Do head pats even feel nice?

Do head pats even feel nice?

Depends on whether the person is good at it or not.
Some feel good, some don't.

Why fuck are you asking me, I don't even know what other people feel like.

Are you talking about receiving or giving them?



It's like sex without genitals

Did you seriously never get pat on the head as a kid?

I actually feel sorry for you.

Why does she have poop on her face

Most guys are terrible at giving headpats.

Now getting a headpat from another girl, that's where it's at.

were your parents afraid of hugging you, in case people thought they were pedofiles?

She is a dog what do you think she was doing.
Because it was probably eating her own ass.

i just gave myself a headpat, it feels nice

Not everything requires a hug user.

Besides you could get a hug and a headpat.

Or a hug and a backrub.

straight hugs are overrated.

>Now getting a headpat from another girl, that's where it's at.
Save the day, get a headpat.

>Not everything requires a hug user.
being this american


My parents did pat me on the head. It was very humiliating.


Are you a transgender individual now?

Nothing like that. Just the usual issues of loneliness, insecurity and so on.

No. My niece doesn't enjoy them at all.

Yes, my dick fancies it quite a lot.

I want my waifu to headpat me!

Bags of sand

Why do they seem so sexual?

This kills the tsun


I have neither given nor received headpats in my life, only noogies. Headpats seem like a far less vicious cycle.

Friendly reminder not to head pat too vigorously

This taller girl at my previous job liked to randomly pat and play with my hair. Felt good man.

I absolutely love getting head pats, but it's embarrassing because I Warm bags of water.

>at party
>drunk as fuck
>almost fall asleep on a girl's chest
>recieve headpats and had my hair played with
>fell asleep soon after

Shit was pretty amazing famalam

You might rip the ahoge off?


Yes they do. Both headpatting and being headpatted. I really feel like having a girlfriend that isn't into headpats isn't worth it. Not that I will ever have any.

They feel really good. If she knows what she's doing - get a little rough - a headpat is nice dude.

I dish them out to my cousins. Nobody seems to mind them and some go all smiley when I give them one.

head scratch > head pat

I've headpatted a couple of kittens, does that count? They seemed to like it.

I've only ever gotten a few, but yes it feels good. Though I guess it's more the feeling of being appreciated and that someone is comfortable enough to do it to you rather than the physical feeling.

>Ew user, can you please stop?
I don't do headpats anymore.

You just made 1000 autists pat their own heads. Gg.

That doesn't work, user. It doesn't feel the same if you do it yourself.

I headpatted my niece and she tried to back away so probably not.

There is a girl in the dormitory next to mine who is incredibly turned on by head pats.

That's when you watch too much anime.

Please tell me she's in London.

Depends on the person.
I like giving head pats to my younger siblings. It makes my brother a bit annoyed in a cute way, and my sister likes or hates them depending on how I go about it.
And even as a man in 20s, I love it my mom pats does this. Whenever I'm with her watching TV or something, I'd use her lap as a pillow and force her to pat me. If she doesn't, I'd start crying about it.

I've not tried this with anyone outside my family enough to have a good opinion on this. With my girlfriend, I'm not sure if I should be the patting or have her pat me. She's younger, so I feel like I should, but then again, maybe she's good at it like my mom. It's kind of embarrassing to just ask to try both, and I've not had a good enough chance to naturally try them.

>And even as a man in 20s, I love it my mom pats does this. Whenever I'm with her watching TV or something, I'd use her lap as a pillow and force her to pat me. If she doesn't, I'd start crying about it.
>If she doesn't, I'd start crying about it.

>pat girl on head
>gets pissed and says she isnt a dog
this isnt like my anime at all

>Two sets of ears

Not actually crying, user. Just bitching and being annoying, not letting her watch TV or whatever she's trying to do. It works.

you're a grown ass man come on user

Affectionate human contact generally feels good when done by someone you love and trust.

That's precisely why you should avoid them like the plague. You never know when someone will give you a hug or pat you on the back to lower your guard only to slide a knife between your ribs.

>adults can't do anything fun

Los Angeles, unfortunately.

They sure do.

just ask her to massage your head its not hard

I know what you meant and it still sounds bad

"i've just patted myself. It felt extremely lewd

Not caring about how others perceive you and showing your emotions as clearly as possible is a good way to keep healthy relationship with your family. Especially with one's parents. Unless they actually hate you.

It feels nice to get headpats.

Where can I acquire a loli to headpat?

use your imagination

literally, just imagine one in your head and that should be good enough


Yes but not as good as someone brushing your hair.

Yes, my loli loves headpats with shampoo


>tumblr gif
lurk for 2 years before posting

I don't like when people touch my head. I get headaches for some reason.

I've been here a lot longer than 2 years, who gives a fuck about filenames.


I like headpatting girls and they seem to enjoy it somewhat

that's cute

>reddit spacing
>who cares about tumblr gifs
Kill yourself, lurk more.

I don't know but I like doing it to my niece

what the fuck is reddit spacing?

I don't think so as my little brother and sister absolutely hate it, but I guess it would be kinda nice if it was a girl and she wanted to suck your cock

I bet they love it but are too tsundere to say it. I am the same with headpats.

Are you a cute girl (boy)

I've only ever headpatted my pets. They like it.

Headpating exist as a repay mechanism in blowjob.

Yes. They feel nice, specially if you ask them to do it and they do it.
Also posting King of Head pat. I wonder how many characters out there never got a head pat and deserve one.


I wish I would've headpatted her when I had the chance.
but it doesn't matter anymore

I know I feel nice when I see someone's head getting patted in anime.

Fuck off. I came here to have fun, not feel.

sorry, here's some pats


I never thought they were that great personally, but whenever I headpat my onee san she really enjoys it.
I think the reason it feels good is not because it physically feels nice, but because it's an intimate interaction that really shows how much the other person cares about you.

Is this what they call ruined orgasm?

No, she's just highly autistic. This one for example enjoys it.


Even this scalp massager felt good

It's a cultural thing, user. The head is said to be the seat of the soul in the east. For this reason, touching someones head is an act of intimacy since you are touching the body part closest to the soul. It's generally reserved for family, especially close, older members of the family. To be head-patted is to be accepted, loved and protected by the one patting.

So yes, OP, having your head patted feels good on an emotional level.

Also, having the hand of someone you trust on your head is comforting as fuck.


Of course not, last thing I want as a lady of the patrician variety is some degenerate teenager to get their greasy paws on my illustrious hair, such is unsanitary and destructive to one's hair quality~

It's only ever ok to do it to kids where I live. My sister tried to pat my fathers head once, he didn't speak to her for a week.

Its not a cultural thing.
All monkeys like to be groomed.

What fucking shithole do you live in? Either that or your dad is just a retard.