Redpill me about racemixing. Why is it bad? I need some good articles about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing is wrong with racemixing. I'm marrying a first generation Jamaican immigrant. She is the most traditional woman I have ever met; she is an amazing cook, keeps a meticulously clean and organized home, and wants to homeschool our children so that the failing public schools don't ruin their minds. Find a white woman who fulfills these qualities and I'll give you 0.1BTC
I appreciate your pics but it's fucking nothing
it hurts because it's true
I have a white, traditional gf
Nothing wrong with it. It creates beautiful diversity.
No, marriages between blacks and whites are still disgusting
Rejection from both side of families. Or families both insist on their ethnic culture on child, thus he would be conflicted by both side of culture.
so are white women
jews don't smoke
>lying troll
>I appreciate your pics but it's fucking nothing
this isn't a serious question and a bullshit post further polluting the board with more nonsense
> niggers ruin everything they touch
any questions? You would have to be blind AND a moron not to see that
No niggers, fuck em', I don't want my sisters or daughter bred by some fucking disgusting monkey, their, that enough for ya OP?
pretty much summarizes the negative health and relationship consequences. You're welcome.
You WILL feel the storm of you're "diversity is gud Durr" comment any time now. Just wait till this thread gets attention.
You need to live for extended periods of time in countries with a majority of mixed people, like mine. Only then can you have an informed opinion.
Well for starters you are mixing race with a lower IQ human known for having temperament issues whose prone to committing crime. Then there is the fact your child will be an outcast due to being a mixed race child getting the worst genes possible. Black genes are dominate and wipe out not only good looks but also health and IQ. Your child will identify as black and never white, remember blacks are lowest class humans on this planet and universally hated by all.
I understand this
Give me a proof that all nighers have lower IQ than whites
>all nighers have lower IQ than whites
are you TRYING to make this a Nigger Hate Thread?
how can you not tell this was a joke?
>lower IQ than whites
Just come to visit us, we're safe and full of nice vacation spots.
Here you'll make your mind on this topic. I won't try to be bias abut it, but I think the reality is 50/50 as for example proved by Chile, a country that is 70% mestizo but it is in a really good shape compared to México or the Middle East.
Come here for two months.
1 Euro=20,00 ARS (Argentine Peso)
Nothing but the real thing to get you redpilled.
How do you feel, my negroe, when a white, rich, gated community, 1st world living SJW tells you she/he knows more about your country than yourself?
I think 90% of normie confusion and weakness about race is for their living in an homogeneous 1st world area. They just can't believe how racist we are, to them we are like aliens.
Believe whatever you want, user. At least I'm actually going to spread my genes to the next generation while you sit around waiting for a woman who doesn't exist.
In Poland? I believe it. Poland is one of the last beacons of traditional white women on earth.
Actually only after posting that and I feel stupid now. I didn't respond cuz I was lazy. Sorry.
>alarmist bullshit
>0 sources
Troll harder, faggot
Death to ZOG!