Why do the gays make you so angry Sup Forums?
How does it affect your life in any way?
Why do the gays make you so angry Sup Forums?
How does it affect your life in any way?
Pedophiles and Forcing Gay Propaganda Down Everyone's Throats
Romans 1
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
>tfw STILL no qt caring bf to love, cuddle, support and be faithful to
Because Normal people shouldn't be equated with mental illness
They contribute to the destruction of a functional, moral society in ways so numerous I don't want to waste my time posting them all.
>Why do confident, fit, heterosexual white men make you so angry LGBTQ+?
>How does it affect your life in any way?
i was raped and sexually assaulted by a gay man when i was young. In fact most pedophile activity is carried out by men against boys. But not only are we not allowed to talk about it, when we do they will stomp their feet and scream like small children that somehow a grown man who is attracted to BOYS is not gay, despite the fact this is the definition of homosexual. They refuse to take responsibility for their communities disgusting behaviour.
I will never be able to get the smell of him, the feeling of his gross hairy body as he forced himself on me out of my head.
Gay men are a plague on society.
go back to the oven schlomo
Plenty of reasons
LGBT is not homosexuality.
LGBT is a political movement of pedos.
Little Girl and Boy Touchers
Plenty, plenty, plenty
They push for the corruption of children's minds.
Faggots dont make me angry. Faggots parading faggotry in the streets and in front of children does.
Some gays are Paedophiles but not all Paedophiles are gay. Heterosexuals can be Paedophiles too.
You shouldn't be angry at all gays because a small percentage are Pedos. Its like being angry at all blacks because some are criminals.
>Forcing Gay Propaganda Down Everyone's Throats
Just ignore it? I mean all the propaganda is mostly on the internet. I bet if you stopped browsing Sup Forums you wouldn't see anywhere near as much of it.
Well I guess I cant argue against that.
Just watch TV for once. Switch between channels.
Then you'll realize that men are dead.
>either a gay couple, wimpy man with stronk woman, a virgin that can't get any, wife cheating on husband with a nigger
But are you also angry at other types of mental disorders? Are you angry at people with Aspergers? Or epilepsy?
>Why do confident, fit, heterosexual white men make you so angry LGBTQ+?
They don't.
>their communities
Its not a community. There are some gay community's, but they are all individuals.
>i was raped and sexually assaulted by a gay man when i was young. In fact most pedophile activity is carried out by men against boys.
I dont want to defend pedos. Not all homosexuals are pedos. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are a pedo.
Because we don't find it natural.
Therefore, influencing our young kids is possible.
Hence, we hate propaganda surrounding it.
Be gay in secret, we don't care. Shoving gayness down our kids throats as if it is normal, we have a problem.
>There are some gay community's, but they are all individuals.
then why do all of them call it the gay community? If a bunch of men are going around raping little boys and the gay community is completely silent and does nothing to stop them then yes, it is 100% their fault.
>Not all homosexuals are pedos.
Jesus christ did you even read my post? I never even implied that. But if you look at the amount of children that are abused in this world the overwhelming majority, by quite a lot, are little boys. And the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators are men.
>why do all of them call it the gay community
This is a feature of a PsyOps theory known as CKUltra. Communities must move together and support the crowd rather than the individual. The individual LGaBT convert will question the morality of touching children, however, if his (((community))) is okay with it, he will engage. Often creating a sense of permanent disconnection from his former reality.
Bugchasers exhibit this precise moral discontinuity. They give 'the gift' as a 'gift' to their community.
Crowd mentality is powerful once properly harnessed.
>then why do all of them
They dont. Do you really think that every single gay person across the whole world is connected as part of a single organisation?
>If a bunch of men are going around raping little boys and the gay community is completely silent and does nothing to stop them then yes.
Gay people who are not paedophiles dont feel responsible for the actions of paedophiles because they are not paedophiles.
Are you prepared to take responsibility for heterosexual Man on Girl paedophilia? No? then why should Non paedophile gay men?
>But if you look at the amount of children that are abused in this world the overwhelming majority, by quite a lot, are little boys. And the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators are men.
But isn't your issue with paedophiles? Why be angry at all homosexuals because some are paedophiles?
>Its like being angry at all blacks because some are criminals.
>some are criminals
Why is this bad? Its super cute and neat.
>. Do you really think that every single gay person across the whole world is connected as part of a single organisation?
no but most of them
>Gay people who are not paedophiles dont feel responsible for the actions of paedophiles because they are not paedophiles.
They protect them though. Just like the catholic church protects its pedophiles.
>Are you prepared to take responsibility for heterosexual Man on Girl paedophilia?
im a tranny and i feel partially responsible when i see trannies doing disgusting things.
>Are you prepared to take responsibility for heterosexual Man on Girl paedophilia?
Because they are pedophile and bug chasing enablers. Because they shove it in everyone face all day every day how gay they are, like they cant just be normal people, they make being gay a huge part of their personality. Obv not all are like this but i have been to quite a few gay bars and pride parades and jesus fucking christ its embarrassing to watch.
Because its not real?
Gay men are more likely to molest children, and the few who do it do it to an extreme degree. We're talking 50+ victims per degnerate faggot pedo.
Then there's stds, fags dont' just fuck other fags, they fuck women too with those diseased shit dicks. So now everyone has to worry about aids because you can't keep the cock out of your mouth and be monogamous.
Finally, you're an invasive force. If I don't want to bake a cake for a faggot wedding, or have degenerate sodomites in my church, I should have the right to exclude you. But no, you faggots force your way into everything.
In summary, some of you harm children and turn them into faggots, many of you spread disease and degeneracy, and almost all of you demand to be accepted despite being a fucking cancer that should be flung from a roof.
Youre an anomaly. I dont want or need to take you serious.nothing about you is normal or decent.
oh yeah, I forgot, you weren't fucking born that way.
You were either abused sexually or got into weird kinky sex groups. Anyone can be a faggot just like anyone can be a heroin junkie. Be a decent fucking person instead of a pozhole you stupid faggots.
the gays caused aids. i hope they all die out.
Gay men really aren’t the problem, it’s the lesbos.
>no but most of them
Based on what? How are they connected? A website? a newsletter?
>They protect them though
Some probably do, but that certainly doesn't mean they all do. And it unfair to group them all together.
>Just like the catholic church protects its pedophiles.
But not all Catholics protect paedophiles do they? Its just a small number of priests at the top of the organisation. (and Catholicism is obviously a real formal organisation whereas gays aren't) Or do you think every single catholic protects paedophiles?
>im a tranny
Are you fucking kidding me?
>Obv not all are like
So why be angry at all of them? can you not see the difference between pride parade faggots and homosexuals that mind their own business?
>BLM flag
>Complains about gays making AIDS
Well done.
>But not all Catholics protect paedophiles do they
The church does though and you are extremely naive if you think otherwise.
>Based on what? How are they connected? A website? a newsletter?
Ok so you are underage. got it. inc underage b&
Monkeys and Blacks caused AIDS
>fags dont' just fuck other fags, they fuck women too
Those are Bisexuals not Gays.
>you faggots force your way into everything.
Ehh.. some do, but they only speak for themselves. Not all gays are like that.
>You were either abused sexually
Assuming you are correct about that, why be angry at people who were abused as children?
What leads you to this conclusion?
They don't. I would breed this homo.
I find all sexual immorality disgusting but I'd rather understand the cause so that they can be helped like any other mental illness. I definately don't think there is anything normal about it and I detest the fact that society enables it to be so, in fact encourages homosexuality. Lesbians piss me off because it's just a meme.
>The church does though
The heads of the church do, not all the members.
>Ok so you are underage. got it. inc underage b&
What? So you've got nothing? Falling back to ad hominem?
>Falling back to ad hominem?
>Doesnt even deny it.
Boy come back when your balls drop atleast jesus christ this site is for 18+ only. Or atleast learn to not make it so obvious how young and naive you are.
>Those are Bisexuals not Gays.
Anyone can have sex with anyone and that causes pavlovian responses to stimuli. There's no such thing as straight or gay. Just degenerate sodomites and everyone else.
>Ehh.. some do, but they only speak for themselves. Not all gays are like that.
#notall, that shit wont' help you here. There's a vast number of faggots forcing themselves on society. The Bible said kill them, not let them get married in your Church.
>why be angry at people who were abused as children?
Because they chose to go down the path of faggotry. THe faggots simply nudged them down the path, they chose to live as faggots.
I wonder why.
>lumping trannies with homos
Their not the same user. You might as well post pics of a chink in a nigger thread even though the only thing they share in common is that their both a minority group.
Trannies are just faggots in skirts
>63% of child rapists
97% of statistics are inaccurate.
Gays are fine, it's the cumdump loud mouth liberal faggots no one likes. They make us normal faggots look fucking insane and degenerate pieces of shit. Fuck liberal fags
Born a guy but wants dick in his mouth. Decides to mimic a woman to spruce up his chances.
What's the difference between that and a regular homo buying assless chaps?
Only 1-3% of the populace is gay and yet gays make up 1/3 of all pedophiles.
I came here to write this.
And my best friend is actually gay and married to a man. They would never even think of forcing it on anyone, especially kids! You wouldnt even notice they are gay..
he's not far off, 1 in 20 men have been raped as children and child rapists are almost exclusively male.
He might be but you are still wrong bud
It was narrated that Jabir: “The Prophet said: ‘There is nothing I fear for my followers more than the deed of the people of Lot.’”
>1 in 20 men have been raped as children
>Only 1-3% of the populace is gay and yet gays make up 1/3 of all pedophiles.
Show me your research.
>all trannies are just men trying to trick straight men
>all trannies just want to sneak into the little girls room
I love these contradictory memes.
>no such thing as straight or gay
Kind of true, it's an oversimplification at least.
e.g. I could never love a woman because I could never love someone I don't respect as an equal mentally. And I certainly couldn't consider spending my life with a woman - far too much BS.
But sexually I have to admit straight sex feels better.
For fuck's sake reddit.
This is from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, tell me when you see the correlation.
40.2% gay men, 47.4% bisexual men and 20.8% heterosexual
men reported sexual violence other than rape during their lifetimes.
One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old
y 96% of people who sexually abuse children are male, and 76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults
Only 12% of child sexual abuse is reported to the authorities
Kids are attracted to rainbows, that's why i hate the fucking flag.
me and my kids were walking down the street years back, and people are out "canvassing" or whatever the fuck its called.
handing out stickers, pamphlets and shit.
My kids walk up and they hand them some stickers. I didnt realize what was going on at first because im being dragged while looking at some homeless guy on the other side of the street who looked like me.
next thing i know, my son has some stickers with rainbow flags and stuff and he didn't even know what it was and some asshole is trying to talk to me. I was so mad, I just told my kids we need to go, NOW.
The flag is purposefully used to influence kids. most kids really like seeing a rainbow after it rains, so of course they would be attracted to a symbol of it.
i have nothing to them as long i dont have to look at em
I thought the post said why does the gay flag make you so angry.
Gays themselves are an aberration and it is an abnormal and undesirable behavior that confers no benefit to the individual or the species.
I have no problem with homosexuals and homosexuality. I hate pride parades. They are disgusting public displays of domething that is meant for the bedroom. Children are being forced to see parade floats featuring men fisting each other and scat fetishes. That is not acceptable in a civilized society. I don't care that there are gay people, or gay bars, or gay weddings, or anything else that's gay. But pride is an abomination that my children should not be forced to see if they don't want to.
Contradictory? Think about it, when you reach the point of putting silicone bags in your chest and wearing a skirt to get fucked in the ass. Pretty much all is fare game.
They want to trick straight man and most of them would probably molest a kid. Rampart degeneracy has no predictable pattern.
It's well established at this point. The sources are posted here all the time.
Plus it makes sense. If you are in some way degenerate, you are more likely to be degenerate in lots of ways. These people aren't gay but it's what they pick to make people look at them. Though now they are going trans instead because gay is passe and there are too many bigotted gays now.
tl;dr Most "gays" are actually just degenerates / attention seekers who are into everything they can get.
Well there's your first mistake, women aren't meant to be your equal. The Bible says it goes God>You> your wife> your children.
Anything else is simply degenerate.
San Fransisco right?
Also the homeless guy was you from the future.
You have to post the source or it cant be used as evidence. For all i know you've conjured it all up from nothing.
And even if you post the source there needs to be further investigation to ensure the study in the source was conducted in a fair and scientific way.
In any case I'm still not defending pedos. The thread is supposed to be about about Non Pedo homosexuals.
and again, yes some homos are pedos but some straights are pedos too.
t. degenerate bi-scum.
Because when I grow up and eventually have kids, They will see this and will start asking questions way too early. Then they will come to their schools and start influencing them, shoving that Sodomite propaganda into their throats and minds under the cover of 'Tolerance'. than my kids will become rebellious and will start 'doing whatever they want' and 'be themselves', becoming spoiled degenerates. I have seen this happen to kids in my classroom and I don't want to see this happen to my kids.
it's literally everywhere. You just have to connect the dots. Though I see some pedo defenders say "Well, pedos aren't gay...they fuck young boys because they're kids, not because they're male"
ie they know what's going on and they're covering it up or they're blatantly retarded.
Because they've bought into the (((media's message))) hook, line and sinker. There's no hope for them in this life or the next
>so angry
Because you appeal to emotion in your first sentence faggot
Thats fair.
>The sources are posted here all the time.
well i'm not here all the time.
>how does shoving an immoral degenerate act down your throat in every media outlet affect you in any way
I hate the lgbt community. They are a disease ridden morally depraved group of degenerates that infect society and undermine traditional family values. Their constant victomhood mentality also pissed me off. How anyone that has morals and values and reject their filth gets smeared as a hateful bigot from everyone and then they lose their job, their business, can face jail time, etc etc. It's ridiculous.
>You have to post the source or it cant be used as evidence
>im literally too retarded to google
underage confirmed
>silicone bags
Dear me you are silly.
1. Lots of biological women have breast implants, especially in the US.
2. Taking hormones allows you to grow breasts by yourself. I am C borderline D cup after being on hormones for 3.5 years now. No need for implants unless I want to be a bimbo.
>wearing a skirt to get fucked in the ass.
Hmmm you are conflating transvestites, aka people who crossdress for a sexual fetish, with transgender people, who have a mental ilness that makes them feel uncomfortable in the body of the sex they are born as. How silly of you.
>They want to trick straight man and most of them would probably molest a kid
if they want to trick straight men why would the ywant to molest children. The two are completely different. Not in any way shape or form related.
But people were angry about gays before I made this thread so....
Ok I'll read it, give me a minute or two
We've gotta bring fascism back before it's too late.
Well yeah, but we don't live in a world where that's practical. And I'm pretty messed up sexually now so there's no going back.
So I am happy to have a male parter and keep our degeneracy behind closed doors and not associate with fags.
Annoyingly, being bi-scum it's not quite enough sexually for either of us so the ideal would be to have a girl like you describe - but they don't exist. The only girls into that kind of thing seem to be megasluts, hueg or SJWs.
2 dads is better than a single mom.
i cant tell if stupid or bait, im gunna go with both
hang yourself you fucking waste of life
Sure, it doesn't affect anyone buddy
>asking questions way too early
Chance to redpill them early. Never lie to them, just adjust the language and detail to age-appropriate levels.
Single mom isn't going to ass fuck you and pimp you out to her faggot friends.
If you can still reason, that means God hasn't given up on you yet. Eventually, God turns faggots over to a reprobate mind and once that happens you're basically a bot, you'll be completely incapable of reform.
I've seen that particular article posted on Sup Forums hundreds of times which would imply that the pool of evidence for you to choose from is very small.
I'n any case I'm still not here to argue about pedos. I don't want to defend pedos.
Gays don't make me angry. Gays who vote for trans shit and try to make everyone else accept the LGBTQISKLJFSLKDJFLKJ antiscience definitions piss me off
>How silly of you.
You made me laugh. I thought you were serious there for a second.
>i'm not here all the time
Lurk more.
It's even worse technically being part of their group. Explaining to my normie colleagues why I hate gay pride was fun though.
Depends who. Obviously.
Why are they always hailed as heroes? Why does everyone rush to their defense? Fucking tired of their shit.
>It doesn't affect you, user! Why should you care! Love is love!
It may not affect me personally right now but it is infecting society which in turn eventually will affect all of us.
What people do in their bedroom is none of my business
What society tries to shove down the throats of children is another matter.
It's disgusting, that's all. I think it's just the standard human reaction toward homosexuality, so no need to shame people over them being homophobic, they are just born this way.
The gay comumnity is, together with feminist movements, the biggest tool to undermine the familiar structure, christian traditions and utterly any national identity.
The outcome is the world domination by finantial groups.
That's what gays don't understand because they are narcisists. They are not the cause. They are a tool. And there is nothing wrong with a gay person, the problem is the effect of the whole comunity in the destiny of a society.
The faggining of our people is the problem, gays are irrelevant by themselves.
Pretty much this, and the assault on kids ...
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea." - Mark 18:6