BREAKING: Paul Nehlen names the Jew
BREAKING: Paul Nehlen names the Jew
I love this guy
How is he going to get past the opposition though? He’s doubling down big time and I don’t have a good feeling about it. Revealing his power level too soon.
Why is he flexing his power level so recklessly?!
He is just memeing, and it will be the death of his career if he persists.
The term "shekels" have hit mainstream now, and most criticisms o Israel are not anti-semitic in the slightest either.
I wish he was more innocuous so that we'd actually have this guy in office.
>try to blend in and hide power level
>get destroyed every time
>openly name and criticize elephant in the room with humor and panache
>get destroyed but shift the Overton window OR succeed
I don’t understand why people think the same strategies that have failed the past fifty years should be the way to move forward. We need more Trumps and Nehlens, and less pussyfooting limpwristed cowards. A quick look at the comments on any of his tweets will show you that his approach is a mass redpill that is far more effective than the normal GoodGoy approach.
It's so cringy seeing these 50+ year old guys desperately groveling for the attention of teenage nerds.
Holy fuck i might regain respect for the American's and their political spectacle if more republicans were like this.
It's a bold strategy. On the one hand, (((they))) are afraid to give what he's saying news coverage, but on the other hand (((they))) can't stop themselves from gawking over any controversy.
Hopefully it works out well for him.
This. No more hiding. Just be honest and straightforward. It's the weakness of the dreidels.
>Jews are all powerful and cannot be beaten so don’t ever call them out or stand up to them, goy
Leave your Jewish blackpills at the Temple where they belong. There are way more goyim than chosen in this world, and they are waking up. People are angry and tired and want real change. Risking your reputation to say uncomfortable truths is the core value of this presidency, and Nehlen represents a push in the right direction.
Instead of wringing your hands and fretting your brow that Nehlen is being to alpha, try instead lending him your energy. We can be millions strong if we ARE strong. Don’t be afraid of voicing your opinion for fear of social backlash; that mentality is a woman’s domain.
>I'm a conservative. I support Israel.
>I'm okay with you being Jewish.
Open question:
>So, why do you insist on calling me a Nazi because I also think #ItsOKToBeWhite
And yet in his next tweet he says he supports Israel.
>jews are ruining your country and you don't want to send them all to a containment state
controlled opposition
Though if he gets destroyed while being as open as he has been it will set a precedent for future office seekers to avoid this tactic.
Yep. Its time to start coming out of the shadows.
This is terrifying to the Marxists, liberals and the jews.
> controlled
I don't think you understand what the term means
He could be controlled opposition, to set an example for us all to not be anti-Semitic.
I get what he's saying, but calling a person "money-for-hire" doesn't make sense.
I don't think you understand how much ((they)) actually thrive on anti-semitism
No the next one will continue where he left off. This is unstoppable now, the only thing to save their asses left is to admitt that they hate civilization, people, freedom, the west and leave while screaming that they are sorry and begging for forgivness
antisemitism comes from Jesus, luther, ford, hitler, it's not a new thing
Every single thread about this guy is laden with astroturf and often concluded with ridiculous arguments that often feel eerily similar to past threads.
At least try not to just replicate the same shit over and over...
No, I dont think you understand that they thrive on conservatives to scared to talk about them
Also its counter-semitism
Yes Jesus was right, judaism is a mistake
I'm going to have to disagree with you. For example if Trump would have lost, the Republicans would have cucked hard. You would have never again see anyone as bombastic as Trump running for election as a Republican again.
has he been truly outrageous? (honest question)
in the sense that 90% of the pop won't touch him with a 10ft pole?
So it beings, actually though.
Thanks Paul for kicking the hornet's nest, it's gonna be fun
It's possible. He has been going very hard on this new tactic and it is a bit concerning. Hopefully he's sincere though.
I just think his full bore tactic is a little fishy
>how to separate opposition from controlled opposition
it's time for them to forget the six gazillion
I remember Kurt following and liking my content on Twitter for months, even reposting my shit on his page a few times.
Then I mentioned the Jew and he unfollowed me and I got banned a few days later. He even went full Boomer-cuck "No one who stands against Israel ever wins!" before rage-quitting.
there's no way he doesn't post here
Is it finally time?
Where were you when you realized Sup Forums has been systematically infiltrating the hearts and minds and organizations of the real world?
Their media stranglehold is crumbling. People are tired of being called racist and "anti-semetic". This could absolutely work.
i see what you mean but how would you approach it? I mean, we can agree that (((its))) a problem worth addressing at a political level, no? Less meme-y?
check out his twitter for yourself, don't ask me to hold your hand
if you can't call out a jew for blatant kikery, you're not an american
white people get called out for violence committed by just about every other race.
you sound like a coward, user
Daily reminder pointing out surnames isn't antisemitism
>dont you have a war to advocate for
not exactly a "dog whistle"
Im not sure if understand.
>re-branding meme magic into soyim terminology to build a case that conforms to your pathetic understanding of reality, while bastardizing the interpretation of actual reality
Wow the boomers who keep electing Paul Ryan will really love this guy, is this some kind of psyop to keep Ryan in power??
For me, it's those fresh off the boat kids. The best snacks for cyber trash, heh. I even give them tips for making it in this cyber sanctuary and they say we're not friendly or willing to oblige.
One time I asked for a debate and a newplebbit namefag gave me three unfunny (you)s. I said, “This ain't a little cuntsucking hugbox!" and the nice friendly Canadian plebbit brigade ran back to their safespaces and said to each other, "We're going to downboat those mean ameri*s somehow someday!".
Now the newfags run away from any kind of REAL intellectual discussion but they never hit the bricks back to their ratcave for good. "Oh no, it's that user that curbstomped us last time!" but they ALWAYS give me three little whiny and insipid (you)s. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere here on Sup Forums, it's survival of the fittest like a thunderdrome. I come here because the light of pop culture is less blinding, and the fucking leafs provide the foliage for this shade. I hope the plebbitier retards don't really make like a tree though, heh, things are different here. You can be a shape shifter or a farmer of memes here.
I even dip my memes in the all seeing all dancing shit of the world, it's delicious!
Who cares. The overton window is opening.
Helicopter rides, not thread slides
It might set a precedent, but then again...nothing ventured, nothing gained. We need risk takers and brave martyrs for the cause. Nothing will ever change until people begin openly discussing the disproportionate amount of bile directed at white people by the Jewish contingent. They will denounce you as a racist for defending your right to exist, with a “hello fellow white people” that is dropped the second it becomes advantageous to revert back to their status as a protected people. They are the sort of people who take potshots from a sanctuary. The past fifty years of holocaust exaggeration and indoctrination has allowed Jews to operate at a power level unmatched in the history of this country. I’m tired of their victim complex bleeding over into my way of life. I am not guilty because i’m white, male, straight or traditional. In their Jewish controlled paradigm, whites are a liability to be extinguished, and that uncomfortable fact has been overtly obvious for the past five years at least. We are obviously an existential threat to the Jewish people, but it is not on account of our cruelty or xenophobia. That existential threat is engendered by their greedy lust for power, left unchecked by our “gentle gentile” nature. We are a tolerant and forgiving people, and they can’t help themselves from taking advantage, which history has shown us countless times. They literally want to rule the world and claim divine right to do so. They will never stop until they ARE stopped, and whites are the only threat substantial enough to fight back effectively in the realms of thought and influence where they wage their most insidious advances.
Jews are not going to play fair, and if you toe the line they will take advantage of l any opportunity they can to knock you off balance and into an early grave: social, political, literal, or otherwise. They cannot be reasoned with, because they do not consider us human, simply put. We are cattle to them.
>I support Jews and the state of Israel
>purity spiraling
>if you’re not perfect, you’re not worth it
This man literally has 1488 followers and is a staunch critic of Jews and an advocate of white nationalism. He is also has potential for change of real import, unlike (((Richard spencer)))
>it’s smarter to denounce an entire country than its people
>if you don’t attack every sacred cow at once you’re not doing enough
>btw at the same time I believe that if you attack Jews or Israel openly at all you are just sacrificing your ability to win and are probably controlled OP :^)
Diary of a mouth breather
>not falling for jew's goy golden boy trojan horse
>purity spiraling
I'm sure the boomerpeded will fall for your con
Paul is amazing, but how can this guy realistically expect to reach the normie voters if he's already naming the Jew this early on? They'll strangle all his media presence and frame him as a raving racist/nazi.
Is there some 4D chess going on here that we aren't aware of yet?
Please elaborate on this brilliant Jewish plan of making everyone furious and woke to their kikery with a “Golden Boy” who does what exactly?
What is the next step after “enrage the goyim and make them realize we are fucking them”? What is the purpose of poking the sleeping dragon? Tell me o sage, what is this ingenious plan of fingering yourself to as a villain to be dealt with.
>hurr boomer
Typical script following shill faggot. Go away.
Trump's political incorrectness combined with the growing race realism movement has made this possible. No more half measures, we must push our ideas directly.
my friends in real life are openly racist. they call the ID channel , "Niggers killing Niggers"
One drunken night I went on a spiel about the dual israeli invasion in our Senate and that the holohoax fabricated their numbers. Never did see them Reeereeeeee like that. One tried to publically shame me, called me out as a holocaust denier. The brainwashing is strong with the jews.
Do you not feel the anger in the air? No one cares about being called an antisemite or a racist or xenophobic sexist bigot transphobe or whatever. These smear campaigns have lost all steam and no one trusts the msm any more. People are angry, and there are many more who are woke to the JQ and are chomping at the bit to have it discussed on a national level.
The entry pill for many is just having ONE singular political figure say “it’s ok to be white.” There are so many disillusioned whites that will easily accept and endorse the JQ conversation solely because they are grateful to have ONE advocate on their side in government.
Never back down. Never apologize for being right.
you tell me you're the one attempting it. my guess it will go as follows
>im your guys jew haters!
>ok now I'm in power the real solution is everything jews want! we need to appease them
>or alternatively, loses on purpose to have Paul Ryan in who is already lap dog
I certainly feel the anger on Sup Forums, but where I live in Atlanta most white people are pretty content about things. Yeah there are way too many coons, but they all work for us and make us money while we administer everything. And they don't riot here like they do in other parts of the US. It will take more than a guy in Wisconsin trying to wake America up to the jewish quesetion to get any sort of reaction from the white southern voting bloc.
>my theory is a blackpill because I can’t stand a nuanced position that isn’t “gas the kikes race war now”
>but then again, if he said that, i’d just call him controlled opposition who is obviously not trying to win and is just collecting names and followers for a red list
>I also can’t imagine why someone would not make as many enemies as possible.
>I truly believe that he is calling Jews on their tactics and attacking this highly sensitive sacred cow so that he can win and do nothing!!!
>I can’t believe someone would want Jews expelled to a containment state and not genocided, even if that person professes to be a devout Christian.
>I want his approach to be as alienating as possible or otherwise he’s a shill.
>I can’t imagine a moderate approach to an extremely sensitive position
>I am stupid
We know
>nuanced position
>spouting memes like a teenager on twitter
yes sure thing schlomo . I want a moderate guy like Nehlen sadly everything points to him being shabbos
Sup Forums has millions of unique visitors per day. It’s highly influential.
Normies aren’t woke yet because it hasn’t breached the leftist controlled social media sphere. It hasn’t breached yet because of soft censorship on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter et al. Did you know Paul Nehlen is actually drafting a bill to hold major social media platforms to the constitutional standard of free speech and that every infraction would incur a $500,000 fine? In other words, if you get “shadowbanned” on reddit for expressing a politically correct opinion, Reddit will be charged a $500,000 fine for denying you your constitutional rights. And this bill ONLY applies to social media platforms with a major market share like Facebook and Twitter, because they control social discourse and are so big they are essentially utilities. If this bill goes through, the normies you speak of will no longer be able to hide from the redpill on their cushy leftist hugboxes.
Pic related 1/2
Read everything i’ve posted in this thread and call me schlomo again, you fucking moron. Jesus Christ you’re thick.
This nigga needs to hide his power level before he ends up dead.
As opposed to what, contInue hiding?
>spouting memes like a teenager doesn’t work!!!!!!!
Tell me how Trump is in office then. Youthful truth and ball busting is the way of the future. No one wants a crusty, staid politician who acts like a holier than thou prude who simultaneously is secretly drinking baby blood out of a mutilated cock for Moloch.
>Essentially making Fuck Reddit a law.
This guy is okay.
What a cunt.
he's doing it again, goys
>mfw he is going to introduce "countersemitism" as a legitimate term in political discourse
Because it's time.
God he is a anti semite how dare you criticize a jew when your president is himself a good Goy
He is single-handedly shifting the Overton window to the right
Jesus tap dancing christ I love this man.
There is no such thing as antisemitism.
Peoples' negative reaction to Jews is countersemitism.
Agreed, you need to elect this guy. His election is even more important than Trump's to be quite honest.
I'm conflicted about this, whether or not he should be revealing his power level this soon. Not even Trump went this far and look at all the opposition he garnered.
People are starting to realize that they need people who will call out the Jewry in all the (((lobbying and laws))).
damn I was a doubter at first but now I truly believe he is /ourguy/! Jump on the bandwagon weeeee
He didn't mention any of these things last time he ran and he got destroyed 84-16
Didn't he already name the jew a week or two ago?
Which is why after Romney lost, you never saw a moderate run again?
>le ebik he's saying our memes!!!1
Watch Sup Forums cry when he gets creamed in the primaries.
I guess you're right, if nothing else at least he's massively shifting the overtone window right.
Looking at his recent tweets it seems that this guy is high on red-pills tonight :)
I think when we switches his followers to 1488 it is a sign he is lurking here.
Sup Forums is jews larping as opposition to jews. they wont give a shit both are in their pockets.
Absolutely this, 1000 times.
It's obvious in France.
After the terrorists attacks in France (Nice, Paris etc...) right wingers didn't exploit the situation because they didn't want to be bashed by medias.
Results : they even have been bashed by (((medias))) an people still haven't been redpilled.