I think it's fine 'cause have it to humankind
1st Januar: Marihuana will be legalised in Cucklifornia. Sup Forumss opinion?
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Now I know the real reason my roommate went to Germany.
kys OP
Normally I agree with legal everything (ban banning!!!) but in this case I'll make an exception. California should be burned to the ground and then shovelled into the ocean. The animals that absorb the remains should be collected and ejected into space. There is no place for their kind amongst cultured humans.
dude i don't even know i'm so high right now lmao
Takes money away from afghanis and cartels. It’s a good thing.
It's been basically legal here forever. If you got caught with it the cops would just take it from you. Unless you had a shit ton of it on you, they wouldn't even arrest you.
Heul doch Judensau
dude weed lmao
Not the worse thing to happen down there. Besides, weed use can’t spread HIV.
This might be a prefect experiment which will end any kind of discussions about weed if it people get sick because of marihuana.
btw are there any companies which are going to open a web of their weed markets?
>particular arrangements of atoms are illegal.
I don't live there so why should I give a fuck? Medical cannabis got legalized in Germany more than half a year ago, recreational will follow eventually.
New Jersey will legalize within the year as well.
our government shouldn't be concerned with pot unless the case involves international smuggling or violence
that being said stoners are still useless in practical life and though they don't deserve jail they don't deserve respect either
I'm not sick tho
meh weed is okay if you're not a spaced out stoner who latches his entire personality onto it.
Weed culture is Lvl.99 Degenerate
Cali looks to the future while flyover states are still puritan hellholes
A gramme in time saves nine!
Tetradotoxin,batrachotoxin,amatoxin,polonium,botulinum toxin etc
>make 'bad' things illegal
>criminals break the law
Just wait a bit, ugliness will be added to DSM soon.
If you look at all the indications for medical (more than 60, including depression and sleep disorders), there's lots of stuff you could try to fake. I suffer from both, but for the time being you are supposed to try out all sorts of pharma bullshit before getting a prescription. So I'll just wait 1-2 years, it's not like I can't get it anytime I want from the black market.
is insomnia and appetite loss grounds for a medical card?
I'd say depression but muh guns
Over here it is, dunno about the US. Probably depends on the state.
possession of any marijuana is actually an A (sometimes B) class misdemeanor
punishable by 0-365 days in county jail
cool huh
in my state, that is
over 28 grams or so is at least evel 6 felony
In order to answer if marihuana has harmful affects of human health we should further investigate. You can say if it is good or bad just by chemical predictions.
It will put a dent in the drug cartel profits
no one is going to buy shit mexican weed
I just got two problems with drug laws
>legislating morality
>actually being triggered someone smokes a plant.
smoking weed does NOT violate the NAP
unless you smoke someone else's weed without permission ,of course, dude
If the U.S. issues a Patent on medicinal properties . It must do something. Isn't that how patents work. I just feel like this issue is a more "Its a Drug & I can't be wrong cause I'm smart & pot heads aren't smart"....argument. cigarettes used to be good for you. The media told you pot was bad...mmmkay. it's just another Red Pill to swallow it's a plant get over yourselves.
Better than the tobaccojew
>>legislating morality
otherwise known as "laws"
killing is immoral but so is destroying society by giving kids free heroine.
You've met your fellow countrymen correct?
Yeah. If you can convince people that your insomnia is preventing you from working your job, etc. then yes. Appetite I'm not so sure about.
Have fun trying to patent a plant. That's why they make plants like cannabis, coca and poppies illegal, otherwise the pharma industry couldn't make dosh with their shitty replacements.
The only drugs the government should be concerned about are opiates.
Dealers should be lined up on the wall.
you forgot your flag
Yeap. The three largest industry supposing marijuana legalization are the paper and textile industries because of hemp, the tobacco and alcohol industries because of a superior competitor, and the pharmaceutical industry because of a competitor that they can't patent.
>that they can't patent.
lmao yeah they can.
Reductionism is bad and you should feel bad.
I doubt that will happen in the immediate future. The recreational marijuana states do not even allow sales to other recreational marijuana states. So, Colorado does not sell to California even at the wholesale level. All the marijuana you buy in a recreational state MUST be grown (and processed if it's in edible, concentrate, etc. form) in the state.
That is because interstate commerce is still regulated by the federal government.
They can patent their GMO strains, not the plant itself.
>gm some weed to grow super quick
>btfo street dealers with quality weed at a fraction of the cost
>make gorillions selling "medicine" and pills to niggers
I live in socal and use a vape for weed.
>there are shops that already sell weed with just an ID and filling some paperwork
>getting weed was already ridiculously easy thanks to weedmaps
>some shops will still require you show a marijuana card to smoke even after the legalization goes into effect
>there are people under 21 who currently work in dispensaries who will lose their job because they will not be permitted to work in the dispensary after the legalization takes effect
>contrary to popular belief, this taxes CA takes from this, will only be used to regulate weed more heavily...rather than actually using that money to solve our disastrous homeless problem
>a vape for weed
So you can look like an even bigger tool, you degenerate hippie fuckbag?
The entire reason I use the vape is to not look like a tool you idiot. It's small, odorless, and more pure.
The moment you take a hit from a blunt, bong, pipe your clothes are fucked and you'll wreak of weed.
oh... When next time NASA will launch it's time capsule you must write a letter with this words:
The only state to blame for is California , it has doomed us all.
My extracts will be the exact same purity and strength no matter how quality they can grow it.
Will put a lot of niggers out of "work" so more stealing. Fuck it, I leaving this shithole anyway.
>there are shops that already sell weed with just an ID and filling some paperwork
which ones bro
Can't wait until the DEA drops the hammer on those hippies in Commiefornia and starts arresting growers and dispensers while charging them as suppliers and traffickers.
I'm glad so these fucking Californians leave my state.
t. Coloradoan
>periodically suck on a petite robot penis
>not a tool
> Takes Money from Afghanis and Cartels
> Both of those groups produce Heroin
You Stoners are fucking Retarded.
>I can grow weed as quickly as a genetically modified weed plant without having that genetically modified weed plant
>see random objects as penises
>not a faggot in the closet
I love how people argue on one hard that we should be able to say whatever we want, we have the right to bare arms (Even in Canada, just not nice guns), we can go sky diving, and climb a mountain with no harness......
But how dare you smoke a plant
People should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others. We can smoke Cigs, and get hammered, why not pot?
Doesn't matter is it's degenerate. People are degenerate, and being a degenerate is your choice.