>everyone on \Pol\, 10 years from now
Everyone on Pol, 10 years from now
Other urls found in this thread:
>Israel 100 years later
>rubble and ash
can’t wait
>t. Truth Seeker
What practical applications does that knowledge serve? Especially when his children were clearly never going to be rocket scientists or physicists.
>everyone in Israel, 10 years from now
>and it's beautiful
Are you worried about Jew things? In the current year I am polling Jewish people on fear and stuff.
Well at least his condition probably stems from mental illness and not racism, hatred, lack of empathy and stupidity like holocaust deniers in \Pol\
are you worried about never finding someone who loves you?
This sounds like the typical SJW today.
Trancendence and an awakening of higher consoousness. You think this is all there is bro? Dude, I’ve taled to the machine elves, I know why they’re so interested in us and why bro.
Miles an hour rats race and I’m already squeezing through the pipes, where are you at pussy?
I miss her.
Maybe from your perspective Sup Forums is crazy, but I've found more truth here than anywhere else. You probably see the worst of it because of your flag.
I was seriously considering sacrificing a goat to jebus christ when I read she had a miscarriage
>I found more things here that resonate with my (horrible) feelings than anywhere else
What the heck man?
You're here too...
I was raised by a founder of modern advertising. I was raised with a deep appreciation of Jews and Jewish culture.
I have a lot of questions regarding the specifics of the Holocaust, particularly why it's been shoveled as the greatest tragedy ever while clearly the communist scourges were far more devastating...
I have questions about the role of Jews in the communist revolution... I have questions about the Jews being far overrepresented in all positions of power and authority... Particularly their role in media...
These questions stemmed not from racism but from a stream of troublesome discoveries...
To dismiss these questions as racist fantasies is to incriminate yourself.
So I take it that your position is that Jews are God's chosen people?
While they're simultaneously the victims of unwarranted persecution...
Why did God choose your people to be persecuted?
>implying anyone here will ever be in a relationship
Did you have any intention of discussing these issues or were you just trying to get a little mockery in?
I can't continue to be a racist here for very much longer...
My Japanese wife and Jewish mother want me to be a part of their bullshit.
fake news
Forgot your proxy, JIDF kike
>/pol in 10 years
>President Barron Trump declares Washington capital city of New Israel
>pol: it's just 4d chess, the jews are getting gassed aaaany moment now.
dis is you
>Why did God choose your people to be persecuted?
You better not be a christcuck; the irony would be too much to bear
Earth is hollow not flat
Explain this to me kike. Why is it okay for israel to stay jewish but whenever white countries demand to stay white it is somehow evil? hypocrite much
How was everybody's Christmas anyway? Me:
>Christmas dinner
>mom made tasteless slop as usual
>whole extended family is there
>aunt looks at me and says "what's the matter honey, you have been silent all evening. Something on your mind?"
>I respond "Yes aunt Rose how can I not be mad when kike merchants work tirelessly to undermine the white way of life daily and we all play ignorant as we stuff our fat faces with high fructose corn syrup and various cancer forming carcinogens. Maybe you should stop killing yourself and pick up the Protocols of the Elder Zion and fucking learn about who really is in control"
>everyone is silent
>dad tells me to go to my room without food
Oh yeah boys, israel thread
>preps the stage with "oh yeah, I'm totally a jew lover etc."
>segues by "just asking questions"
>out comes with the anti semitism
Fuck off, you're as bad as the rest. There's plenty of answers to your "questions" but you don't want to hear them.
you're fucking retarded
Nice, making fun of retarded kids
Also known as an opposite thread. Meaning, whatever these Bagel Boys say, assume the opposite is the real truth.
Do some research you dumb fuck. It's 20% arab and growing. And most Israelis support trump and immigration control you cuck
>b-but you live in an ethnostate chosen one
You're the one whining about muh racism and muh holocaust deniers, you are the cuck here, kike
>The (((globe)))
>20% arab
>all locked in their comfy concentration camp neatly separated from the Jews
>pointing this out is anti-semitism
>did I mention that the Israelis bulldozed all their houses and courageously conquered hordes of stone-tossing children?
>we are a rainbow nation of kikes here in Israel, we sterilized the pesky shitskin kikes from Ethiopia to prove it
>nationalism for me but not for thee white goyims
>you gonna get lonely tho
>this is entirely your fault and has nothing to do with jews in your nation poisoning the minds of the average white person against any kind of non-self-destructive behavior for white people
>don't forget the 666 million you anti semites
Listen you stupid retard, they're two different issues. I can see the cognitive dissonance tearing you apart though
>fuck israel, it's filled with jews
>jealous of israel, it's racially pure
>fuck israel, the holocaust never happened
>israelis support trump? oh, maybe israel is okay
>shit, israel is the only bastion of stability in the middle east, and hates arabs too? Maybe they're ok
>but they're jews
You're done boyo
Literally just making stuff up
>have fun living in fantasy land while your suburb doesn't gentrify and your life fades away like an afterimage
Sup, JIDF? You guys aren't even trying anymore, are you?
>6 gorillion never forget
>whites that want to keep their country whites are evil racist nazi bigots!
yeah okay
Israel was literally the only country back in time who openly supported South African apartheid and Rhodesia while every major white cuck country opposed it including your based Russia.
>resorts to memes
>forgets that I wasn't criticizing immigration and deportation
I'll chalk this one up as a win. Thanks
Why is everyone im this thread being so nazi?
>starts a thread acting like a faggot and fishing for (you)'s
>gets the obvious response
>why do they persecute me so
Hey, you Spain-cucked loser. Palestine has a better chance of reaching statehood than you guys do (LOL).
The pic literally explains what "historical fiction" means in the second paragraph, but I've heard that Catalonia gives reduced importance to reading comprehension in education.
jews and israel did nothing wrong!
Why you mad tho?
I'm so fucking sick of hearing this lie. Israel only pretended to buddy up to South Africa because of the '73 oil crises and then they shockingly shanked them from behind the second they were no longer useful.
>I'm not crazy, people on the internet agree with me!
How obnoxious you must be to your family to be divorced over something that stupid.
mfw the second coming of Christ is the M.O.A.N.
(mother of all nukes) dropped from low earth orbit directly on the wailing wall.
This is just how I take my stress out after work, nothing personal. It's good mental exercise in figuring out good insults for an anonymous target. I actually love Spain and Catalonia but you didn't hear me say that.
>Agitating the Spanish inquisitors
renounce judaism and there's still hope for you fren
>you didn't hear me say that.
I unironically don't dislike Jews, but you didn't here me say that.
hahahaha, holy shit.
are you kikes STILL pushing this jewish psy-op
Fucking retarded k*ke
Fuck me, and we thought furries were bad.
The saddest thing about FE's is that there isn't a single one with enough money or faith in their theory to charter an expedition to prove it, despite modern ships, communication, and documentary equipment
Meanwhile near-primitives from hundreds of years ago made such voyages just for the sake of exploring
So either they're afraid they're actually wrong, afraid of danger, or just plain poor losers
>all locked in their comfy concentration camp neatly separated from the Jews
Friendo, those 20% live inside the recognized state of Israel, not Palestinian territories.
Oh sweetie! you have clearly never extracted dmt from an acacia.
Mutar le-shanot mipnei ha-shalom: “It is permitted to tell an untruth (literally, “to change” the facts) for the sake of peace.”
the scar on your penis should be a clear indicator of who is on the right side of the moral fence.