Why are blacks so violent?
Why are blacks so violent?
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Why do you make this thread with this picture 4-5 times a day?
because they have single mother
All niggers smoke crack.
They have the shit skin genes.
all non whites need to be put out of their misery.
Commonly a lack of education as well as their society normalizing them acting like thugs. If we could roll through the ghettos and wipe out all the gangbangers and welfare leeches, we could make blacks great again. But that's racist apparently.
Was this shopped? Distance between eyes
it's 20 cents for him every time
violence is good in africa where they should be
Most black people lack frontal lope, you can tell by their skull shape.
Is this getting auto posted when pol has too few active threads or something?
It is genetic. They lack impulse control.
Nigger genes are fucked up.
He changes the eyes a little each time. Pretty soon that one nig will be a cyclops and the other a hammerhead.
>All niggers smoke crack
Even the former mayor of DC
>get arrested while smoking crack
>statue in your honour
Yup, pretty basic nigger logic
low iq + higher amounts of testosterone= an aggressive race
I refuse to believe the left one isn't photoshopped no human can look like tht
>Faux news
>all the sciences
You can tell this was drawn by a nigger too.
because they are low IQ
Try again whitey.
top kek, how long did it take you in paint to make that one nigger?
Not sure but somebody should make a series of them and spread then on social media and see how many people believe it and spread it. It'd demonstrate the intrinsic pro-black bias in popular culture as well as redpill a few of them once it is easily debunked.
barely talked to a single handful of "blacks" (50% white) who werent utter charlatans or even worse, they are animals!
that is legit shill tactic, but whatever gets the point across..
Hahahaha what a retarded shoop
The black curve isnt even gaussian
They are violante for the same reason you are stupid polska, it's the poverty.
It's in their DNA.
Sounds like a rick and morty fan
go back to africa european can back to europe and the jews can kill itself
>it's the poverty
keep telling yourself that, or did I just take the bait on an auzzie shitpost?
Based black man. Dealing with coal burners more effectively than whites.
Gauss was white, blacks doesn't conform to his colonial theories ;)
he got us, there is no recovering now
the negroid on the left, is that really where his eyes are??
holy fuck two of them are actual tards.
fuck the homeless though, nothing of value was lost.
glad they're out of society.
She got what she asked for.
>Why are blacks so violent?
Why are rocks so heavy?
Wrong approach; Dont drop rocks on yourself, dont drop nigs on your neighborhood or country.
Anyine have some good webms?
greatest shoop job evar
They were bred from the most vicious slaves. There's genetic proof that niggers have a gene that makes them prone to violence.
Why are whites inbred pedophiles?
>some good webms?
one of my favorite nigger moments
Ethnic cleansing.
the news article says it was a "prank". Wtf? Then why the fuck did they run out of the place?
What were her father's final words?
>Pretty soon that one nig will be a cyclops and the other a hammerhead.
Lol :D
even first black president kf united states used to
>whites are inbred
nice meme, pic related
>news article says it was a "prank
just a prank bro, the niggers are just pretending to be retarded
You've ruined the act, GOB.
State of media. Whites bad blacks good ignore stats they justvracist numbers and sheeeit
>Ethnic cleansing
kek, no need to even help these niggers out with that
we...all...paid....the ...toll....
who cares? He could've dropped dead any minute.
This is exactly what niggers should be doing, based.
Youd rather leftist nigger shill threads like hurr durr whitebois cant compete.
Fuck niggers
("the warrior enzyme")
Hhahahha who is the basic retard that made this fake shit..... hahah desperate pooh poohs
>All niggers smoke crack.
True... VERY true...
Nobody can be this retarded.
sounds like youre wrong
There would still be daily chimpouts if you reversed the genders.
I love that whole 'niggers trying to build an airplane' series. Funniest shit ever.
Here's a link for others to enjoy.
>Nobody can be this retarded
niggers aren't human, so technically you are right
Fucking kek.
>hurr durr you don't like people shitting up the board hurr durr commie niggerfaggot
Get an education, gain height, hit the gym, have sex.
Everything in Africa is more aggressive and less useful. Look at africanized bees.
>Nobody can be this retarded.
Actually, niggers are retard out even before they are born....
LOL, you made my day user
>1 post by this ID
>Same old stale pasta
You cunts are never going to learn are you
>1 post by this ID
Fuck you
>Same old stale pasta
You mean like 90% of pol these days? Fuck you again.
>what oh wow that city needs a law suite like no other
These people can vote.
lmao you've been lurking your own thread to see whether anyone highlighted your faggotry? You responded within 30 seconds of his post. Get a life, you sad faggot.
Whats that have to do with anything?
I'd rather see this than the constant shilling by the left on here.
Fuck niggers.
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.
#metoo #yesallwomen #justicefortrayvon
>'niggers trying to build an airplane' series
The niggers build helicopters is great as well
Isn't that what you do when you make a thread? Stick around?
Are you a nigger by chance, thus offended by the post?
>These people can vote.
No they can't.
In most places convicted nigger felons lose their right to vote.
haha a britbrong rektd you.
>nigger felons lose their right to vote.
dats rassist
Horrible parent, low intelligence =low threshold for violence, society quez, rap music, violent crime where they grow up
Says you, a leaf.
No. I am not responsible for your daughter's child support. Look elsewhere.
>hurr durr fuck niggers am i right, cletus. cletus, get off your sister
The fact you'd advocate for any kind of shilling highlights how irredeemably brain dead you are. Trump voting kekistani by any chance?
You dam racits mutha fukrs!!!
It took a gud blk queen to patents how to milks a steer!!!
There are different kinds of sciences...biology, chemistry, physics, etc.