>L/D ratio
jews did this
two thousand and seventeen folks
>two white kids
>both girls
London has fallen.
I'll give them credit for not tacking on "and it's beautiful" at the end
They're from the Commonwealth you humourless bellend.
>we think of our homes as a place of familiarity
What the fuck are they smoking?
Come on Ahmed, what were you expecting?
What is the problem here, exactly?
I like the black girl on the far right.
why can't they just use similar-looking stock photo kids and not creep everyone the fuck out with these uncanny valleys?
t.46% face
Nice digits
every single time goddamnit
>A jew coupling the half nigger with the prince
You just can't make this fucking shit up.
lol, the son looks like a real version of the 56%-meme
The choir is missing a headscarved Muslim girl.
This is unacceptable. The BBC will be fined greatly for this blatant exclusionism.
I was under the impression Harry had a vasectomy because he loved the ladies too much and the royals didn't want to deal with dozens of bastard pretenders.
At least the British empire lasted for more than 6 years kraut
Since you're Polish, I have a question.
Yesterday I was watching a Polish film about Fr. Jerzy Popielusko and I couldn't help but wonder, what happened to all the communists after Poland was no longer communist? For example, communist polish politicians, police officers, prosecutors, etc. Where did they go?
It was a good empire though. Nice shape, nice size. Not all spread out and retarded like your guys shit.
>3 white kids in a crowd of 15
>1 kid is gay the other a tranny and the girl doesn't stand a chance and will likely become a coal burner with a lack of any other opportunities.
Its like the UK had a massive civil war over slavery and now owe reparations to its former slave community or something.
>hates the UK
>all of his friends and family live here eating swans and committing welfare fraud
>Diane Abbott
ah yes, the same MP who said pic related
honestly how the fuck is she even in office
Frodo Baggins looking mother fucker
Where do you think the Commonwealth is? What do you think the people look like from there?
everything is so terrible
They won't look anything like that. They will look 100% white.
You might laugh, but I bet those people are going to achieve greater things than any of us. I am going to be unemployed and on benefits in January when my Xmas temp job is finished.
>we know fire puts out water. Sprinklers block the towers now
Fucking what? top kek
The ironing.
Diversity in action
>after Poland was no longer communist
>Where did they go?
They never went anywhere.
Communism never went away, it was a controlled transformation with agents keeping their positions.
Our current govt is purging the judical system atm, just look at how much they screech about democracy and how much anti polish propaganda there is in western media.
Polish history and finding the truth is a monstrous task, we don't have all the rules you guys have about keeping records and files and publishing old secret files.
I feel bad for the beautiful whites in this pic. Their culture is being taken from them.
Top kek I want off this fucking rode already.
What the fuck are we doing to ourselves?
How did it come to this?
How is it possible that we're soo certain about how we feel, yet there are soo many other whites that feel the opposite of what we feel?
How do we fix this shit?
Is it too far gone?
>Is it too far gone?
All the intelligent people left England for here for a very good reason
>hates the UK
I just enjoy your demise Ahmed.
t. someone who actually worked in London and fucked off due to overwhelming degeneracy and depression
not much really. Most rebranded themselves to just being "left wing" and went on to being liberal politicians, went to the private sector or just vanished (destroyed all the docs about their communist ties or left the country because they could afford it and had friends in good places that would allow them to leave) . If you think there was some great purge, I have to disappoint you. Some of the most prominent commies were being prosecuted late in their lifetime and therefore either died due to natural causes or just delayed the trials because of poor health etc
Make the most of it. Their women have a thing or two to teach our own, they do the jobs we hate (like looking after old people). My biggest problem is that they aren't Christian, but then this isn't anything new, most of Britain is no longer Christian.
>tfw the only black girl in the picture has the BLACKED glass frames
This is an absolute tragedy of a timeline
i mean white
44% of those people are now gone, whoop-dee-doo.
Flamethrowers should be installed in the ceilings of apartments so that if there is a spill we can put it out
Stop complaining about the way things are. Fight for the way they should be.
White birthrate in USA is higher than in Britain
pls, don't even mention Grenfell to me. I don't even want to check how much money they have raised for those fuckers to date.
It just makes my blood boil at how they took that literally nothing of a happening and made it into one of the biggest disasters in history AND somehow made it all about income inequality and racism and collected tens of millions "for the poor victims"
Interesting. I went there for world youth day and it seemed like such a nice place, the normal people are some of the best in the world. I wish my country were more like pic related, although the south definitely is.
It reflects the current state of Britain succinctly, though? Go to South England (i.e. the part of the country that actually matters) and this is how everyone looks.
It's a repulsive sight, yes, but this is how it looks. Anything other would be false advertising and that would get people up in arms for not being represented. No taxation without representation.
In only a few years the brits went from the undisputed rules of planet earth. To a poor small shitty mongrel island that has zero influence.
Yank here. Why didn't you limeys get rid of your royals hundreds of years ago like everyone else? Why live in the fucking middle ages?
I'm not even mad about the towelheads taking over.
it's not even a monarchy anymore, it's just a pseudo-monarchistic multiparty republic
kid is a mutt.
what the fuck has happened to Sup Forums? This used to be a Monarchist board
The normal people are wonderful but the jew ruling here is one of the wors out there.
These people don't deserve to be hurt so much.
Polish history, just the last 100 years is full of jews betraying attacking and hurting the native populace. There is a super heavy lid on everything jew in poland but we have a decent underground now and all the atrocities are comin out now.
That's [probably why they changed our PM to a bankster jew literally trained in (((USA))) and we have jonny daniels shilling everywhere
But I thought Europe was a white man's haven?
>White birthrate in USA is higher than in Britain
Doesn't mean shit when the birth rate of minorities in the US are higher than the minorities in Britain.
>doesn't understand how math works
The White population has not dropped, the non-white populations have only grown.
America gained around 150 million people since 1965.
This is why the UK is fucked. This mentality will be their demise.
Fuck dudes you'll complain about anything at least they can still say Merry Christmas for now which is a win in my book. I bet the choirs scenes in Harry Potter that were multicultural pissed you off too.
America will collapse before europe, because the dollar will collapse thanks to bitcoin and Trump is still pro-migration
hakim seems chill
sofiqul might be a /fa/ poster
The Dollar will not collapse while our military still exists.
If even a shred of pro-American politicians exist in DC then they would simply threaten the world with nuclear war if anyone tries to dethrone the Dollar.
You're just exaggerating....
yo i need a jewish matchmaker
>>hates the UK
>I just enjoy your demise Ahmed.
Sadly Poland will collapse, because of eu sanctions. Looking forward to Poles trying to make themselves look like the victim when they were trying act like the tough guy
shes kawaii
pretty weird how easy it was to blind people against their own self-interests. imagine 1920s englishmen learning about becoming a minority in 100 years after inventing most of the tools of their own destruction and future enslavement of a human admixture too stupid to ever overthrow their controllers. i guess most of the couragerous and brilliant minds died in the war effort. and what was left was simply too broken and disenchanted with humanity to even put up a fight.
in 100 years i can't even imagine a single white person left alive, when the racial theory of melanin becomes the building blocks for a mexican-african national socialist party, they will wipe out all resistance in major cities in less than 6 months and the US president won't have the balls to call in the troops, by the time the coup is complete it won't even matter.
camps for the whites by 2050, i imagine a few billionaires will escape with their corporations to mars and start some new race of people, as the earth descents into asian and non-asian tyrannies.
>The Dollar will not collapse while our military still exists.
If even a shred of pro-American politicians exist in DC then they would simply threaten the world with nuclear war if anyone tries to dethrone the Dollar.
your military can't do shit when everyone loses faith in your "fake" fiat currency, bitcoin and other cryptos will be the demise of the EU(euro) and the USA(dollar).
>EU sanctions