parents earn around 75 to 85K a year but I needed more since I was growing.
I could get more but It's what I wanted
Cat couldn't take the numale faggotry and decided to act.
Based fucking cat.
To fix the manchild problem you have to fix the privileged-but-still-oppressed female problem.
Imagine you've grown up in an era where even the slightest come-on by a male towards females is treated like it's an actual assault, how technology has helped women cherry pick males based on complete superficial qualities (and then listen to them complain that those males are shallow,) and being told you're what's wrong with the world because women are superior.
Now don't fix any of that and still try to "fix" the men. Good luck
I know a faggot that has a kid. He fucked some trailer trash slut and they of course broke up but "stayed friends." Anyways, this asshole is a gamer xD. He acts like a child and he's in his midtwenties. The grandparents are raising the kid while he buys every new flashy gadget and game but yet he can't afford to pay his rent or have time to watch his own damn child. Fucking pathetic.
We need to start shaming so called gamers. If you see people playing games in public, bully them,whenever I see them posting their shit on Sup Forums I humiliate them, they are disgusting
I play games, but in moderation. I own home and I have a wife and family. But gamers xD should be gassed.
She loves you bro. Cherish her while she is here
He looks way older than he actually is in both pictures? 23 years old in the first? That nigger looks almost 30.
My mom used to joke about this to me when I was a kid . Till I was 16 and told her " well yeah , that's cause there's less to develop" She smacked me a lot for that one while calling me a son of a bitch .she's been a teacher for over 30 years now . Females are dumb and I wish I was making this up
Right. Kitty dindu nuffin wrong.