Hi Sup Forums Muslim here

Hi Sup Forums Muslim here.

I just want to tell you that Islam will save the white race from their own selfdestruction.

>Teaching you to be man instead of little video playing, anime watching, bitch boys.
>Teaching you that usury(The tool of the Jew) is evil.
>Making usury illegal. (Sharia)
>Teaching you how to put woman in their place.
>Teaching you to stop worshipping poop dick.
>Teaching you how to stop wopshipping youself
>Teaching you how to worship the one true God.

Be like the cartoon character you love so much, Naruto, and submit to Allah.

Just say Shahada:
lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh
(There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.)

And you too will be Muslim and ready to save your own people by serving Allah.

Other urls found in this thread:


>teaching you that violence is the only answer
Islam is a religion for man children who can accept the fact not everyone agrees with them and want to live their own life.
Example A: this thread

Islam is all for racemixing you arab subhuman.

>Islam is a religion for man children who can accept the fact not everyone agrees with them and want to live their own life.

Why are you so mad Justin? If you disagree with him he wins.

But if you're an IQ 85 Arab, odds are any race you mix with improves the Arab breed.



Have fun reading

>Fucking goats and little boys
>Blowing yourselves up to kill innocent people because they're more successful than you
>Trying to invade Europe, enslaving people, killing and brutally subjugating everyone that doesn't agree with you
>Bitching about the crusades
>Calling people you're invading racist
>Having multiple little girls as wives
>Ideological totalitarianism everywhere
>Have little value for human life
>Lie to unbelievers to spread propaganda
>Most extreme double-standard for degeneracy on earth

Tell me again how Islam is moral?

Fuck off. You idolise a child raping desert warlord who heard voices in his head, inspired mass colonial violence and your rates of inbreeding are through the roof. Islam is fucking cancer and should be erased.

>Teaching you to be man instead of little video playing, anime watching, bitch boys.
>Be like the cartoon character you love so much, Naruto, and submit to Allah.

>dont watch anime; be it
t. desert wise man

fuck off islamic flith


>Muslims save Whites with Islam
>Whites wage jihad on the other Muslims for not being true Muslims
>conquer the world a second time
Thanks bros!

How to rape kids
How to wipe ur butt w ur hand
How to spazz out when someone says Islam not religion of peace

Hahaha Islam is so fucking retarded

>stln ur goat puzzy th bst

The only use you have is if the toilets are full.

>worships a man who used 9 year old girls as cum rags

Of course it'll save people from being self-destructive. It's pretty hard to be self-destructive when someone else is destroying you.

fuck of sand nigger


>sand nigger religion
No, abdul.

Spanish man destroys Muslim after reading Mohammed vs the people

>that picture

Revert to islam

Islam is for nigs and libs... Fuck off!

>islamic countries apart from those with oil are poor as fuck shitholes


>white privilege

In additon to this all of your prophets "Revelations" are entirely self-serving, you literally teach the opposite of what you say.

didn't Aleister Crowley said how children are a source of energy to keep on living? It is this energy that they keep on getting feed which creates and end game. Sick phucks!

>Wanting Sup Forums in your religion

You realize that 90% of Sup Forums will be soft idolatrous Nazis who joined so they can get a carte blanche to fuck with liberals, right?

On this note, why isn't Sup Forums mass converting to Islam to make Islam look bad?

Islam is the path brother Shia islam is the Path!
please dont put kaffir cartoons with out Holy religion

Whites don't need your demonic false religion. What they need is to go back to Christ

>"completely change your culture and destroy your heritage, that way you'll preserve your heritage!"
Lmao what a retarded image.

Islam is not in my top 10 religions

>Making usury illegal. (Sharia)
Now, it's hard for me to say, but I love my dogs more than I hate usury. Fuck off.

>why isn't Sup Forums mass converting to Islam to make Islam look bad?
There's already enough libs doing that. Besides, none of us are sliding that bomb vest on, are you?

>Putting on a vest
>When I don't go outside

What would be the point?

perfect opportunity to use this

You smell of piss
GTFO,paki pedo piss drinker

>islam will save bodies, enslave minds
unironically kys, faggot

why is Sup Forums overran by [[[muslim shills]]]?

In both of these pictures, they are offering the hand that they wipe their arses with (and they don't use toilet paper).
