Will japan ever top re zero


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In before ledditors claiming this isn't the greatest anime of all time

Maid Dragon is airing right now.

In before ledditors claiming this is the greatest anime of all time.

>flop dragon

Japan will never top WW2



>implying the source material is any better
Sourcematerialfags are the worst.

Will Sup Forums ever top this thread?

ohhhh blue maid girl make me wanan cum

Have you ever read it or are you just gonna be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian?

A masterpiece of shit.

is she blue you mean, or her dress? friend

no. there will never be a troll as big as re:zero

I read the first book and it was trash, just like most LNs.


Oh? What was so bad about it? I'd also like to give me pages and chapter numbers, you know. For context.

I'm not that autistic.

Anything tops this show. I'm on episode 22 and this faggot has some gay unreasonable boner for the worst girl.

Just pick Rem already, you fucking idiot. Literally what the fuck is wrong with him? A girl who would actually devote herself to being with you? And you pass that shit up? Fucking retard.

>Topping Steins;Gate

Tutturu motherfuckers.

You MAL is showing friendo

Well then tell me what's so bad about the WN that you'd think its trash? Unless you're being a autistic shitposter who can't conform any meagre thought of your own and dislike the series for the sake of disliking it while making empty claims you can never provide proof of. But hey, you've read the series right? You can at least give me that much unless you are too scared to get countered by evidence.

KonoSuba already came out

How can you see someone romantically, when you've always had a crush on another? It's only after they'd be gone that you realize what you had, and what it could've been.

what is wrong with Sup Forums? why do you people eat up shit like Re:Zero and konosuba and maid dragon? stop watching seasonal cancer you fucking retarded niggers

>Just pick Rem already, you fucking idiot.

Except he did

Reminder that Onis have the lowest fertility rates of all races and it will be an uphill battle for them to make their Rigel.

Wouldn't Rigel be named Vega now since Subaru's character has grown has is no longer scared of things outgrowing him?

>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]

I had the stupidest smile on my face reading this then Tappei just had to send me back into a spiraling depression.

well I am. Your loss then faggot

It's trash because I hate it.
Counter that, faggot.

Oh? So you haven't read the series then. Thought so, go back to your little mindless circlejerk of a bandwagon and never come back.

kill yourself

Nobody cares about the novel you fucking autist. Fucking LN discussion should be banned, buncha ESL retards.

>Being this buttblasted that someone exposed you

I never knew that literal children were lurking these boards.

Why are there constantly threads about Re:Zero being the best anime?

Must be Sup Forums cross-posters.

Its called reverse trolling. By praising the series it inclines people to hate the series and fanbase more, despite even the fans criticizing the anime itself. The last thread OP made got derailed so he decided to make a new shitposting one.

Im not even the same guy you fucking newfag. Surprise, more than one person thinks LNfags are obnoxious shitposters. Nice smug reaction image though, you sure fit in.

>I read the novels and it was trash
>Someone asks you what you dislike about the novels

You cannot make this shit up

False-flagging would be the correct term and I do understand these threads are designed for people to hate the show. I already do mostly from all the Rem posting on every thread.

So am I to assume that every person in our single response reply chain is a different user? You must be a new kind of delusional to even consider trying to pull off a stunt like that. Nice try though.

I didnt read anything. But you dont have to have to open a portable toilet to know its full of shit.

I didn't know I was back on Sup Forums.

Not him but you're just circling back to

You should go back to where you belong, im sure they miss you.

Oh so you DIDN'T read anything. Congrats user, you've finally admitted to being just another mindless contrarian.

Konosuba is airing right now OP

If I admitted to reading it and listed my issues, you would have an excuse for each and every one just like every LNfag ever.

>b-but in the novel

Shut up, no one cares.

Haven't watched it. Looks similar to ngnl so, its awful.

We just had Flip Flappers, so yes.

Except you never read it therefore what gives you the right to criticize it? Plus assuming a fanbase would make excuses based on something that is explicitly said in the novel is a pretty tall assumption don't you think?

I honestly believe that you were gonna pull a fast one and assume you've read the novel and start talking about how harem it is despite everyone getting paired off.


See>you dont have to have to open a portable toilet to know its full of shit.

Theres a possibility im totally wrong. Its just that its around 0.01%.

>Theres a possibility im totally wrong

Well there's your possibility.

what the fuck is this? and dont tell me is something of the abyss because is not.

but it is made in abyss user

If you know that you are possibly wrong then why make a statement of something you know nothing of? Why even go so far as to say you've read the series initially? What makes you tick in such a way that you'd remotely consider trying to make your false facts only to explode in your face, pick up the pieces and have you lash out on others for your mistake? Even going so far to save your little ego by going "well if I did read it".

where i can find that chapter? i can only find the first 4 chapters

Because he's contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. There is a sense of community and attention that helps a little narcissist such as himself feel validated when emptily hating on a series like many others.

>this new

I already told you I wasnt that guy.

This is exactly the resposne I was looking for. Each and every time.

>i swear this is actually really good

No its not, its a trash rag that you enjoy, that doesnt mean it has any literary merit. Funny how every LNfag promises me the series they chose to fanboy over is actually really good. Danmachi fags swore the same thing, at least they had the courtesy to leave once the anime finished.

this is the mega link that someone's been throwing around, not sure how legit it is because my uni blocks mega downloads though.

you can also find the newest few on mangalifewin.takeshobo.co.jp/rensai/madeinabyss/

inb4 spoonfeeding

Well say what you want about it, its not like I'm taking to someone who thinks critically about anything regardless. Despite all of the shit being flung I have yet seen one inklet of criticism about this series other than "its shit".

>this unbelievable new

Which circles back to

Don't bother arguing with LNfags.

thanks dude
sadly the mega file have the first 4 chapters that i already saw
and the other page jumps from the chapt 4 to the chap 38 for some reason

thanks enyway

Its a LN. I think Ive read enough to know what Im getting. Why cant you fags just admit you enjoy reading pandering childrens novels? Why do you have to pretend its some worthwhile piece of literature that transcends the genre? Its just LN trash. Fun to read, easy to forget.

have only*

All the episodes before the mansion were my favorites by far. The show hit a slump in the middle IMO.

I love these threads because it can't possibly get any more obvious that they are created for the sole purpose to act like Re:Zero wasn't just a flavor of the month.

Keep trying.

>Why do you have to pretend its some worthwhile piece of literature that transcends the genre? Its just LN trash. Fun to read, easy to forget.

Except those are claims you've made yourself. Not me, but what I did claim is that the anime fucked up too much of the material that made the show subsequently shit or shittier by comparison. Keep in mind that entire counter to this argument is based on this reply but if you actually took the time to not have an attention-span of a goldfish or not be illiterate you'd see where I was coming from. You can call it shit by all means but at least pull that head out of your ass when talking.

Re-zero would have been better if Felt was the main girl.

not him, but you know 巻 means book, not chapter right?

Hah, didnt even see that post. I wouldnt have even bothered because it just about sums up all I wanted to say. Fucking sourcematerialfags are the worst. Especially when it comes to adapted LNs.

I think I just lost a few brain cells reading that reply. Its almost as if you actually can't read since you ignored my argument completely.

you are retarded if you really think that

Sorry youre right, im not really paying attention to anything youre writing, doubt im misisng much though. Anime was not so good, LN is probably even worse.


Sad, its still in your ass.


well that will leave a scar


The epitome of mediocre, when I think in a 5/10 show flip floppers comes to mind immediately.

Sales don't stop a show from being good. I will concede that being better than Re:Zero isn't a high bar to surpass.

This series seems kind of neat, but I'd rather read the original source material. Shame they only picked up translating it from where the anime left off, and apparently the anime changed stuff so I'm not super interested in watching it.

it did

But it really IS airing right now!

The Manga adaptions are faithful to the source material, you might want to g give those a shot

Well, except for arc 3 of the manga. But it sure as hell more faithful than the anime.

>it's a faggot neet gets transported to another world just to fuck the bitches there episode

They should ban this stupid premise. It gets used too much

Not him but do you actually think zero>SG?

Season 2 is going to end everyone.

I'm waiting

>american who doesn't have the ability to read books

end urself

Can these false flagging threads stop?