why do americans glorify soldiers and veterans?
Why do americans glorify soldiers and veterans?
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Because a lot of us have watched our military blow the shit out of shit on television.
I think it's a knee-jerk overcorrection for how we treated Vietnam vets.
they need to internally rationalize why it's okay to send troops to all the shithole countries all over the world and killing the children there.
Because the guy in that pic has done more shit and for this country than you could hope to do for your country in 4 lifetimes faggot.
For Israel, you mean. I'd understand the glorifying bit if they actually fought for US on your own soil but all US seems to do is poke ME with a big stick
>muh holy books promotes it
>dmb mericns
Wasted tax dollars on absolutely nothing?
Hes still made more sacrifices for something bigger than him or you. Keep sittin around being fat and shit posting though. Youre doing good.
Quit being an idiot, there is no one more anti government and anti military then ex-vets. There is a reason so many of them off themselves, they realize they where sold a package of lies. There is nothing glamorous about the current state of the US military, it's become an abomination
There is truth to this, but there is nobody more patriotic than a vet either. They want their country back as bad as we do. I'm not talking about single tour "vets" who joined up for gibs either, they're the reason our military sucks dick. I'm talking veterans, who actually answered the call and were lucky enough to come back.
>Hes still made more sacrifices for something bigger than him or you
By that logic there's nothing wrong with Jihadi suicide bombers you fucking idiot.
Well I guess that makes it clearer than it can possibly be. Order followers and Statists are just religious faggots like the muslims. well done.
You are irreparably bluepilled you complete and utter fucking faggot
you're not even an anarchist, nigger.
Im a vet and I think the glorification is absurd.
Found the soyboy
>There is nobody more patriotic
Being anti US-military and patriotic are complimentary these days, not contradictory
This isnt Israel, user
He's right though user.
Their only big attributes they have is their nose and pockets and that is it.
>something bigger than him or you.
Aww did you listen to the commies again?
If the US didn’t treat them like “heroes” how would they convince the young and dumb to enlist?
you're right, we should turn our admiration to the brigage of transsexual twinks, advocates for anal rape and the practice of spreading AIDs and other degenerate virus until we're all sick enough, physically and mentally, to be equal
gotta give them an excuse for that ptsd
Because they do what needs to be done so your behind can sit here and post!
>Not liking one bad thing means you must like this other bad thing
False dichotomy
That's the point I was trying to clear up. They want thier army back. Most people that served 20-30 years ago want the millitary back, fuck these soft faggots who can't even do PT.
Capitalism can't exist in absolute anarchy, since anarchy is the lack of all structure. It is litteral tribalism. Every member of my family has killed communists in various wars and conflicts over the years, hopefully I get to do the same.
>Implying any conflict over the past 100yrs have been in defense of homeland.
Because our troops actually win wars and could destroy the world if they wanted. Maybe this should be a lesson to the rest of you, step up your game or get stepped on.
I'd go as far as to say that not only do modern military personally not defend the homeland. They actively endanger it by serving as invaders
>any military
>not fighting for israeli causes
I respect their abilities, but their goal is always against ours.
Rich coming from the continent that is falling to Islam.
Because they give their life away for their country
>That's the point I was trying to clear up
>They want their nation back
Ah alright, and yes true
Glorification and sacrifice are seperate though. It always made me uncomfortable to be told "thank you for your service".
Fighting for America means fighting for that you know regardless if the soldiers military want it that way or not.
No one has ever enlisted to "fight for Israel" you retard. We glorify them because in our eyes and theirs, they are risking their own lives to better our nation.
why do frogs glorify faggots?
you once did
>thinking warriors and mentally ill freaks, indoctrinated by their parents, who inturn were indoctrinated by kikes, thinking these two materializations should be regarded as equal
this may not be news to you, but oyu're retarded
>It always made me uncomfortable to be told "thank you for your service"
That's a natural response, most of the public has absolutely no idea about what the military even does.
>Fighting for a government which goes against the interests of the people is still fighting for America
>Despite America being founded upon the basis of doing the opposite
>soldiers take orders
thats why they call them, 'soldiers'
you can aruge that being a soldier is no different than being born gay, although being born a soldiers is less unnatural
the only good post here
any sane vet would tell you they felt like they were used as pawns and think the glorification is awful
they fight so the government doesn't force me to and thats good enough.
>Two bad things must be equally bad in order to be rejected
>He thinks modern day military are "warriors"
You're out of touch with reality user, go ahead and look up what percentage of personal ever see or get anywhere near combat. Then realize the small amount who do ever get close to it, is from IED's or small arms fire during patrols. Patrols in a desert wasteland we invaded for no benefit to the American people. There is nothing honorable in what we do you disgusting faggot
you have to be atleast 18 to post here
you retard
If your military was great you would cheer them on too. This conversation would be different if the shoe were on the other foot. All I hear is sour grapes because you can't stop the US military. People bitched about the Greeks, the Romans, the Spaniards, the British and so on. This is nothing new.
you are a huge fucking faggot and you should keep your retarded, naive and narrow, shit opinions to yourself and lurk moar.
>Going full MERICA FUK YA
Pro military civilians are so cringe
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein. #praisekek!
Because joining the military is for a lot of people an objectively bad choice so our society engages in some collective dick sucking in order to influence people on the margins to make the decision to enlist and go step on some land mines
t. Schlomo
Public is brainwashed to put vets on a pedestal and celebrate them every minute of the day so dumb hillbillies out of high school will crave the respect and join up. It's literally propaganda initiated by our armed forces to fill their ranks.
Advice: don't join the military unless you're low IQ not fit for anything else. Everyone I know who joined ended up regretting it later in life. Go to school for business or engineering instead and make bank. Buy weapons and get training. Make yourself as fit as possible. You'll be 100x more useful than some military grunt.
Fell free to leave if you don't like it. Your liberal opinions don't work here, even democrats understand how valuable the military is and aren't stupid enough to let that power go.
we wuz lawd of da rangz
>Unironically utilizing 'if you don't like this country then leave'
>Even Democrats like the military buck-o
>But you're still a leftist for viewing it as bad
Like I said, cringe. How about this, you give me a specific conflict we where involved in the last 20yrs and why you think it was a good idea for the American people.
Naturally all people should aspire to power and success however people mostly don't want the responsibility.
I glorify vets because I've seen and heard what it has done to my own family (ww2). They trade a lot more than just their own lives and I don't think there is anyway for an 18 year old to possibly comprehend the extent of what they are getting into, and how it will affect generations to come. The atrocities that take place and the decisions they have to make are things that will never cross any of our minds. Taking lives, for any reason, kills apart of you.
That's right go to college and be burdened with debt and filled with LGBTQHDUIBGE++ education and communism while you work your retail job. Yes college is far better than the military.
Because its alpha as fuck to mow down villages of enemies and then smoke a stogie afterwards.
Since America is alpha as fuck we like alpha as fuck things, like I mentioned.
>Rus making fun of Americans for being controlled by jews
>doesnt realize his country fed and built the jews ultimate weapon, communism
They think soldiers are patriots and heroes. They don't have the stones to call them what they are, broke niggers looking for a government check.
Fighting for Israel so niggers can collect food stamps and we can be the most imprisoned populace on the planet? You must have an extra chromosome to believe that shit.
>user specifically says go to school for finance or engineering
>That's right go for liberal arts categories
>Being this retarded
What defines America the people or the values? Often people who fight for values tread on the people and people who fight for other people find themselves betrayed.
Opinions or facts? Neither of you has offered any citations. But I'm inclined to believe him over you. The military is no longer for the people's benefit. It's to prop up a corrupt government filled with corporate politicians after their own agenda.
I'm a vet, I joined not because I cared about the wars, but because I wanted to develop the skills of a warrior and live the lifestyle, knowing it would benefit me later. I don't care what or who the fight was for. Only pussies come up with the lame excuse of "muh zionists hurr durr!" You're all on here like you're going yo overthrow the government or fight in some civil war, but without any training, how the hell do you expect to accomplish anything?
why cant euros go 1 day without obsessing over americans
Taking lives only kills apart of you if you where unjustified in doing so. There is nothing wrong with taking a life in a necessary situation, such as in defense of self, family, and homeland. Most vets hate themselves because they know what they did was not the right thing, they where the invaders, they where the bad guys in the situation.
>Taking lives, for any reason, kills apart of you.
blatantly untrue, special forces soldiers and others who take active roles in combat aka killers very rarely get ptsd.
It's normies who get blown up and shot at while they're trying to jerk off and collect my tax dollars that typically get ptsd and they deserve it.
All conflicts are good, they keep young people employed and busy, it also lets them travel the world and see what they want to do afterwards. The alternative is to stay home unemployed or burdened with student loans.
their economy relies so heavily on war that they literally can't stop or they'll face collapse, they're propagandised to think war=good and soldiers=heroes, whethers in most other parts of the (civilised) world the army is for school drop outs with nothing going for them.
I mean for fuck sake they literally make their children start every day of learning by worshiping the flag and pledging their undying allegiance to it, they're a nation of cucks
>What defines American, the people or the values?
Both. America as a nation is defined by the people who founded it, and their descendants. America as a people is defined by the people which compose it. As a nation we're a bloated corpse, as a people we're a rotting tumor.
Soldiers are retarded murderers looking for a quick shekel because they couldn’t make it in life.
They will burn with all the others on the Last Day.
We are a nation forged by war. Hell, our country was literally founded by war.
Americans have been glorifying war for our entire existence. We have been at war for the majority of our existence as a nation.
We don't expect toothpaste looking pussy nations like yours to understand.
You never went to college have you? If you did you would know that half of your classes are GE classes (GE is general education, because you don't know). You are required to take GE classes with your degree as part of your graduation requirements.
>Sending troops over to fight CIA funded terrorist organizations
Wow really gets my noggin joggin
>Conflicts are good because they kill off young people and provide welfare
People like you should have no influence in deciding a nations future. I also asked you for a specific conflict over the past 20yrs which you view as good. If I understand you right, you're saying all of them without fail are good. Do you realize the implications of this position?
Many ways America is just a defied reminder of what is in the past past and the dead.
>All conflicts are good, they keep young people employed and busy dying for Israel
Ignore that repetition of past there.
Some of us don't.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of your flag if your nation that it represents is a good one. Nationalism is only bad when the nation is of poor quality, it prevents the people from seeing and addressing the problems.
His nation was forged by war too you idiot. Every European nation has experienced more war and blood shed then ours has.
If there is only war, then when America's competitors are defeated it will turn on itself.
>Ignores my point entirely
>Doubles down on non-Finance and engineering components being apart of the problem, of which I did not object to
It obviously works because the UN pays our country for its military. Its the youngest country and has how much foreign control?
I'd say nationalism is always stupid and very often bad. Why be proud of something you haven't personally achieved? I didn't choose to be born white or male or in the country I was born in, I can be happy to be these things but to have a sense of national pride? Horse cock, and to make children pledge their allegiance to a flag when they're not even old enough to understand the implications of what they're saying? Absolutely ridiculous
Really makes me think.
Vietnam, the end.
Any american would gladly kill their entire family with a blunt knife to satisfy schlomo. USA was built to saitsfy schlomo and americans know it.
>America is defined by a past, whose core qualities are now dead
I agree, we tried to fix the problems too. First Hamilton, then his federalists, then Whigs, then confederates. There has been a lot of problems to address the problems of this nation at every step.
>while Hans is doing the exact same thing for Mohammad
he's just a trooper in the kike's army of goys. and we have to waste tax bucks on trash walking around in camo
Tell me, do you know where your modern comforts come from?
>1300ft ships
Came from the iron hull Monitors of the Civil War
Came from military need for short travel
>Aviation advances
Came from military need
>Space travel
Came from rockets used to bomb other forces
>Interstate system
Came from a need to mobilize troops fast.
>Advances in medical treatment
Came from the Civil War and WW1
>Advances in automobiles
Came from the military
>Computer and internet
Came from the military
>City design
Need for defense by home forces
Everything you see is a product of war and the military.
Yep that s why the biggest donations went to RON PAUL from vets