Blumpf is finished.
Blumpf is finished
Fake news. Sage.
I always said, as soon as faggots start shooting lasers out of their assholes, the right is in trouble. This is it boys, BTFO!
WTF. Awoo is over. Im voting Dems next time.
The sad thing is that it is real. "Laser assholes spell trouble for Trump Presidency"
yes, because faggots shooting low power lasers out of their asses will remove a GOD EMPEROR
Trump will remove the undesirables soon
Dump is over guys
Any video of this? Looks hilarious
>LGBTQ+: We want to be taken serious! We are as normal as you
Another victory for the right, too easy
This can't be serious.
Did we put them up to this?
Yes, too easy
Does anyone have a link, google brings up no results
This can't be real...
Somehow archive and/or didn't work on this link
All I want is faggots with frickin’ laser beams attached to their assholes
Wrong link, my bad (equally degenerate though)
bad optics
Why did you have the wrong degenerate link in your copy cache?
user, do you go around reading these articles for fun?
>user, do you go around reading these articles for fun?
>He hasn't taken the blackpill
>I'm gonna shove a laser cannon up my ass, that will surely show drumpf that he's wrong.
fake, but not hard to believe some liberals would do this
You shills are doing a great job. Such a damaging blow
what the fuck is wrong with the left
Omg lol I found it
like attacking others for having the wrong religion?
Little Gril and Boy Touchers
Homosexuality is not LGBT. LGBT is not homosexuality
t. NatSocHomos
Jewish influence is an amazing thing.
>I made but one prayer to God: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it.
This is the LGBT community; the same group of people that have a subset called "bugchasers" who crawl around on all fours in porno theaters to find used, semen-filled condoms to eat and shove up their asses with the hopes of getting HIV, then try to spread it through subterfuge or outright rape.
You really think sticking a medium-powered laser up their asses to protest something they don't like is beyond them?
>Lazer Anus
That's a breddy hunky name for a band.
I used to be a paleo conservative Christian traditionalist but after seeing this display of degeneracy, I hate Trump now and am a #KamalaMissile.
Indeed. The level of too easy, with everything, has me a bit on guard. The kikes are not smart, all claims/evidence which support the idea of them being smart are the result of kikes stealing inventions from goyim. But I am reminded of the art of war... Never underestimate your enemy, when you are strong make your enemy think you are weak.
The kikes constantly making nuclear grade mistakes and/or being easily defeated... In order to ensure victory we must examine every angle, so that we are never surprised, so if we look at the unlikely possibility that them constantly failing is all part of the plan, what plan of the kikes could involve them constantly failing? Only thing I can think of right now is their constant prophecy mongering. They want to force prophecy to happen, and "the world uniting against israel" is part of their witchcraft prophecy.
hangings or roof tossing is more the standard for defective humans
Y tho