My future father in-law got me one of these for christmas, Sup Forums. Does he mistrust my geneology? Why would he give me this, I didn't ask for it.
My future father in-law got me one of these for christmas, Sup Forums. Does he mistrust my geneology...
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I got one too, user. Don't worry, they probably just figured it would be a cool gift and that you'd appreciate knowing what you are. I'm gonna activate my kit sometime today.
He probably thought it would be a cool gift, which it is. Thank him for it you fag
post results
do we even need to know?
at best he is some frankensteins monster out of europeans at worst he is half a nigger
Do it faggot
I did thank him for it, I'm not some aspie. I am, however, vaguely suspicious. I'm what ancestry does with your DNA
he wants you to give your DNA to the jews so they can eradicate you easier
You faggots realize it takes a while to get results, right?
you're fucked
looking for juden blood
Ancestry is owned by the Mormon church. 23&Me is owned by the Jews.
And all of that genetic information goes to Google.
>my future 'my mother's husband'
Didn't these guys get caught lying about the results, and they purposely put black or jewish in there?
Don't take it they al lie on the results to "fuck with racists".
The phrase you are looking for is "future step-father in-law
Those thingsare ripoffs your father got cucked
Pretty sure that was 23&me, feel free to correct me if you find a relevant link
To check if she cheated on her ex-husband.
Yes yes, thank him profusely and often. He paid good money to get the very essence of who you are catalogued. Do not go reading about how they just put whatever they like in the results, no Sir, just be grateful.
>not photoshopping your hand to be noticeably darker.
you missed your chance.
What everyone should do with these
>1) Get kit
>2) Pay random homeless nigger $10 to swab him
>3) Send in kit
>Jews selling DNA records to Feds now have some random nigger's DNA instead of yours
I'm pretty sure they all do it.
And it wasn't revealed which company admitted to it.
even better if you can get close to a macaque
>I'm pretty sure they all do it.
Any company that has human beings working for it will do this so yes, I can only agree with you. There will be a direct correlation with how bored these human beings are and how fake your results are.
>DNA Testing Companies Like 23andme Admit Adding Fake African Ancestry To White Profiles In Order To “Screw With Racists”
>“Since we couldn’t do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add ‘< 1 percent’ to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren’t lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it’s a one or a zero.”
Just accept you have negro-jew blood user
>he thinks ur a jew or nigger
>23 and me
>and (((me)))
they might as well rename it to 56 and percent
Ancestry and 23&me are different companies you mong
These companies can do whatever they want with your DNA and fake the test results!
If they want your dna you don’t think they can get it?
You do realize Germans themselves are a European Frankenstein monster, same with English and French, less so with pure Nordic, or Celtic
Top fucking lel. That'd be incredible. Maybe I'll send one in with a dogs DNA
make them work for it don't do their shady shit for them
Did you perhaps utter the phrase "my nigga" during conversation at one time?
why someone would voluntarily provide own info for the international database is beyond me. pay for it, too? gtfo.
I refuse to click on this bullshit
He's just trying to get your DNA in the Je-.. errr uh give you a nice gift.
I'm asking the same question
>I refuse to click on this bullshit
suit yourself.
>falling for Mormon bait
Good good goyim.
Now what? Bitch.
oy vey, did you just imply that we jews are trying to collect goy dna to create an artificial virus dumbing down goyim to make them easier to exploit?