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>run by JIDF and bots

your women and children are getting raped and murdered by muslims
you decide to fight against the only people with the balls to stand up to muslims because they're an easier target
who is the real cuck, Sup Forums, you or thedonald?

Jerusalem is Christian.

Jews are the ones importing muslims into the west, retard.

I hate christcucks

Go outside.
Right now.
Do you see jews in kippahs driving around trucks of muslims?
Or do you see retarded white non-jewish liberals begging to be invaded by them?
You're simply too much of a coward to fight a real threat, so you resort to an easy target.


WTF I'm a Hilldawg now!

Out of curiosity may you show your flag ?

The Jews are the ones that traffick the Muslims to Europe for a quick buck you absolute mongrel.

>Unironically sucking BJC

Yes I'm a jew.
Go rob someone for your next meal

why tho???, any decent christian will tell you jerusalem is the official capital of the crusader kingdom of jerusalem

>Do you see bank robbers walking down the street wearing prison's uniform?

Israel did not exist until 1948
Before Islam, it was owned by the Romans and Byzantines, then the Arab Caliphate took it, then the Egyptians, then the Christians, then the Seljuk Turks, then the Christians again, then the Mamluks, then the Ottoman Turks, then the British.

i didnt see that one coming at all

Jews steal old ladies pensions.

These are the people you're fighting.
Meanwhile your populace is chanting chechnyakruto
You're a coward too scared to go fight the muslim men destroying europe
You wish you were like us israelis

divide and conquer


Are you a white nationalist ?

when israel falls: there will be middle east peace and midshits will stay in their countries

Letting assad run syria is the first step to a better middle east

>muslim rat desperately tries to convert a few nazis to his vile cause hoping a few of his sworn enemies die with him on the day of the rope
fucking lol

>Do you see jews in kippahs driving around trucks of muslims?
I do, actually. The organizations most keen on open borders and helping "refugees" into the country are (((very well organized)))

>Israel did not exist until 1948

Who owned it before the Romans?

>white supremacist flag

I personally dont fight anyone. My country doesnt fight Israel because we aint fuckin mudslime xavemen, abd also because our prez is probably a jewish puppet.

Yes, I believe jews are part of the white race, I believe the white race along with east asians are the superior intellectual races and should dominate the inferior races
I believe in no racemixing, homogeneous nations following christian or jewish traditions
as for muslims, total deletion from the planet

Lately Sup Forums has been infiltrated by muslims and communists shilling against Israel.
There is only a very small minority of white people who are anti-jews here and they are interlopers from stormfront. It's about time we stop memeing and come clear about our support for Israel.
I am an unapologetic supporter of the Jewish state, and whenever I have to make a decision on who to vote for, the first question that pops in my mind is "is he/she a friend of Israel?".

>burger education

Most would argue the british invasion in 1917 and subsequent declaration of Israel as a jewish state thereafter would be its beginning. 1948 was the formalized creation of the country as a response to the holocaust. the thing is, you british were actually important at the time so the world kinda just went with it, and now we are all paying for your horrible foreign policy. fortunately you are suffering the most.

Supporting Jews to fight Muslims is like enlarging your nose to spite the face.

The sad thing is this shit has migrated here. /tdg/ is basicallt t_d

A mix of various tribes: Israelites, Judeans, Philistines, Canaanites
Its been conquered by various empires as well, ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, etc
Most "Israelis" today are Slavs who converted to Judaism, then began LARPing as Israelites

Reminder that Jerusalem belongs to Christendom.

>Lately Sup Forums has been infiltrated by muslims and communists shilling against Israel.
It's a breath of fresh air when compared to the 24/6 posts with JIDF talking points on who we should hate this week.

>I personally don't fight anyone.
Might wanna change your mind there Dima
Like netanyahu who personally helps hungary fight soros?
Watch this fucking video:
Sup Forums is the only crazy place in the world where people associate jews with the left

Isn't this the same argument as native Americans and shit? If you lost it, it's not yours. If Israel wants to say they took it back, then it's theirs. This pretending to be civilized is nigger tier.

I know, I understand my country's role
Although the kikes were bombing our polices offices in the area and fighting with Arabs, even while the so-called "holocoust" was ongoing

>Israel is slavs larping as Israelites
Does that mean Israel is white?

>people associate jews with the left
Experience will do that. They practically invented the left.

>white supremacist

b8 faggot

>white supremacist

Whatcha doin

Das rite Sup Forums bow down to your kike overlords

You've made me see the light. Feeling woke af now. Gonna go donate some money at the local Jewish center.

This is false though, how did the UK exist in 1055 BC?

Your beliefs have a major flaws: -most of the jews don't feel "white"
- can't put all the mudslimes in one basket Iranians aren't nigger tier for example

They may be useful idiots but they're our useful idiots
Just leave T_D alone and don't mention it or even acknowledge it exists.
Let them stew in their own delusions and propaganda, they're soaking up alot of excess shit that would wind up here.

Considering they LARP as semites, they lose all claims to being whites


They are the ones imposing multiculturalism on the west, because a weak, low-functioning nation is a nation that cannot purge them.

Just because they look out for themselves doesn't mean they have any affinity towards you. The sooner they are removed, the sooner other problems can be alleviated. When everyone is a monster, the enemy of your enemy is not your friend, they're just another monster waiting to eat you.

Just nuke my fucking country already

>how did the UK exist in 1055 BC?
wrong UK retard

Does that mean if niggers larp as Germans they lose their claim on being niggers?

>johnny cash

the child has been A W A K E N E D

show us your real flag, juden


fucking am*ricans

Yes but it also doesn't make them Germans


So, Weebs confirmed for non-white?

show us your flag faggot

>you have to pick a side goy
>heebs are white
why is JIDF trying so hard?

Well pretty much this



they think supporting Israel is an antisemitism get out of jail free card.

>don't hate on the_donald guise, it's a Sup Forums colony to red pill the normies!
>this post gets 96% upvoted
It's too bad we can never identify the people who talked about Sup Forums there so that they can face their much deserved punishment

Flag please

>your women and children are getting raped and murdered by muslims

Because Jewish politicians imported them and forced tax payers to foot the bill. All while creating anti hate speech laws to imprison anyone who objects, you can see why everyone has hated Jews, this is what they do when they get into power.


at least the_donald doesn't have 90% shills like Sup Forums this place is shit now.


>decent christian
Decent Christians aren't christcucks. Christcucks are the Zionist retards who believe Jews are demigods

>Implying JIDF HQ hasn't always been shit

just call them evangelicals, neocons or boomers.

There is not a more conniving race on Earth than (((them)))
When the Muslims invaded Spain, they co-operated with them against the Christians to gain influence in the Caliphate. Now almost a century later, the Arabs and Muslims are the enemy and they try convince the West to aid them.

Nobody owned it before that. It was inhabited by nomadic goatfuckers.

>Nomadic goatfuckers

Checks out desu

99% of Christians today are christcucks, so it works for almost all of them.


>neo-con cucks love israel

Tents Razor said it himself

>reddit: the site where you can create a hundred bots to upvote a thread and downvote posts you don't like til they are hidden.
>a site where even the admins do this in their algorithms to push specific agendas


jews are shapeshifting, opportunistic pieces of cultural shit. we wouldnt even be worrying about muslims if it wasnt for kikes in israel and kikes in the usa

Fucking BASED!!!

Nobody can predict the future. t_d backfired. You live and learn


>Strength in unity
>Unity with people who hate you
>This is "If you fight them, they win" territory.

my son*

My dad uses this same argument. The truth is that Jerusalem belongs to whoever conquers it.

>Because Jewish politicians imported them and forced tax payers to foot the bill.
To play devils advocate, lets say the number of jews behind the globalist conspiracy is around 5000 people. Its probably not that high but it doesnt matter, the vast majority of the jewish population has nothing to do with the globalists and are treated as borderline goyim. There are 6.5 million jews on the planet roughly. That means that even at an extremely high estimates you are blaming the actions of an entire people on 0.000769% of them. Think about that for a second. Think about how ridiculous your statements and ideas are. This whole board is an extreme embarassment to anyone looking to have any kind of rational or intellectual discussion because you just scapegoat and blame instead of looking for your true enemies, the globalists, the bankers, the main steam media. Not the average jewish citizen just trying to get by in the world.

That’s exactly what you’re doing heeb

Okay, so why do the Khazarians deserve ownership it then?

I don't see them anywhere on the list prior to 1948.

are you kidding me? every sane Sup Forumsack told them not to or it will lead to current shithole we got right now

>hating fellow based magapedes

fuck off shill

No. t_d was a bad idea from day 1. Reddit hatred has been a part of this site long before the election.

No one wanted to listen.

They don't

Yeah but specifically talking about the_donald, it's way better than here. The shillbot activity has kept growing more and more every day, it's as unreadable as facebook now.

>Still visiting Sup Forums daily

no you kys