From today’s march on Rome

From today’s march on Rome

Other urls found in this thread:


>from today
>same thread and picture as yesterday
Really makes me think.

ISIS got their already?

Are these refugees or identitarians?

100% identitarians

most italians are shitskins, a good portion of them legitimately look indian/gypsy no wonder indians here claim to be italian to get women but even women here dont like italians lol

Self hating Moors

You do know that you will automatically be assumed as arab/immigrant refugee in any northern european country right? Even here in canada ur confused for syrians.

tard, creating these same threads every single day. Those 2 dudes from the right don´t look native italians.

native italians tend to look arabic, portuguese also have this look too.

I originally thought that were waving a Saudi flag in the back lol

You have no clue how italians look, much less how portuguese people look dear shitskin colonial. Don´t embaress yourself


Moortuguese youre also a self hating moor. You will also be assumed to be Arab/immigrant in any northern european country

My Italian (Abruzzo region ancestry) math teacher in high school got attacked after 9/11 because these two rednecks thought he was an Arab

Yes tell him.


Fake news meme flag shitskin.
The guy was not native portuguese (but immigrant - angolan) and he faked it all, he was caught by the local polce because they saw the cameras, Just use google translator

sorry achmed

Actually i do since i live in a multiculti paradise. We have a legit "Portuguese town" in downtown toronto and portos look like shitskins. I also used to live in an all Portuguese neighborhood and i was the only white kid on the block while Portos resemble indians or arabs. Italians share the same looks but even dark imo.

Get outta here schlomo

Been to Italy about a dozen times so far, 99% of them look nothing like that. those guys are cherry picked. There's swarthy untermensch tier anglos too.

slide thread

Yea makes sense (( colonial )). I believe in you, i don´t know how my people looks lmao.
Any native portuguese looks completly europid, not nordic, but west med and atlanto med majority, even our diaspora in canada

>niggertalian found

What do you feel when you look in the mirror? I bet your comfortable with all these shitskins invading since you fit in now.

I wont even call this a cherry pick since half look like gypsies and children tend to be lighter and fairer compared to adults you moron. Kys nigger

You were in a tourist trap you moron. We have loads of italians here and i visited Italy twice on vacations, its just a civilized syria.

Whiter and cleaner than you Muhammad

>Portos resemble indians or arabs

yes we do look, in fact the first thing that i think when i saw my people is arabs and indians, maybe also japs and colombians ROTFL

even now in christmas we sing arab songs and stuff:

88% European

> Portuguese are shitsk-
> Be Canadian
> Get C*CKED and colonized by Chinks
> Complains about Europeans moving to his country

damn,you are marching on Rome for months now,do you have any results?
hang yourself fucking antifa

Are you serious?

Why wouldn't i be? Are you just gonna call me a meme flag or are you actually going to have a conversation?

Dude why do I see you in every thread posting selfies? Just stop pretending to be something you’re not, seriously. You have a lack of cultural identity and now because you’ve been brainwashed by this website your trying to attach yourself to this group of people(white people), but obviously you aren’t white. It’s not healthy bro

Why are you trying to be white?

>tourist trap
>been dozen times at least
>hapa manlet behind the keyboard

Does pic related look white to you, it's literally 1st row picture on google when I type italians

sure maybe 5% of them look swarthy, but you can't really cherry pick the 5% and claim that the rest of them aren't white either, like I said there's swarthy anglos too, and surely this percentage goes up once u visit the southern regions especially the towns dominated by agriculture.

I never said i was white

But i am Caucasian

Oh and by the way most people in Sup Forums are Hispanic Mestizo's


Get lost Mud!

rake yourself leaf

forgot the pic I'm retarded

You’re really not even Caucasian. The closest you’d even come to that description would be Half-caste Black mixed with Spanish mestizo ancestry that has a very small European percentage. Probably no higher a percent than the percent of Neanderthal DNA in modern Europeans

responding to memeflags should be an insta-ban

>from months ago
>most italians look like the "refugees" they are protesting

he is some faggot from Sup Forums, they just posted this picture in their last thread kek

Straight out of Algeria

Lol i took a DNA test and im 88% European

Listen dude i literary blushes naturally

And im not even close to Caucasian?

Everything isn’t always about looks or the colour you autist it’s about the displacement of the rightful native peoples

Blush = shit?

>88% European



It says 5% White. I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. If not then you seriously need to re-evaluate. Everyone will respect you more when you actually have respect for what you are and aren’t in denial.


Dude that is a fake facial recognition app

This woman looks absolutely disgusting without makeup.

The makeapp trained me well.

Ok well then let’s see your actual genetics results. If you can prove then I see nothing further needs to be discussed. If not then you’re in denial.

I've been waiting for the perfect moment to post this

You're a shitskin, no one cares about your meme flag lol


le 56% face IRL.

You will never be white.

Nah, at least 30-40% black, Look at that fucking afro and that nose.

I never did understand the meme about Italy and having trash everywhere


Lol blush=shit huh?

thb ive always considered italians, greeks and iberians as racially the same as north africans and arabs since you all generally share the same phenotypes and looks. Even niggers are genetically distinct from each other but they still the look the same. Same applies for med countries.

Italians got BLACKED and niggerfied after the Jews paid off Roman politicians to allow anyone to become a citizen of Rome

Every place Rome and South of Rome has trash everywhere, and ironically enough trash bins everywhere. I'm not even sure how this is possible. Northern Italy is nice though; Tyrol.

No dude no

Because Northern Italians are mostly still white. Funny how Grease and Italy have been shitholes ever since their collapse and miscegenation.

Everyone except the darkest negroes blushes, it's just harder to tell the darker the skin in.

Congrats, you aren't 100% nigger.

But you aren't even close to being 10% white either.

Le 56%? Wow! Dude you do know only 10% of mexicans are native right? Most Hispanics are Mestizo's

You going to post your genetic results or keep memeing? We’re all waiting.

So do people just not put trash in the trash bin or does the garbage truck not circulate often enough?

Yes, dude, yes. You are half nigger and are deeply in denial about it, and everyone in here can see it.

>Le most mexicans are white.

>You see amigo I blush! Means I'm white.

Not sure, I've only visited the places for weeks at a time. I would assume it has something to do with the mafia.

One day i will

Im the face of Sup Forums most of us are Mestizo's

One day you will come across me again dont worry

I support hitler because i admire what he did for his people and nation. You dont have to have blonde hair or blue eyed to be National Socialist

High level memes

That guy probably does have European blood dude c'mon i never said i was white Aryan

>Funny how Grease and Italy have been shitholes ever since their collapse and miscegenation.

They are the same people they were before burger, that was proved dozens of times, even recently. Why can´t you just use your bran and read?

Read that dude most mexicans are Mestizo's and have European blood

I cant believe you dont know this?

>have European blood

Mulattos have European blood too, doesn't mean I want them in Europe. So what's your point?

Having european blood =/= white.

I can't believe you don't know this?

This is so funny, I see a bunch of Arabic-looking men protesting with something that looks like Islamic flags.

...But probably those who push the pastaniggers meme are just worthless jidf shills

it's something to do with mafia controlled garbage collection

are these identitarians or refugees?

There were many Arabic scientists during the Middle Ages too, but they were and are sand niggers, that goes for Italoniggers/Spaghettispics as well.

I can feel the mutt memes incoming....

Arab chics look kinda hot. I think it is that forbidden fruit thing.

You want le 56% mutt memes?

Just take a look at

The memes write themselves.

So, do you Italians prefer to be called sand niggers or spics?

Oh shit, ISIS is marching on Rome!
Better than creating nothing.

>Arab medieval """scientists"""
>actual science
Pick one and only one.
Italian scientists and mathematicians were and are, on the contrary, directly involved in the formation and current evolution of modern science

I think it is time to invent new racial slurs about Italians. I suggest the following:
> Pasta Spics
> Spaghetti Niggers
> Pizza Arabs
> Curry Macaroni

So what? I acknowledge my Asian ancestry, while you claim to be White. You are delusional. I am not!


america is whiter than this lol