Friendly reminder that Drumpfags vote agaisnt their own economic interests
>this is somehow against my own interests
If numerals OP is confirmed a faggot
>146 million people get lower taxes
>It's against your interests!
Trump keeps his promises.
How is that "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" promise working out for ya?
I'm really glad that you took the time to explain your claim in a well thought out thread instead of a useless one sentence claim with no facts to back it, and an ad hominem attempt at a macro image.
It is because the difference between you and an actual rich person is so large, that he will now be able to win everything from you.
Stacy will go out with him and expend his extra money, he will get to that nice beach house first and people in the street will find him more attractive due to his expensive haircut and rich person clothes.
>b-but rich people get tax cuts t-too
>i-it's against your interests
Day of the rope fucking when
wow tax cuts so bad! i don't want free money!
>democrats accusing republicans of doing what democrats are 100% guilty of doing
shiggy diggy
So why don't you pay more tax then?
I did not. This tax plan directly and unambiguously benefits me.
We make more than 25k a year poor lib fag
*We all gon be richer now
FTFY and saged
But unmarried renters that make over one million dollars a year are bearing the burden!
It's unbelievable that libs think my company owner being able to hand out $5k bonuses is somehow a negative.
Him having more money will only secure our companies future. We had to repave the lumber yard and he might be able to buy me a new delivery truck in 2018. In 2017 a fuel company put gasoline in the diesel tanks causing 2 trucks to break their engines. So ones being rebuilt and they have to buy another to replace the one being scrapped. Thankfully Trump let all of us keep more of the money we EARNED and can replace or repair broken equipment and expand the company.
Says the guy trying to make white people extinct.
>Having more money will only secure our companies future.
It doesn't at all, the saudis still manage the petro dollar, the jews still manage the banking, the east asians still dominate the tech market, outsourcing is still an option.
It barely ensures long term gain, but the future of american bussiness owners isn't being protected by anything, but those extra bucks.
Friendly reminder that of the last 2 presidents only ONE has forced you to line a corporations pockets. And it wasn't Trump.
Drumpfkins BTFO
memeflag with shit tier memeopinions what a surprise.
I'm sorry do you have a refutal or that was it?
Trumps made me a very real $678,000 dollars so far. At this point al li need to do to not be poor is not top breathing.
they literally didn't
quit believing the lies
i make 128K a year in just interest...
>Drumpfags vote agaisnt their own economic interests
...as though voting to let shitloads of immigrants in, destroy families with drag queen propaganda, and give endless gibs to black people helps your stupid liberal ass in any measurable way.
What do you do that you get a $5000 bonus?
With the tax cuts we can then absorb any rise in fuel prices. And this job can't be outsourced.
We got the. Bonus because the tax plan passed. It's usually $1800. I'm a CDL trucker but everyone in the company got the same bonus.
It’s social identity theory. Trump voters see themselves as a group that supersedes their own selfish interests. Jews have done it for millennia. Why else do you have billionaire kikes voting Democrat?
>tax cuts
>Keeping more money that you earned
>strawman the post
So basically all of those rednecks got a taxcut, how exactly does that doesn't help them? They literally get to save more money.
"B-but its a-against their interests to get more money"
Also i can bet my ass that 9/10 of those rednecks voted Trump because he was the only politician to actively talk and tries to prevent the browning of America.
Not bad
Mostly slight of hand, companies like comcast giving an extra 1000 bucks to their employees is like ordering a pizza for the office party and the CEO taking 90% of it and dividing the remaining 10% for everyone else.
Comcast employs about 150k people, and $1000 dollar bonus for each one will cost $150M, which sounds like a lot of money except when you see that they made $8.7B in profit in 2016 and after the Trump tax plan takes effect they will probably save more than $1B. So enjoy the 0.15B divided among thousands of people0 while a handful of the the top executives enjoy the lions share of the remaining 0.85B.
It really illustrates how this tax plan is meant to fool you into a false sense of triumph. Oh look I made more money on my tax return, but meanwhile they will cut medicare, education, and infrastructure to pay for the permanent tax cuts for corporations. In 10 years your tax cuts may expire or they may decide to continue them, but I don't think you will care too much about that when you see them gut social security.
Enjoy the crumbs idiots.
So it is not in my interests to get a cut that will pay my housing for a month and gasoline for the entire year?
Exactly how is that fucking me?
The retarded commie doesn't want the US to be a competitive market anymore and wants jobs to keep going overseas. Just kill yourself already
Drumpfags are too inbred and retarded to understand this
> wants jobs to go overseas
Lmao trumps tax cuts gib to coproations incentives more automation and outsourcing jobs Cletus
>trumps tax cuts gib to coproations incentives more automation and outsourcing jobs Cletus
Which specific cut does this and how?
>It is because the difference between you and an actual rich person is so large
Its not that large if you do any actual work, if you are mentally retarded and can't keep a simple job in a company that's your problem
>Stacy will go out with him and expend his extra money, he will get to that nice beach house first and people in the street will find him more attractive due to his expensive haircut and rich person clothes.
Oh so you mean rich people will now spend money like retards and I can charge more to offer the services they now can afford therefore producing more jobs? And I get paid bonuses because my company is keeping even more money?
Are you grasping on your retardation already or do I have to keep asking?
You see, the problem is that you enjoy being a victim. In your Lefty circles victim hood is status. So when the government cuts the amount of welfare you get you can increases in status. So it will benefit your Lefty ass, too.
Except I’m not on any welfare like you cousin fuckers are on , Cletus
Social (left) or economic (right) rape, farmers can feed themselves.
What's your excuse?
>while a handful of the the top executives enjoy the lions share of the remaining 0.85B
You honestly believe companies become successful by giving all their profits directly to the top level employees, instead of using it to expandand develop the business?
No wonder lefties can't into economics, they see the word profit and immediately translate it into "disposable income"
>hurrr the CEOs just take all the profits and stuff them in their pockets
>they don't put any of their profits towards expanding/improving the business
Tax holiday of 8% on illiquid assets and 15.5% on cash for overseas financial holdings. As we have learned from past "one time" tax holidays for the purpose of repatriation, it is never just "one time." By allowing major tax avoidance, (they should have payed 35%, or at least 20%) it encourages corporations to make money overseas and store it in offshore bank accounts and wait for the next "one time" tax holiday.
If you not only get a tax cut for money made outside the US, but also can find cheaper labor outside the US, then you remove significant financial motivation to keep your business and employees within the US.
What I would have done, is say in no uncertain terms that under no circumstance would I allow a tax holiday. Also I would fight to lower tax rates for businesses making less than $500K. For those making more than $10M, keep the same or maybe even increase to 40%, but offer tax breaks for companies that prove that 95% of their employees are American citizens, and an even greater tax break if it's 99%.
Simply giving massive tax cuts to the highest earning businesses is basically just giving away all your bargaining chips.
In one way or another the after tax profit goes to the execs and share holders, either through dividends/shares or if the company retains some earnings it increases the equity of the shares usually increasing the price of the stock anyways. There is incentive to give bonus shares that often avoids taxes, because otherwise they have to pay a capital gains tax of 15%. How could they ever afford 15% while making millions of dollars!??
Expanding a business, mostly comes out of the cost of doing business, for instance the salary of 100 new workers. That is an operating expense, before taxes and in a way a tax deduction and more beneficial under higher tax brackets. If the profit made from hiring more workers counters the cost of hiring them, you make a net profit, Taxes aren't really involved in that calculation unless you are a small business owner and you have a mortgage to pay and you need every dollar coming your way. If you are a big business and you have enough workers to make 1000 widgets per month, but there is only demand for 700 widgets per month, you aren't going to pay people to twiddle their thumbs, you are going to lay off 30% of your employees. Taxes are not really involved in that calculation. If the demand exceeds your supply, you will either up the supply or increase the price to the consumer. Again taxes are not involved in that calculation. Cutting taxes for multinational corporations mainly serves to increase AFTER TAX PROFITS and increase the income disparity between the rich and the working class.
I wonder how some of the poorest people in the US are white, and yet somehow don't commit the crime like in a ghetto.
Why is that? I thought people chimp out because they are poor?
Yeah you're right we just want to be forced to pay nigger care because before if we didnt get nigger care we get tax penalized. I LOVE KING NIGGER. Go fuck yourself op
>believes that the masses have a right to oppress the individual.
You are so dumb it is painful. There are only two sets of taxation that are morally justifiable. A fee based system where failure to pay results in suspension of service or deportation, or a flat rate that does the same if the failure to pay occures
>Friendly reminder
No more gibs for niggers.
> believes the USA should subsidize wealthy people while cutting benefits for the eroding middle class
Ya nah your a cunt
>why do these people I mock and deride openly with unquestioningly intense contempt not want the things I tell them they want? Probably they're too racist to understand that I know what's best
In case you are interested, we voted against your interests. Just think of the interest we are getting from our savings, while you have no one to sponge off, you commiefag loser!
I voted against YOUR economic interest faggot
Theres no point in having dialogue with a fucking retard (You).
Only people openly supporting the tax bill are poor. Like truck driver poster here bragging about a 5K bonus check, just pathetic actually. Probably already blew it all already on a used SeaDoo and trailer.
Should be a rule that your W2 shows more than 150k to discuss any economics.
>be me
>check the tax calculator
>sweet! Extra 600 bucks this year
>go on pol
>friendly reminder that drunpfags vote against their interests
Nigger what are you doing?
God the desperation of these faggots ahahahaha.