>marrying an Amerimutt
what the fuck went wrong?
>marrying an Amerimutt
what the fuck went wrong?
nothing desu senpai shes a qt and miles above any slag we can offer him
My guess is he wanted to rebel. The royal family of the UK is not even English though
He got blacked. We truly are the kangz now.
america was a mistake.
blow that shit up it's time to take arms and PBUH
We'll the first thing that went wrong was him being born into royalty.
>Harry's only way to be a KANG is to be engaged to a nog
She's also a divorcee ex-stripper
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Ya it sure was a mistake for the British empire to get irreversible btfo by 5000 rednecks and some french seamen.
Her head is huge
>implying you wouldn't
both of his former girlfriends were leagues above this 56% divorce 36yo amerimutt
is this real? can we get some footage?
Smokin' hot... and an excellent taste for fashion...
Tbh thier baby will be white/pale/ bright becuse he is white and she's kinda bright.
> persistence hunting
there wuz no way harry da inbred could run away
a clear cut case of blimey guvna givme one up the shitter
Better, but
>still an actress
>still like 1/8 black
>fucking doctor who reeee
Don’t worry, Elizabeth Philip and Charles will have the brakes cut on her car before she can do any real damage.
>>marrying an Amerimutt
>what the fuck went wrong?
Does she still have her Obamaphone?
Inbred royals like the boipussy
did someone explained her what will happen when she will ask him divorce?
EQII is a trained car mechanic
I don't get it, she looks white to me
Probably whiter than any euromehmet too
Can't argue with those numbers, yo.
MUH rothschild
MUH race mixing is good goys
mix mix so we can kill you all together
what the fuck happened to spurdo sparde? or is the amerimutt the evolution of the amerigan bear?
who knows. why you would marry an older woman is beyond me, especially when he could literally have had any woman in the world
>marrying a ex-stripper Amerimutt who is a serial divorcee
He's got brain problems. At least his wise grandma made him sign a prenup.
90% of American men would have passed this chick by.
imagine their roleplay
>still like 1/8 black
>I don't get it, she looks white to me
Kill yourself
She's not American.
What difference does it make, he doesn't have royal blood anyway.
A Jew matchmaker set them up
That won't happen, she's too old and royals don't want a mutt in the family
doesnt the house of commons get some say over this or something? I mean don't they have any checks or balances?
guy doesnt care much about royalty and tradition. He said multiple times his best time was when he was in the military. Said he isnt fond of the royal tradition and would like to change them.
probably why the Queen is so adamant on staying in charge, but respect to the guy, seems like a cool dude.
I think choosing an American woman was a knee jerk reaction the slim pickings of his homeland. Regardless of her niggardry, and mutt divorcee status, it is still quite the step up from the natives.
Pic very related.
I have none. But does she look 100% white to you?
How does it feel to destroy your royal blood before brazilians?
Get some help asap.
the ginger wanted a darker girl. I would have snagged one from spain, not this lady.
100% pure anglo
As an American, yes.
Kate is such an angel
how is anyone supposed to take that family seriously
you dont say? any pics out there?
I should have also mentioned
Mutts are the future. Embrace the future or perish with the past my friend.
She gave him the Sheboon We Was Kings vagene
She looks huwhite to me.
Yep, she is absolutely perfect wife material. At least the kids who will one day inherit the throne will be hers and not the nigger's.
My ex worked in a clinic that she visited.
She had the markers for cervical cancer on her pap smear.
That was 2015, and she never followed up, so we don't know what if any treatment she had.
Cervical cancer is very treatable if caught early but usually leads to infertility.
>what the fuck went wrong?
Oh shit.
Cum on 'Arry, slip it in me black fanny!
Is tradition betwen the royal british to marry amerimuds for money, un exchange they get a nobility status
Interesting. It would make it a lot more understandable that the royals gave their consent to this marriage if they knew she was infertile.
Her eyebrows are emphasized and her eyes are brown. But everything else, her cheekbones, her jaw, her nose looks white to me.
Overall I have no indication that she has got black blood in her. Some Indian, Lebanese at most; that's harder to tell apart. But many Brit girls look like her.
Remember, Boris Johnson's grandfather was a roach.
She's definitely a water breed.
why did you crop that and not post the original?
She also already had a divorce. He probably could've got any girl he wanted and he settled for that.
Scientists have determined what Prince Harry's muttspring would look like and it's stunning.
Kate Middleton is a used up roastie. She's an obvious party slut. She has the haggard look, bad skin, even compete with the eyelid ptosis of a drunken whore.
>can literally have ANY woman in the world of any age
>chooses an old infertile Amerimutt mulatto
>recommended by a jew
>can marry anyone
>pick a sheboon who is old, ugly, and divorced
>She has the haggard look, bad skin, even compete with the eyelid ptosis of a drunken whore.
Literally every Brit.
who has the make off app?
I bet they're going to adopt lots of brown babies.
what the fuck is wrong with him
that's exactly why she was chosen for the role... she's like "everywoman, UK"
Would they be considered a legitimate part of the royal line, though? That's what really matters.
>The royal family of the UK is not even English though
No European royal family is of the country they rule over. It's a consequence of the concept of royalty. Also, not all of the UK is English. UK =/= England.
Jenna Coleman ?
She was supposed to marry him ?
Subhuman ginger doing the right thing by mixing his cuckold genes with superior blackness
Can't wait for the royal wedding menu.
They need their own contraction, like Brangelina, or TomKat. Maybe Haghan?
Oy vey whatcha say goyim are you being antisemitic ?
this black chick has already done the following:
>skin bleaching
>makeup to hide her boon qualities
>used goods, divorced
imagine how ugly their kids would be
She's not looking bad but fuck an amerimutt in royal family god damn...
The kids will be le 78% face, not that bad actually.
better then your kids in that they will actually exist someday
I'm not a redhair bastard like harry
im not breeding with an ugly black bitch
your girl is ugly. deal with it.