Some say LOTR is based since Orks represent Jews, Nigs attempting to exterminate whites.
However, I think Tolkien could also have meant the Nazis, since he lived through WW2.
What do you think, Sup Forums?
What did JRR Tolkien mean by this?
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Jesus christ lurk moar but ill spoonfeed ya this time.
Orcs- niggers
Dwarfs - jews
Hobbits - the british
Elves - the germans
JRR tolkien spelled it out himself so there is no need for speculation.
kek you fucking retarded rütli-cunt.
ofc he tried to make them look like nazis.
tolkien is a fat autistic kike-loving britfag that copied old european sagas to make shekels. pol is too young and too autistic to get it, hurr durr muh lotre is muh redpill hurrrr
Probably he tought about them don´t know but the most important is that LOTR was the last based epic film with truth euro folk, legends, mythology, european medieval chavilary, and so on. The meodern SJW and anti whites will never let something like that happen again
>Elves - the germans
t. delusional mutt
This is correct but you are implicitly misleading OP into believing Tolkien's work represents the Sup Forumsish narrative. Dwarves do not lead the orcs, for example. The book was heavily shaped by his experiences in WW1. The bonds of brotherhood, an alien and inhuman evil, with a mythical European spin
>[citation needed]
I think it's a book of fantasy and fiction, and only a schizophrenic would follow such a thought process.
>Dwarfs - jews
Dwarfs break their backs building massive mountain cities.
When's the last time you saw a Jew pick up a shovel?
Lmao, no dwarves dont lead the orcs but they are more than willing to have another race fight their battles for them only to then immediately stab their allies in the back just for the sake of some diamonds.
You fools. Why dont you read the books. Fyi tolkien wrote this after world war1. Not world war 2.
>Hobbits - the british
>Elves - the germans
wtf are you smoking? The Rohirim(The humans from Rohan) are Tolkien's depiction of Anglo Saxons. He wrote them to be horsemen because the Norman victory in 1066 is oft attributed to the lack of skilled cavalry in Anglo-Saxon warfare.
He didn't mean shit, it's a children's book. Only Varg reads it.
Have you ever heard of the pyramids?
You know that not all fiction has a base in reality right? Jesus christ some of you nerds are such wierdos
>The Rohirim(The humans from Rohan) are Tolkien's depiction of Anglo Saxons. He wrote them to be horsemen because the Norman victory in 1066 is oft attributed to the lack of skilled cavalry in Anglo-Saxon warfare.
>he modeled skilled horsemen after a group of failed cavalry riders
Yeah this right here. I get that the jews are compared to dwarves because dwarves like gold and lost their ancestral homeland, but the comparisons end there. Jews didn’t even work at Auschwitz. They’re a race of “thinkers” who are incapable of doing actual real work. This alone should be reason enough to consider extermination
Turks. They represent filthy shitskin Turks...
You are forgetting he based the dwarven language on hebrew.
You wrong, because nazis as well organised and pedantic, also arrogant in relation to other beings (races), so they are elves. What about orcs - they are are ugly (because racemixing, lol), unorganized, irrationally evil because of bad living conditions, so they are likely to be communists from Soviet Union.
>Dwarfs - jews
wtf I love Jews now
> Orcs - Mongols
Europe has a long history of being attacked by hordes coming from the East, Orcs *also* represented that ancestral fear.
> t. Antifa projecting.
39-45 :)
Orcs are literal demons. Elves are men as they could have been had they not fallen in the garden of eden, auasi-angelic beings meant to forge the path for men to take over. Dwarves are the unsanctioned but adopted children of God created by the angel of earth and artifice. Numenoreans are Atlantean. Men of the West are their mutt descendents after mixing with northern, western, and sourthern europeans. Easterlings are eastern europeans. Wainriders are gypsies and/or mongolians. Southrons are MENA sandniggers. Variags are black niggers. Gandalf is an angel, Sauron is a fallen angel. Morgoth is the devil. Wargs are hellhounds. Ents are giants with treelike qualities meant to safeguard the forests against too much destruction. Druedain are little celtic cavemen. Hobbits are just a stunted and simple northmen, so britons.
Sauron was Hitler? Hitler did dark magic? He's coming back after building his secret army? Is Obama gandalf? Is Hillary frodo? Is this a ridiculous reach?
The orcs are you, mutt.
saurons evil army hordes are muslims like in the real world.
thats why sauron eye tower has a islamic halfmoon
>You are forgetting he based the dwarven language on hebrew.
You have a source for that? This is very doubtful due to the fact that hebrew is a fake language of recent creation. When Tolkien was writing the lore, the hebrew language was in its infancy and only spoken by a handful of Zionist fanatics in mandatory Palestine. It had only been then-recently “reconstructed”. Prior to this the ancient jew language romaticized as “hebrew” had been dead for over 1,000 years. Nobody knows how it was pronounced and the written version lacked vowels. The unbiased even admit that it wasn’t a distinct language but merely a dialect of Aramaic. The script is Aramaic, no controversy there. Yiddish used this stylized Aramaic script before “hebrew” ever did. Ancient “hebrew” is Phoenician (including the script).
In truth, jews have to language or script of their own. They simply always borrow the one from their hosts and then pretend it’s their own language. Spanish becomes Ladino. Eastern German becomes Yiddish. But hebrew is 100% a fake recently invented language. The jews are a race of pathological liars, it’s probably genetic
>needing a source on the internet
Christ kiddo, here ill post a screenshot so you wont even have to click a link
Hobbits are Irish. Tolkien was a Catholic, so he had a soft spot for manlet potatoniggers.
It's supposed to read like a prequel to most of the Bible. Silmarillion expands on the story of Genesis. While the Bible takes place in the middle east primarily during the reign of men (the fourth age), the story of adam and eve is alluded to in the Silmarillion. The men came out of the east and were tainted by the devil's tricks immediately after their awakening. Just read all those books all over again and wrap up your literary journey with the bible. Jews and niggers and germans and nips and spics and british people are all subraces of the mannish children of Illuvitar.
orcs are hungarians from when the Huns were still nomadic
Minas Tirith is Vienna/Augsburg and the siege is based on the famous Battle of Lechfeld
they dig for gold even if it kills them and unleashed war unpon their people
>Fyi tolkien wrote this after world war1. Not world war 2.
"The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, (...)" -wikipedia
Not sure if bait but he began writing them in the early 30s which is before Nazis were taboo
Nope. You obviously don't know much about the British. Hobbits represent rural English.
Yeah it's based off of comfy countryside "shires"
No matter his stance in the 30s, after britain was bombed he had no love for hitler.
Also he liked jews to an extent
Remember "chunk"? This is him now. Feel old yet?
Semitic in general, not specifically hebrew. Semitic is a language family encompassing all of the non-IE middle eastern languages (including northeastern and eastern Africa to an extent).
He also applied this to words like Roharim which has a semitic plural suffix. This actually kind of bothers me but it is most likely a flaw do to his Catholicism and the fact that the jew testament falsehoods and lies is apart of most every Christian bible. These books of jewish fairytales and other holocaust-tier jew stories that never happened have muddled and confused the entire Catholic world for far too long. It’s time to tear them out and burn them in a glorious real holocaust as well as burn all of the jews themselves for their crimes and blasphemies
True. Dwarves are warriors and builders. Kikes cannot be athletic.
Fuck off, Mordor is Russia.
>playing modern WoW
just stop...the good version of the game (aka vanilla) is going to be released again by blizzard. wait for those servers.
We wuzz slaves and sheitt
Fuck off nigger there are no allegories in LOTR. Orcs are orcs, Dwarfs are Dwarfs, Hobbits are Hobbits and Elves are Elves.
Haradrim/Southron are arabs and the Easterlings are asian. There is no evidence that orcs are meant to be niggers because that would make no sense in the context of the story. Why would he include all of the races but then make the most powerful and effective warriors of Sauron inexplicably black and meant to represent niggers?
Orcs are just evil, corrupted elves. There is no deeper intention here. Dwarves are jews though, Tolkien said it himself.
Suppose Tolkien didn't live in Britain during and in between the two world wars. There is no way his story would have been the same. He relied upon his experiences when writing his stories, that's for sure, consciously or subconsciously.
>orcs represent jews
dwarves are the jews
Orcs represent orcs you dumb fuck. LOTR isnt some fucking shitty allegory for the real world racial or political relation its just fucking fantasy. Tolkien himself even said that.
LOTR was based on WW1 not WW2 even though retarded boomers map everything evil to WW2 and their retarded popular culture.
Sauron can be seen to represents industrialization that is threatening to replace Man with simulacrums whose purpose is only to further industrialization. If anything, he underlying threat is closer to ted kazwinsky’s manifesto, the message being to resist the black pill against all odds and use the human spirit and brotherhood of men to triumph over these forces that would rob us of humanity and the magic of human experience.
never could decide if jews were elves or dwarves
> don't care for the company of others
> stay in their caves and dig their geld and gems
>chosen master race
and obviously hobbits are irish not british
race of men are british
This is the essence you should take out of Lotr
>The meodern SJW and anti whites will never let something like that happen again
Write your own stories. Start your own production companies. Film your own movies.
The right-wing are the entrepreneurs of this world.
Hollywood is a tumor ready to burst, shrivel, and die.
LOTR is an allegory for WW1, a war that Tolkien not only lived through, but actually fought in.
Tolkien fucking hated analogies.
If he was still alive and you asked him about this in person he would tell you that the secret meaning in his books is that you specifically as an individual are a fucking faggot.
Orcs were described by Tolkien as asians
Orcs are race traitors corrupted by capitalism (the one ring).
no only the orc/human rape babys
Tolkien was christian. Was based on the bible. People of the east were riding elephants. Men who arrived by boat were Asians. Men of the west is western culture. Armies of Mordor emobided evil men.
Isildur was david and Aragorn the promised Messiah. Not failing to sin and fail as his father. The promised king. Of the israel and all men.
Minas tirith is Jerusalem. City without a king drawn into the final conflict when all nations gather to battle and the messiah arrives and supernaturally takes the throne and prophecies are fufilled
Much as I agree with equating Orcs and blacks, Tolkien explicitly said LOTR was not a WW2 allegory.
Orcs are debased elves (created by Melkor/Morgoth)
If Elves were the chosen race how come their god and creator made humans later on and deemed them his favorite species. Elves probably are like the Germans actually. Once great and proud reduced to nothing in the future from foreigners in their lands.
for those people that follow the "Dwarves = Jews" theory, they should also note that Tolkien stated that the Dwarves were not 100% good, that on occasion certain tribes fought for Sauron or Melkor, or simply fought against Elves/Humans for their own benefit (though not necessarily for Sauron or Melkor).
This would then imply that Tolkien admitted that not all Jews are good, that frequently they're the bad guys.
It should also be observed that Dwarven cities FREQUENTLY became the homes of orcs, e.g. Mt. Gundabad, Khazad-dum, and many smaller cities in the Misty Mountains and Grey Mountains.
Something about Dwarven culture was conducive to Orc culture, just as currently Jewish controlled cities tend to end up as dens of degeneracy and filth.
Saruman is the Jew that was always with his secret agenda.
Tolkien described some orcs as negroid, and some as mongoloid. Not like the movie ones.
Dwarves got some jewish influence but not like the metaphor of Saruman.
Men of Gondor and Arnor are White men of an advance wise civilization like Rome or Greece.
Rohan men are Anglo-Saxons with horses.
Elves are the ideal of men in the ancient tales, like the hellenic ones.
Hobbits are simpletons that demonstrate that simple folk can do great stuff if their heart is pure.
I think it was all of them, he wrote in letter that the orcs resembled "the least lovely mongoloid types" or something along those lines
you are delusional.
Rohirrim are Slavs
Lol do you really think they will release that old good game? I'm sure they will remake it in the modern way maybe they will even add nigger skin colours for elves and others.
However I'm waiting this game.
Gondor and Arnor reminded me more of Roman Empire.
Western Roman Empire splintered and finally collapsed, just like Arnor splintered and finally collapsed.
Eastern Roman Empire survived much longer and held off the eastern hordes for centuries, just like Gondor.
Wrong, Minas Tirith resembled Constantinople and Mordor was Turkey.
Look at these maps and notice how similar the shape of Mordor and Turkey are and the position of Minas Tirith and Constantinople.
Also, the numbers of orcs and men in this battle are roughly equal to the fall of Constantinople. About 6.000 defenders and 200.000 attackers.
in LOTR the outside enemy (orcs or sauron whatever) doesn't really matter. They're the enemy.
What matters is the internal struggle. The temptation to will to power.
>However, I think Tolkien could also have meant the Nazis, since he lived through WW2.
He was asked about this and vehemently denied it, the books had nothing to do with both world wars.
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein. #metoo #msmblackout
Germanic tribes would be more like Beornings.
Lol, not really. The Rohirrim were based on Germanic tribes. They stood tall, blonde and blue eyed and had a warrior culture. The thing is though, many of the elven races were also based on Germanics ( Nordics more specifically) and one was also based on Finns. Numenoreans were influenced by the old English people
The shire has the best music.
Some of you are forgetting the linguistic aspect.
>Ork and black speech follows grammatical structures of Turkish and eastern languages
>Dwarven language is based on Hebrew and Aramaic
>Rohorrim based on anglo/Saxon legendary heroes
To be fair Tolkien held an ardently Christian world view (shame) and it is reflected in his narratives and choices of symbolism
If you had actually read the books, you'd know he didn't mean it to be an allegory for the war.
and Elvish based on Finnish and Welsh
what did he mean by this
> Tolkien's novels were allegories for contemporary events
Tolkien didn't like Ireland, he felt a malignant presence over him when he went there, and he thought their language was ugly.
Middle earth looks nothing like turkey on the world map you literal mongoloid.
Tolkien said that his stories was in no way transferable to current events. Any connections found was pure coincidence.
Not sure but linguistically Finnish is part of the Finno-ugric language family i.e of common ancestry (at least in part) with Turkic languages. Orks too speak a Turkic grammar based language, could be an allusion to common ancestry of elf and orc.
Welsh and Gallic could be that they are related to the ancestral ancient languages spoken in the British isles. (Showing the sheer age of the elven culture when compared to other races.)
t. memeflag nigger
lotr is about a lot of things
of course it is influenced by WWII as it is influenced by mythology and XIXth century industrialization
It's pointless trying to figure out "orcs represent X" etc...
The WWII thing sort of make sense with gondor being england (the shire being romanticized english countryside), rohan france, mordor germany, the elves being the US etc...
This thread is one of the cringiest on /pol in a long time
ya, jews werent even there at the time they were built
the orcs are obviously the ottoman turks
look at the map of the bad guys/good guys, pretty much mirrors the ottoman empire during the invasion of eastern europe
>Elves probably are like the Germans actually.
With the dwarfs being the ones defeated by the elves and thus being vengeful this makes the most sense actually: dwarfs = jews, elves = germans
>Tolkien described some orcs as negroid, and some as mongoloid. Not like the movie ones.
So you are classifying certain traits that Tolkien attributes to orcs as 'negroid' or 'mongoloid'? Or how do you mean that?
>4560421 [Reply]▶
> Some say LOTR is based since Orks represent Jews, Nigs attempting to exterminate whites.
> However, I think Tolkien could also have meant the Nazis, since he lived through WW2.
> What do you think, Sup Forums?
Jesus Christ do like 4 seconds of research before you come with idiotic ideas. The only vaguely anti Semitic things about LotR are the Dwarves and Dragon Sickness. The second one is a racist stretch that Tolkien wouldn't have made.
That's irrelevant when know for a fact the first books were already done by the time Hitler came along, you fucking kike.
This is from Tolkiens own words as a professor:
>"As I was writing I really felt the real life influences of our own daily lives. Basically the Orcs are based on the nogs, elves are the gooks, dwarfes are kikes and the hobbits represents us humble british folks."
There you have it. Pure facts. I have no source