Why won't more artists put murican presidents in their manga?

Why won't more artists put murican presidents in their manga?

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See Baki series and Kengan Asura.

Is this Inu Yashiki?

President of U.S make the series worst.
See Obama in Air Gear.

Because Trump's a joke so all he gets are rare gag cameos as short as his fingers.

Obama was on a different level back in 2008. He was all over manga, from comedy to tragedy, from shonen to seinen. Japan loved him so much, he became a major characetr, like in Gamble FIsh or Air Gear.

Trump is a legend

I'm glad someone on this shitty board agrees

Fuck Plumpf

Because it's awkward and weird.

Yes. it is utterly out of context, though. Trump is making an international announcement that the end of the world is imminent. All the world leaders have done everything possible to stop it, but it cannot be prevented. He's telling everyone to live out their last few hours as they want.

Well, some did see it coming.

Trump is the president of the United States who beat a candidate, who prepared for this election for 30 years, on a whim.
He is a winner, you are a loser.

American elections are a joke anyway

8 years

most series don't mention america at all, so no need


Would an announcement like that really happen? 3 days before the end, really? It's so sudden.

It feels even weirder when in the chapter just before (so a week before at the very best) Trump was already appearing and saying they would do all they can to stop edgy robot boy, as if he never heard about that meteor before.

>tfw no battle-mange with Pence as the big baddie who took over the universe with the power of lightning
>bonus point if he does the Sheev-spin

Trump is preparing to win the black vote in case the robot stops the asteroid.

True. If they implemented voter ID's in the first place Shillary wouldn't even have as many votes as it did.

Literally retarded
Japs are more racist than we are.
It's been barely 2 months
compared to obamas 8 years, wait 8 years and there'll be TONS of manga with trump

Your life is a joke.

you say that like it means something in a country that voted bush for two terms

Perhaps the final plan was to force Shishigami to do something about it after incapacitating him. After it became apparent that Shishigami had become utterly crippled, that plan was lost. Remember - nobody knows that Inuyashiki has guns; they just know that he is a healer.

I gonna be honest here, he make the right choice.

Does the world even knows that Shishigami is an alien robot? They never mentioned a theory for how a teenager could be so invincible and kill so easily so much people.

Maybe 'the world' in general does not know that, but I cannot imagine that the world leaders don't. They're the ones with the police reports and cam footage, after all.

Bush was an insider, Trump a complete outsider.

Well, I think it's interesting. That line is important too, "the test for humanity is how we spend the hours we have left". Expected much worse for Trump really, he's not set as a pussy, it's the opposite even.

You know what happens less in manga, drawing the Japanese prime minister

Obama in a little girl's body was the best thing about that series.

He's also not telling everyone to rape and murder, he's just saying it's now "legal", to see if people will really turn murderous and crazy without laws and knowing they're going to die very soon.

There is like a dozen of series who included him already.

There's non-joke elections?

So looking at how the story will go that means the two robots will be able to stop a meteor that the totality of the world's strengh couldn't do anything about? That just sounds ridiculous.

The "kuso yaroudomo" bit kinda convinces me otherwise.

>MFW everyone starts killing each other
>MFW I am president of Canada and winning because I am not killing my enemies

They can revive the dead far beyond any modern medical means and have seemingly-indispensable supplies of missiles. What else would you consider?

From the looks of it they doesn't "revive the dead", just manages to save them from an inch of their death. I really don't think they can go in a cemetery and revive everyone in it.

Also, they never really showed any large scale bombs. Now imagine how much firepower every nations have, if everyone bombs in the world can't stop that meteor it must be ridiculously huge.

Obama was a fucking joke character in every series he appeared in. Baki and Legend of Koizumi show Trump more respect than they ever did for Obama.

>Legend of Koizumi
LoK is over though.

>Trump appeared in Baki
Since when? I wanna see it.

Dude I've seen a lot of trump on manga lately...

Will President Trump ever stop winning?

It happened all the same.

Find me Trump there you fucking dumbass, that's Bush Sr.

Well, your guy won, why are you so worked up about that?

>president of Canada
>American education

This is HW and not Trump, doofus


I wasn't really awake when I translated this as a mag scan, so there might be a line off or something; if there is, I'll fix it when the volume is out.

If you looked at all the recent presidents, you'd see that they all acted like "outsiders." Part of the reason why Bush won was that people felt that he was an outsider, that he wasn't a politician but a cowboy that you could have a beer with.


Also, there's that one manga from Tuna Empire about the prez doing his stuff in a-stan

You know how people at Sup Forums get so anal about console wars because they want vindication concerning their purchases, to ensure that they made the unequivocally right choice?

Trump looks buff here.

Those are the poorfags who can't just buy every console that comes out, just to be sure.