Just found out this is an actual book
Has anyone reddit?
Just found out this is an actual book
Has anyone reddit?
ive read it
not stephen kings best work
Why do people read opinion pieces when they could be reading facts?
Heard she got purged for getting too close to the menes.
>"Sites such as Sup Forums and reddit fostered online right-wing communities that spilled out into internet journalism"
Why are you here then? Do you like the opinion of autists?
(((Data management))) is part of my job.
100% plebbit tier, kantbot did a good article on it.
Go away, Angela.
It's a shit book and the only reason it's getting any attention is because she shilled the FUCK out of it on reddit and Sup Forums. Like the UN report or the exploding vans this is yet-another-outsider's perspective on Sup Forums, commenting on it without any actual understanding of what it is, how it works, or why it is the way it is.
If you're looking for something to read, there's no shortage of literary classics to spend your shekels on. Don't waste your time with this fucking op-ed tier trash.
it's a partisan attack on the people who made mark fisher kill himself masquerading as an academic study
I already bought the book you cunt
I actually readditt
Honestly not bad, authoress skank had a point of view that doesn't match mine but the ho makes some good points
Worse than "Huckleberry Finn", lightyears better than "Wha Hap-happened!?!"
post her tits
The big Irish lass is right; I just want to be held.
I reddit every day.
I read it. The old socialists calling out the SJW was a step in the right direction.
The SJW wing of the left has made left-wing politics toxic for white males and Nagle and the Zero Books crew are trying to fix that.
>Nagle and the Zero Books crew are trying to fix that.
They are doing a shitty job, if that is the case.
The Zero books guy are still unable to say that pro-whites have some good arguments, so you can't read or listen to him, and find out why the pro-white movement is growing.
Nagle is not quite as bad, but she too is unable to say that we are correct on some of the things we say.
>Honestly not bad
She fell for the MSM narrative, so she focused on Milo and the men's rights movement, in stead seeing the pro-white movement as a result of the knowledge accumulated on WN 1.0 boards.
Her criticisms & deconstruction of the tumblr/commie/far left psyche & movement was honestly attempted, if flawed
Its not /ourbook/, she tried to be evenhanded, its not a propoganda or hit piece by any stretch
A decent loo read
>she tried to be evenhanded, its not a propoganda or hit piece by any stretch
It was an attempt by the brainwashed to be even handed, if she tried at all, because she is unable to explain to her audience that pro-whites have good arguments.
I don't think she have even managed to say that we want white people to survive, so she continues the commie tradition on lying about your enemies on general principle.
Remember when all the nazi/communist/white privilege/white nationalist and general fringe movements were contained to just internet memes?
Sup Forums and Tumblr wars spilled into real life. Feels bad.
Most on the old guard left agree that working class whites do have legitimate grievances and have been ignored and humiliated by the costal elites for decades.
kantbot did a good review
>Most on the old guard left agree that working class whites
That might be true in private, but NOBODY will admit in public that the white working class exist, and that we have a right to exist in the future.
Leftist orthodoxy still see the white working class as a tool for integrating muds in the name of global justice, and they all push for punishment for the uppity whites that protest their own genocide.
Its not Top 1000 /lit/, don't even know why I'm defending the slut, but:
>she is unable to explain to her audience that pro-whites have good arguments
user, (((nagle))) was bretty fair, at times complimentary to pol/
She's not one of us
She tried to explain us
Culture at large is not our echo chamber.
Don't expect our talking points defended by a leftist
>user, (((nagle))) was bretty fair, at times complimentary to pol/
I have listened to her public speeches on Jewtube, and while she might not lie about us, she still don't explain so the audience understand why we have had such an explosive growth.
It's for instance true that White people will stop existing, unless immigration is not stopped, and she is unable to even mention that we think that it's true.
>she still don't explain so the audience understand why we have had such an explosive growth
No, if you were looking for a full 1488 explanation as to the alt- right "explosive growth", kill all normies is not the book
But her analysis was balanced and fair from a "normie" perspective
She was just as critical of the left as she was of Sup Forums and plebbitt