Why are Redditors so retarded?
What are you talking about? He's right. Anyone claiming to be a middle class American that's going to save money under the new tax bill is actualy a Russian bot.
Lol better than whatever obama or hillary delivered.
>you can keep your plan and doctor
go back there
He's a paid shill m8. We're the retarded ones because we shitpost ((for free))
They are children who have been brain washed into believing nothing Trump does is good, the minute he stepped foot into the white house he was immediatly the worst president in History
The board of Jew.
you have to go back
>he says on a board full of children who have been brainwashed into believing that everything that Trump does is good
It's too bad you're not smart enough to comprehend irony because that was pretty funny.
The better question is what makes them so amazingly passive aggressive
The profanity is worse on fourchin but you can just feel the poison oozing off redditors
Agreed, the online calculators that claim you'll save are actually Russian websites spreading disinfo
Only the r/thedolan newfags think like this.
It could be worse for fuirther reading on people who are worse than Plebbit please visit somethingawful.
It's so obvious you pretended to be an asshole on reddit to post it on Sup Forums
We are here on Sup Forums and not on reddit. Most of us here actively avoid using reddit. Stop bringing reddit here.
this but unironically
Reddit has perfected a petulant hostility.
The only other place I see it is unironic #resist'ers on Twitter.
>the best indicators for the average Joe is debt
Sounds like we need another war for Israel.
Complaining about reddit means you go to reddit
Stop going to reddit or just stay there permanently. It’s like thes ecelebs that everyone keeps bitching about. Stop giving them views and stop talking about them if you don’t like what they’re doing.
For whatever reason all the racist, mass murder advocating around here seems playful in comparison to the seething hatred leftists express
Why you posting reddit threads here?
Exactly. The Russians are even going to pay people money to make it seem as if they saved the amount the tax calculators said, so don't believe anyone who says they've saved anything.
That's not retardation, it's emotional
The Jews got them