fuck this is scary... are we losing the culture war guys? we already are useless in the real word where leftists reign supreme. we cant lose our online foothold. FUCK. why are they so fucking smart
Fuck this is scary... are we losing the culture war guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
>A fedora Lenin is literally seen as positive memeing
Whoever wrote this clearly doesn't know the left cant meme
go back to leftyfaggots
>seize dem means of production. Just for the tip of it.
>are we loosing the culture war?
maybe but it doesn't matter because we gonna win the race war, becaue niglets and arabs can't aim straight for about 500 years.
Are those "hip memesters" 40-year old DNC operatives, or just teenagers who never had sex or been drunk in their lives ?
>april 2017
>meme culture is literally rightwing
>leftyfaggots are delusional
That's fine. A meme's popularity is driven by how funny and/or truthful it is. Once you get into memes, you want to see the places where the dankest memes are created. All it takes is one visit to the chans and you're here forever.
you will lose, just like you did in 1945 cunts.
>marxism popular with people with the intelligence of children
It is the truth, liberals are basically completely in control and alt-right is the last hopeless resistance which will whimper and die.
99% of Sup Forums is trannies posting futanari hentai, so one of (((us))) indeed.
These memes are so 2010....
The memes of production is an alt right meme kek
If anything it's turning teens into Nazis.
wow so scary almost turned into a commie for a second what a good meme fedora blunt glasses LOLOLOLOL
except the alt right began because of overwhelming leftist control. After years of Obama era liberal circle jerking the right wing became the edgy cool outsider group. The pendulum will continue to swing back and forth until a balance is found.
how can their memes be real if their banter isn't real
Im afraid we are losing. When the real war happens, either the marxists will win and society crumbles utterly, or we win, but get pecked to death even further by more cultural marxism. Society has to fail entirely, with all of its infrastructure razed to the ground to convince would-be marxists of a mans worth
>meme culture
Kek this shit is so cringe, memes happen because they are true and funny. Marxism is false, equality is a false God. Marxism isn't funny, it ends up horribly starving every country dumb enough to believe it will work.
>hey i read some random article, it must be true
If someone has to write an article is is by definition a forced meme. The left is the millhouse of memetic politik.
Proof that the left is incapable of memeing