How do we defeat racism and nationalism? It is time for humans to unite as one

How do we defeat racism and nationalism? It is time for humans to unite as one.

why ?? give me one benefit from uniting with people who refuse to be civilized.


Best way ot defeat racism is to partition whites from niggers.

Negros are not humans, faggot

>not being a civic nationalist

genius sperm donor eugenics hybridization of the dumb peoples of the earth..

By removing all state welfare and affirmative action policies and foreign military bases.

Actually, non-whites are not human.

Oy vey brother schlomo you obviously mis-spoke, what you meant was it's time for GOYIM to unite as one (shit brown stupid as fuck moronic slave) race.

This must be confronted.

why the fuck wouldn't people have different skin colours, languages and nationalities? Why shouldn't people love their place of origin? Diversity is strength.


send niggers back to africa , probmel solved

>How do we defeat racism
>How do we defeat nationalism
Fight me and win faggot

The only way to ensure lasting peace is to get rid of the wh*te problem, historically every instance of racism has had the eternal cracker behind it

don't look at this image

OK kike, i kinda tolerate jews now.

>How do we defeat racism and nationalism?

Stop mass migration.

Let everyone live where he belongs.

There is no racism in 100% white countries.

Really makes you think.


Sub-saharan africa faggot. Want to fill Morocco with niggs? Dumb arab.

TIL chihuahuas and labradors are the exact same.

Clydesdales and Shetland ponies are the exact same, too.

Even Russian Blues and Persians are exactly alike.

Its amazing. /s

Go fuck yourself with this race equality shit.

i know you're fishing for (you)'s , so here's a (YOU)

just by attacking housing prices, housing prices dictate ethnic ghettos

IF you disperse the population aka not having ethnic ghettos the population will be spreaded and are less likely to cause trouble

more niggers live here? cheaper price = ghetto

If the law acted and prevented that from happening we'd get a more helathy diversified neighbourhoods

Answer you want = Dispossessing white people out of their nations and mixing them out of existence.

Answer you are going to get = non-natives stay the fuck in their own countries. Traitors get booted out of their native countries.


Racism is fake news

>tfw fucking Israelis dont drink the jewl-aid and the burgers do
Ari sort your pet out m8, hes off his meds again

Sorry i didn't explain well. You should have said subsahran affrica not just africa

Hundreds of years of historical record have shown again and again that races have always looked at one another with animosity. They guard their homes, villages and cities against those who would ruin their ways of living by trying to overtake them. There is an old adage: "It is my right to kill you, it is your right to resist." This was canon until civilization bore laws and mutual albeit suspicious compromise.
In the modern day there has been a push to bring this ideology of cultural unity to fruition. This is no different than in the past with the exception that there is nothing to be gained by either side except the acceptance of an ideology that NEITHER wants. If this paradigm was to be, we would have no nations, no races or separate cultures LONG BEFORE NOW. This is an idea born to assuage manufactured guilt and bring the advantage of resources without bloodshed to those who least deserve it. Ours is still a wilderness, and only the fittest survive.

Have a football match where everyone on the field works together and see how much fucking fun that will be, ya cunt.

the answer is very simple. stop forced multiculturalism. that is the only answer and solution. i am against multiculturalism because in all my life i have seen my own and other countries go to shit because of forced multiculturalism, before multiculti, people did not really mind colored people for example, not in the same hateful way at least. before multiculturalism crime, trust in society and so on was on a whole other (and better) level. multiculti however will be the end for the people who actually pull the strings. your 2017 fancy low test officeman will be able to do nothing against the hordes of multicultis, he will have to bend over and be used as a doormat or he will be brutally murdered by the cultural enrichers after they take all his useless consumer made in china trash.
personally i am at a point where i dont give a fuck if they bring in more rapefugees, most of them are small/weak, low intellegence and have been malnutricioned all their lifes. only weak men and women have to be afraid of them. and even if they attack with a knife, you dont die from a stab or two in most cases, just some pain and then it heals.

Whites already tried to defeat racism. It doesn't work because the lesser races lack the empathy, emotional regulation, and self-sacrifice required for it. See the prevalence and acceptability of hatred of white people in US society today. The result of whites trying to make everything better for the lesser races even at the expense of discriminating against white people. It only emboldens the lesser races to openly attack and hate whites to the point of genocidal rhetoric while making more and more demands.

You can fuggedabout your civic nationalism and other related utopianism. It will never work because only white people will ever be able to not revert back to ethnic tribalism. Everyone else flocks to their ethnic group and seeks to bend society in its favor regardless of whether it tramples on the rights of other groups. It is time to end the "we're all the same" experiment and face reality as it is.

Seems like you missed your morning GAS.

It takes on rotten apple to ruin a brew,. Too many cannot be controlled and all will rott.

1. Reduce pkpulace numbers masivly, few options and alternatives that are humane.
2. Make them beg for it so they can apriciate it and value it thus seeking to preserve it long enough for us to develope more and secure human survival long term, and knowledge from falling back in cycles!
3. Islam must be eradicated, it is the single bigest ibsticale even thiugh some think it will intice a war to ushe unity but it may backfire if not dealt with swiftly!

it is time to drop atomic bombs on France

The French are a threat

The French are a threat to America

The French are a threat to American values

Either the French change their tune, or the French die.

There will be no listening to the French scream.

There will be no tolerance of French hatred

The French hate the whites. This is clear.

The French hate the slavs.

The French hate the nordics.

The French hate me.

The French want me to live in fear of niggers.

The French want me to live in fear of jews.

The French want to use niggers and jews to terrorize me.

Fuck the French, fuck the EU, fuck Brussels, fuck Belgium. Fuck the niggers. Fuck the jews.

These are all threats to American self-determination.

These threats should be taught a lesson: when you try to piss off racists, you are murdered.

I am sick of listening to anti-racists. I want them dead. I want these liberals in body bags.

I want the blood of anti-racists in the street.

I want the broken bones of niggers and jews scattered in the street and on the sidewalk, in bushes, in trees.

The pests have become a threat. I want the threat eliminated.

best way to defeat racism is to euthanize blacks

This shit is so stupid. Holy fuck. Yes, all the things have categorizations. "We are all paint," says the palette. "We are all lights," say the chandelier, the car headlight, the flashlight and the candle. "We are all the same"? Fuck yourself, how could anyone be that stupid?

Is this shit for potatoes? What the fuck is with the red circles? How fucking retarded are you? Provide the image without the dipshit circles.

>How do we live as though reality doesn't exist.
Fuck off faggot.

>It is time for humans to unite as one.
Sure, let the nogs, sandniggers and the chingchong chinaman unite and racemix.

Africans were the last common ancestor?


Liquidate every race that isn't white. Racism solved.

How bout nationalism without racism? Don't like the nation? GTFO. I don't care your skin tone, are you on board with the nation or not? Contribute to the economy? Willing to fight when necessary? Welcome! Rather piss and moan about perceived oppression without making any effort to raise ones self up to a higher natii,am standard? GTFO. Seems reasonable to me. Media wants us all at each others throats. This board perpetuates the mindless hate.

>in 2017
That is a brown people thing. Whites want a place where none of their hate will be.