What the F is going on with this site lately?
My browser is crashing frequently, some threads are not even accessible because of that, a strange script is running and my laptop crashed into a blue screen yesterday the first time while shitposting here.
Anyone who knows whats going on?
Sup Forums crashes META THREAD
There is a malicious Script Hiromoot put on here for the shekels. Basically some crypto mining mixed with datamining.
why is noscript not showing?
any evidence?
where is it? (im just on /pol)
My guess is it has something to do with (((them))) freaking out that the curtain is being lifted.
Its all so tiresome
Just hiromoot finding new ways to "support" the site, don't worry about it goy.
Its obfuscated, look at the pages source.
It runs invisible and causes an overflow.
not for me!
so lets BUMP this for INFO
im reading the source....
the malicious script has been removed, and most major adblockers include the sites the scripts were from in their default lists
this guy is a retard who blew in here from wherever on last week's news
ublock origin solves this
Carthage is growing again
>Carthago delenda est
what about this? are you sure, your pc is not full of shit.
everybody not using noscript or umatrix is a faggot
and ublock etc.....
noscript does fuck up the site layout for me. Ublock doesn´t
go away italy pls
sauce on the boat tracking?
Just check any route tracker yourself, every day it's a busy day like that in southern Italy.
Skynet has become self aware.
I deleted system 32 and replaced it with the linux kernel and now everything is unicorns and rainbows
Yeah, did the same, now there is running fresh beer from the dv port.
How does it feel, getting organized BLACKED?
bad i bet