Not okay for adults, not okay for defenceless children
It is never okay to hit your children
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And that's why your 20 something posting from your basement, maybe if daddy hit you more you would be working on the rails or having sex right now.
slapping or spanking your child when it fucks up is completely normal, you sheltered pissant
What would you do if you discovered your child drinking alcohol? For the sake of your answer let's say they're 10
It may be that 'spare the rod, spoil the child' has some truth to it, Op. We don't live in that world of pretty little idealism.
Corporal punishment of children is pan human. Anthropologist studied what they THOUGHT was a corporal punishment free culture, but they just hid it well.
I do happen to be posting from their basement incidentally! However I make a 6 figure salary and have a 8.5/10 wife
FPBP. Also, what sort of disturbing image is that? Does she mean "father figure" daddy, or "sugar daddy" daddy. Man, the shit they are pushing these days.
make him drink the entire bottle
Fucking sit them down and have a conversation about why that's not okay to do. Then take away their iPhone and ground them
>i make 6 figures a year and have a hot wife
Ok user. What the fuck are you doing posting at 11am on a Tuesday then?
explain to him that his actions are bad and why because he is a smart boy and not an idiot - I hope
If you don't beat your kids when they act like little shitheads, they learn to walk all over you, not respect authority, and never learn that their actions have consequences.
These kids become liberals later in life.
pussy answer (as expected from a fucking leaf)
good answer
What did you do when your dad took shit away? Did you reflect on your wrong doings? or did you tell all your friends how much of a count he is?
Congrats, your kid isn't going to your funeral
Number one you're a fucking leaf. you leftists think it's ok for a kid to cut their genitals up. Lastly you get the rope...
Children are under the authority of the mother who is under the authority of the father. You should hit your children as often as you hit your wife, that is to say, rarely.
this is why people keep saying slavs aren't white
spanking is a ritualized rape. girls secretly love this stuff.
I puked so bad when my mom made me do this I was out the entire week feeling like a fucking idiot
She left my puke all over my room and forced me to clean it during my hangover
I cried like a bitch
I never drank whiskey again
I can’t stand it the memory and smell stuck with me forever
So I started drinking vodka
What mom don’t know don’t hurt
This. You can also beat the shit out of them afterwards, if you are so inclined.
Depends. If you are an asshole "parent" and you bully your kids then don't do it.
But sometimes it is needed.
>kid gets plastered
>probably throws up, pisses and shits himself
He wouldn't drink for a long ass time after that
Are you retarded?
My dad caught me smoking a cigarette when I was 10 and he made me smoke the whole pack to teach me a lesson about smoking
Then when I was 15 he caught me smoking marijuana, so he injected me with heroin to teach me a lesson about drugs
Wait, maybe he's right.
user, spank your sissy ass and tell me you like it.
I pretty much got the same treatment. Nicked a bottle of wine and got home shitfaced at age 12.
Dad started banging a pot above my head like a drill sargeant or some shit. Then I had cleaning duty and had to do construction work with him hungover to hell and back.
I didn't drink again until I hit 16-17
What's not to learn from a hangover? My grandfather only had to give my brother a cold shower with his clothes on once, my dad would give us light taps for no reason with his fishing pole (it seemed to us at the time, but now makes perfect sense). The left hates effective discipline. None of these are harmful physically if done with common sense.
This. I knew a guy who stayed the fuck away from alcohol after this dad made him do this.
Did your trophy wife call you up for truffles and eggs? Why aren't you maintaining your thread OP?
This. Teenaged girls always get wet during. It makes you both uncomfortable
and yet here you are
It's hot, you know it's hot, and virtue signalling on Sup Forums needs to be a dead meme in 2018.
This. Reason and logic only work when the other side is intelligent and willing enough to understand. When that fails, violence is the answer.
Anime has ruined the western world
Japanese are the real jews
We wouldn’t have colored hair feminists if it wasn’t for otaku culture infecting mainstream
and wamen are children. that's why you don't hit wamen. they are children. they have zero responsibilities. they shoulnd't vote
I can’t argue with this
My old man constantly beat and berated me while I was too little to hurt him back, and guess what: I also live in a "basement" (of the commieblock variety), and I am still what you would call a basement dweller. But of course you know better.
That's all fine and well, a good spanking is important, the problem comes when you actually beat the shit out of a kid. All in moderation ya feel?
Yeah, they'd be normal haired feminists.
No you shouldn't chimp out at your kids over petty things. You should however be able to give your kid a slap on the wrist as a last resort.
>Not okay for adults
It is if you're being attacked
Yo isn't this some underaged Aussie schoolie cosplayer?
Beating your kids is good parenting.
Note: When I say beating your kids, I mean a gentle slap to the face, bum or shoulder. Not punching the shit out of them or kicking them to the ground.
Every generation that came before beat their kids in some way or form and each time the kids grew up just fine.
Millennials are the only generation in the history of man not to get a beating and look how shitty they are. Whiny, entitled little bitches who throw a fit when things don't go their own way.
I'm a millennial myself but my mother would often spank me or use the slipper every now and then when I misbehaved.
Honestly, I think I turned out great.
> Right wing
> Stright
> God fearing
> Programmer
> Buying a house at 23 (cuz I know the value of $)
If people beat their kids, they wouldn't grow up to be a bunch of pussies.
Prove me wrong faggots.
I don't object to people not hitting their children, I object to people not disciplining their children.
You can even successfully hit your child without instilling any discipline whatsoever. It is also possible never to hit your children and discipline them.
But feel free to boil down everything into this false dichotomy even though doing so is just advocating for two different kinds of child abuse you complete fucking faggot.
Ok? Your dad is what's called a child abuser, there's a difference between spanking your kid cause he broke the TV and beating him because he said the gravy was cold.
When your kids are in trouble or make a mistake they'll never talk to you. Don't be surprised when you know nothing about them and they keep secrets.
Your dad is a bad teacher then, heroin and cannabis are not exactly similar.
Wut, you know that only happens with lefty parents right?
The reason the kids hide and walk all over the parents is because "what's the worse that could happen" no kid whose been spanked or hit in the past would risk having it happen again for a couple drinks.
So you agree penetration is violence.
> stright
Shut the fuck up
>It’s the day after Christmas
> thinks anyone successful is working today
>Wut, you know that only happens with lefty parents right?
citation needed.
>no kid whose been spanked or hit in the past would risk having it happen again for a couple drinks.
Was hit for drinking and did it again, just learned to lie and be better at sneaking around
Leaving this thread now, but check out the fact that literally all the evidence is in opposition to spanking.
>Children who are physically punished more often tend to obey parents less with time, and to develop more aggressive behaviors, including toward other children.
>This increase in aggressive behavior is thought to reflect the child's perception that hitting is the way to deal with anger and frustration
This. Nogs beat their kids, and they usually turn out pretty terrible.
markets are closed on boxing day you clueless NEET
I'm sure some doctors are.
>Niggers destroying statistics yet again
Children are the property of their parents. Parents can literally sell children into slavery.
Usually most failures in life say "MY PARENTS BEAT ME AS A BOY AND I TURNED OUT FINE".
I usually ignore such quips but sometimes I cannot resist and retort with "Funny. My parents never beat me, and I turned out not only fine, but better than you!".
It would be your fault and proof that you failed as a parent.
Most intelligent post in the thread. Any post after this post and my post are low IQ NIGGERFAGS!!!!!
WAIT, I'm a low IQ NIGGERFAG!!!!!
I left out the "A" but you should still know what it means faggot.
>citation needed.
Google gen Z time frame then Google when it was made illegal to hit kids, its pretty simple
>Was hit for drinking and did it again, just learned to lie and be better at sneaking around
Prime example of tree hugger behaviour. Hell, i wouldn't be surprised if all you dad did was slap you and you've been digging your self a deeper and deeper hole each time you tell this story.
>Leaving this thread now, but check out the fact that literally all the evidence is in opposition to spanking.
So your leaving without looking at my reply? That's pretty bigoted of you don't you think?
Literally just the dictionary definition of child abuse, do you expect me not to click the links you send?
I think its good to spank your kids as an example of the ultimate punishment. Note I say spank, not beat.
Like if your kid steals give them a few spanks and make a big deal about it. Dont hurt the kid but ceremoniously punish them
As far as disciplining a child you have to get them to value self control. My grandfather would only take his kids out with the family to dinner when they were old enough and could understand being polite. Incentivise good behavior and punish bad behavior
croatbro knows whats up
we ain't niggers, we know the limits.
one mildly weak slap usually does the job.
Just finished skimming that article, you know its written by one dude on his own beliefs right? Did you not read it? Or maybe is it because you don't expect anyone to actually have a paid membership?
Beating a child black and blue is quite different from smacking them upside the head, spanking their ass or slapping their hand away.
Millennial soy boy nu-male feminist faggots is what you get when you stop spanking kids. They become emboldened and entitled.
Sounds like you were a cunt kid; I did reflect on my actions when I was punished.
If you wasted your time-out time seething and then whined about your parents to outsiders then that was your problem; not all kids are ungrateful pricks like that.
What do you propose then, that you just let him drink away and become a spoiled brat because you don’t want him to think you’re a cunt?
Also stop phoneposting
old school answer right here