You can say what you will about how the anime handled the Chimera Ant arc's pacing, but you can't deny that the direction wasn't always on point for all the big moments.
Hunter x Hunter
there's already a thread up, niglet
I forget, who was the animation director that did 116 and the Uvogin fight?
I unironically thought they would skip the narrator in the anime, because it felt like he just did it in the manga so he wouldn't have to draw well and show what was actually going on
Nice that it's a close adaption I guess, but in a way I wish they didn't do it like that
does anyone else feel like the narrator added more to what was going on then is given credit for? Because of how fast certain moments happen in real time (literally mere seconds), having a detached voice inform the audience of the rationale behind some snap decisions makes more sense to me.
I thought it felt awkward and superfluous. As I said in it made sense when his drawings were scribbles and you could barely see what was going on, but as a story telling mechanic it felt really awkward. Especially for it to go on for such a long time.
It wasn't all good obviously. In fact I feel as if I'm playing Devil's Advocate in this regard. It probably would've made more sense to marathon, like Kaiji.
Any of u cry during this scene?
It was really more of an "oh shit" scene than a tearjerker like the one at the end of their lives.
Like a little bitch.
I still cant watch it without being a bitch even though I know its coming.
Shit mb I meant when they die together is when I cried. Pretty sure second user is thinking of that too. Holy fuck I cried so hard during that last game of shogi. The ugly cry with plentiful mucous
>It probably would've made more sense to marathon, like Kaiji.
rewtached that segment of the series like this and it flew by. Great time.
who cares?
the whole arc is shit
but it isn't
You're right, the whole thing is not shit, just 99% of it. The five minutes of Netero vs the King iss decent for a mid tier battle shounen.
That scene didn't get me as bad as the ant girl who's name I forget being reunited with her mother. That shit hit me hard.
Not anymore.
Hunter x Hunter is the best shonen series ever made. It's basically "The Wire" of shonen manga.
Can it be the best if it won't get an ending?
Because it's already so best due to CA arc (literally shonen version of Camus' Stranger), that even if we never get another chapter it's the best
>anime camus
Kys. You've never read camus
Not her, but where I'm from, Camus is required reading. I guess you're a burger who thinks he's super special because he read its plot summary on Wikipedia
I think you mean the one where they die
>being THIS stupid
I have actually read him. How on earth does CA in anyway shape or form resemble his writings? Why are you defending a retard?
Isn't LOGH the The Wire of anime?
I didn't mind the narration. Togashi said that he wrote the CA arc with the intention to putting these characters in complicated and uninspected situations and seeing how they would react. Which I feel the narration did fairly well.
It wasn't spoon-feeding as some would claim because there are certain scenes that people interpret differently. You weren't told exactly how the characters felt but it led you towards that conclusion as you saw the frustration and confusion on thier faces when something shocked and/or befuddled them.
And on a side note, the art in the CA arc, in the redrawn volumes, were some of the best of the series.
Stop making this threads, asshole. No new content. You want to make this another fucking shitty general.