Is porn responsible for the nu-male epidemic?
How can a young boy become a grown man when his testosterone and dopamine are depleted every few hours?
Is porn responsible for the nu-male epidemic?
How can a young boy become a grown man when his testosterone and dopamine are depleted every few hours?
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It’s good because it allows you to ignore blood sucking whores who just want to have your children so they can take your money
porn is so romantic
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Do people really need porn to wank? Can't you use your imagination?
I use my imagination fine. I also have a giantess fetish
Porn makers and porn actors should be hanged.
based manu
Porn is more efficient. I can easily be done in 10 mins.
That isn't how testosterone works. You shouldn't be wanking every few hours anyway you fucking degenerate.
There have been studies that show jerking off slows testosterone production, so OP is not wrong.
this. Hf with your brainwashing pr0n and pre-scripted situations wired into your brain
I don't know if that's true but I do know that my voice gets a lot deeper when I refrain from fapping
>testosterone and dopamine are depleted
10/10 b8 m8 you must be some kind of scientist
Porn is for the weak
lol, this broken fuckin' porn slut. These bitches are busted on every level.
God I hate this joke species.
Same here, it's been a month and my voice is deeper.
I have to use my imagination. Because unfortunately i have no source material from YOUR MOM, faget.
Would say yes and no from my own experience.
Porn feels emasculating but i don't really have anything to lose and there is far more to blame for that.
Just do 15 days lapses user!
ffs is not that hard anyways, and when is time, you're so fuckign horny that you don't need porn.
If you're such a waste of a human being, fine! then do once a day. Then once every two days, then every three days and so you get to the 15 days.
There are NO EXCUSES.
She's playing a pivotal role in the destruction of men. Millions of men wank to her everyday.
>i don't really have anything to lose and there is far more to blame for that.
Your dignity? Your masculinity? you yourself say it is emasculating, you have this to lose!
Isn't that excessive masturbation though? I tried nofap for 2 months and felt literally no difference.
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.
Dignity is a more and more a loser game nowadays. What is dignity worth when you try to defend it just to wake up alone in your 30'. Masculinity isn't also that important when you don't have to be or aren't considered a man to anyone.
> Millions of men wank to her everyday.
yet I've never seen her before in my life
>Is porn responsible for the nu-male epidemic?
No, single mothers are.
Why are people looking for any excuse but the truth?
your evidence that porn is bad, is some fake meme picture you made? lol?
Nofap is a meme. Every time I try it I swear my test levels drop and I feel shitty
Jerk once every 2 days and you'll be fine
>What is dignity worth when you try to defend it just to wake up alone in your 30'. Masculinity isn't also that important when you don't have to be or aren't considered a man to anyone.
But what about yourself and your God? If you have nothing else, no family, no friends, think about your ancestors at least. Don't disappoint them user. Dignity isn't something you can take away by force, you have it or you don't.
lol dude, if a Jew says porn is bad, you probably shouldn't argue with it.
So you're gay.
That's not an achievement anymore.
yeah if theres some weird effort to make people stop fapping (ie no fap and all the no fap spam) then its probably because fapping every 5 minutes would make us gods or something
But yes, agree
I jack off 2-4 times a day.
I'm probably addicted to it.
I also have enough testasterone to repopulate Japan.
I don't know if it's because of the fapping.
If I don't fap for more than two days, I'll end up raising an army and conquering small cities by the end of the week.
However, I will literally be unable function in society. Try going to the store and buying a cup of coffee when you have the constant urge to plant your seed and/or your foot into everything that moves.
Porn is the only thing keeping you safe from me.
No, I'm straight,
It's pretty easy to get laid in this day and age,most men aren't even interested in women or men for that matter.
Also, porn is super gross. It's just videos of strangers bodily fluids splashing everywhere anymore. Also, watching another dude fuck a chick is pretty fucking gay in my book
>that pic
>Is porn responsible for the nu-male epidemic?
No, feminism and estrogenes in our food/water supply is.
I watch porn but avoid ejaculating. That way I train my stamina and afterwards Im raring to go with a roastie
You just sound like any hormonal teen.
Because you’re on Sup Forums
>implying that's an effort by the jews and not a natural response to their bullshit
I'm 30.
Exaggerate more, faggot. That is every guy. You’re not special.
> >Goyim, goy gentiles, P-porn is b-bad goyim!!
Let's say i have it.
Question is why would i want to keep it and die alone.
Then you should busy yourself having kids.
the porn industry has wrecked that woman.
now this is swedeposting
True Story bruh.
>Question is why would i want to keep it and die alone.
You obviously don't want to die alone, but keeping it just seems like a given, since not having it is depressing.
>you wank to her million times a day
fixed it for you
He can't keep getting away with this.
I know that feel. I jack off before work, after work, and before sleep. On weekends I jack off more. If I don’t jack off I become a complete animal. I basically hit on every girl 5 or above who I encounter. I do this at work, at the gym, or even in the street. If, god forbid, I abstain from jacking off and then consume alcohol, I will instigate multiple fights for literally no reason. My T levels are too high and I can actually contribute to society by fapping. If I don’t fap I become a lunatic.
> The American in blood and flesh
I literally know nobody else as rabid as I get without fapping.
Financial stability and shit.
I am planning on screwing this 20 year old college chick. So probably gonna get there.
Having it and dying alone is also depressing and given. Some people just don't "have it" in life and no amount of dignity will help me getting out from that hell-hole.
Of course i will not proverbially sell my soul but every passing day its more and more tempting.
Thing is that with enough retrospect your mind plays tricks on you, difference between Dignity and Honour and just plain ignorance and naiveté erodes quickly.
To be more specific. Im out of sexual market. Period. So how should i deal with my libido if not fucking porn and whores?
>Is porn responsible for the nu-male epidemic?
It's more just because people are fat. Above 12% bodyfat you will start to see declining testosterone and increasing estrogen. Average numales probably have 20% body fat.
Cool blog post, faggot
>he masturbated to women getting fucked by other men
Porn IS cuck mentality anons, set yourself free.
There’s plenty of evidence that porn is bad. But it seems that you fell too deep in its spell...maybe one day you’ll see the light
>every girl 5 or above
Take a seat right over there.
They just aren’t as loud about it as you.
>porn is the only thing keeping you safe from me.
Fucking cringe. Kill yourself.
>I will instigate multiple fights for literally no reason.
I've actually been there. Well, I got the other guy to start it when he tried to fuck with me.
Why is everyone's face so fucking annoying when you don't fap.
Fuck off, belgian pedo. Go back to your dungeon.
Are you a nigger? Can’t guys learn to handle it
So why are you so autistic?
You should read some Michel Houellebecq, you could probably relate to him. Maybe become Catholic, I don't know? How "out of the sexual market" do you mean? Uncontrollably ugly, or are there things you could change with grooming and fitness?
Is anybody else scarred for life at the fact that the act of ejaculating into a woman, the old-fashioned and still most common method of conceiving children, is now referred to as a “creampie” thanks to the jewish pornographic film industry?
You're not a real country
What exactly suggests autism in my posts?
Now THIS is shitposting.
Muh six zillion-brazillion! What an antisemitic thing to say.
Not even a nigger, but my T levels are dangerously high. I have thick hair covering every inch of my body. My torso, ass, thighs, legs, lower back, upper back, chest, EVERYWHERE. I didn’t ask to be born high-T but it is what it is. At least I can pop a boner easily. Hell, I’ll jack off five times in a day and still get rock hard for no reason.
Porn is for losers.
thisThere is nothing physically wrong with fapping.
Lets say both and some more.
Also i was Catholic and i don't think i will go back. Im not non-religious but i do not want to participate. Its hard to explain without getting extreme so i will simply say ill pass.
Thanks anyway, its good to hear or read something actually trying to help and chip. Even if it usually doesn't help in long run anyway im grateful.
> Internal ejaculation shots are a comparatively recent development in pornography; they are not found in early pornographic films. The use of the word creampie to describe such scenes originated in U.S. pornography in the early 2000s
> early 2000's
Shit, you're right.
All sex acts have had goofy names since the beginning of civilization. And people have always been raunchy
Roman graffiti
>I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
III.5.3 (on the wall in the street); 8898: Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
VI.16.15 (atrium of the House of Pinarius); 6842: If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
VII.2.18 (vicolo del Panattiere, House of the Vibii, Merchants); 3117: Atimetus got me pregnant
Stay mad burger
Esti virgin coaie?
No problem user, just don't give up!
>Stamps on jars of garum. 2569: Kosher garum
It really must depend on the person. I have a wife. She's into all sorts of weird stuff. We both watch porn if work gets in the way for a couple days and we haven't fucked. I lift everyday at the gym and am in the best shape and also biggest I've been in my life. (I'm 27). And I smoke week occasionally. My diet is pretty fair. My testosterone is fine. And I run my own business. I really do think porn can be dangerous for some people who can't control themselves. Some of you guys like to fear monger a bit though. As long as you're not a delicate bitch about everything, I think you'll be fine.
make it every 3rd day and you will be a God
Plenty of studies show it causes erectile dysfunction in men as young as 18. But keep being a good goy with your limp dick
I don't think people with a lowT have much of a sex drive, so I don't think that's the cause.
I use my imagination most of the time because it takes longer to find a scene then line up your climax with the money shot.
People who masturbate are faggot primitives. Masterbation is a perverted fetish just like homosexuality. If you like stroking your own dong/fingerblasting yourself then you most likely enjoy doing it to others. Therefore, you're a faggot
this married-self employed annon knows shit, I want to be you in 2 years, currently 25 starting my own business and seeking gf to marry her
Gross, anything that doesn't allow you to look your wife in the eyes while you copulate is Jewish trick to destroy marriage.
It's even funnier that impregnation is considered a fetish.
Nu, dar nu-s exact un chad.
N-o sa umblu, toata ziua la birt si sa fut curve.
well, to be honest thats the only thing I disagree with him, he spends the time and energy to go to the gym but not to make love to his wife, I mean at least a quickie of 15/20 would be alright
Thinking about going nofap (I’m currently about 1x day) - should I anons?