Sup Forums is ungrateful of the gift that God bestowed upon them

So, let me get this straight. You lot want Europe to stay ethnically pure, religiously devoted, and to keep its traditions intact in the youth, but hate the Sharia Law that the Arab immigrants are bringing?

Let's list some benefits that make Saudi Arabia so successful in this regard and why you should follow them.

>Theocractic government makes sure that future generations grow up with their religious ideals, ethics, and culture instilled within them so they grow up into God-fearing well-mannered family men.
>Feminists don't exist so women cannot have their minds poisoned with "progressive" ideas, so in turn, they stay good housewives who raise your obedient and caring children who greet you whenever you come back from work.
>Hates zionism and wants its destruction, and rightfully so. That shit is a disease.
>Convinces people to stick to their own ethnicity where their culture is strongest, meaning that there are no conflictions of ideas or cultures because everyone keeps it to their kind.
>All social benefits and rights like healthcare and welfare belong to the natives, and none other than the natives. Gun ownership is also exclusive to the natives.
>Treats faggotry with the hostility it deserves. Allowing a small bit of degeneracy will ALWAYS lead to a domino effect of more disgusting ideas being campaigned for in the future, so it's better to weed out the root of the cause permanently.
>The mad liberals can be executed in whatever traditional manner is unique to the country. If we used France as an example, the guillotine would still be in use.

So why don't you like it? Is it just because it is related to Islam? Hitler had no problem with stealing a Buddhist symbol and make it his own, so I don't see any issue with you guys borrowing some ideas from Sharia Law to improve your situation. We'll both be happy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would I want more devotion to some religion?

Isn't Finland composed of a majority Christian? I guess it still can work if the religion of the nation is the lack of one.

Besides, devotion to a religion will benefit you immensely. You learn how to be a better person not just to God, but to you yourself and everyone around you.

the Jewish bait topics today are terrible.

your country would be like any other 3rd world shithole without oil please fuck off, you're the reason half the worlds problems exist you disgusting subhuman sandnigger

What I wanna know is, how the fuck can that cat talk and why does it speak Japanese

>Arab immigrants are bringing the Sharia law
Top kek user, that's just something anti-immigration neoliberals tell their followers. There is a reason why the leftists support islam and that is that European islam is going to be just as cucked as European christianity. What's more is that muslims are foreign and would thus in practice act as something that comes between a people and it's traditions, even if the muslims have the best intentions.

Sorry I'll take Zionism and Jews over Muslims. Far less of them to deal with.

wow you're right, that's why the middle east is so peaceful

How's your 8 year old wife doing?

They did ok until the jewish nation attacked.

>the country that invades half of the world for oil and resources
>the country that also funded the "rebels" in syria with weapons and made them extremely powerful
>the country that backs Israel, which also backs the "rebels"
>unironically blames me for the disgusting shit going on in the world
Of course the cocksucking tranny would be a projecting retard. Hope Pedro's cock feels nice to you, faggot.

Sharia Law can be applied to any religion, mate. Zionism is just directly admitting you want to be an eternal slave cuck to the jews.

But leftists hate Islam because everything that the religion and Christianity share is true. They keep on saying that Jesus is a comrade, but they don't want to follow His lessons. It's baffling.

It WAS peaceful before the creation of Israel and the Iranian Coup of 1952 and the Iraq War, though. This destability is due to US Government imperialism injecting its culture and funding into everything it wants to stick its nose in.

The minimum age of marriage is 18. Add a 10.

While you make a good point I still insist on the removal of Islam because I don't want to beheaded

How can you say I make a good point if you didn't read my point? Sharia Law can work with any religion, meaning you can have the Christian nation that Ronald Reagan envisioned without any disgusting liberal hippies in it.

>But leftists hate Islam
Maybe in Saudi Arabia, but not in Europe.

But leftists don't exist in Saudi Arabia, that's the benefit of Sharia Law. What I'm saying about "hating Islam" is the exact same thing that American liberals say.

Sharia law is throwing away tradition, throwing away European culture, and ultimately leading to the dissolution of it. Your law has place only in your own country, and we shall keep our law in ours, invader.

OP is correct. Western countries used to have a de facto Shariah law where most open degeneracy was not tolerated.

Now we're liberalized to oblivion.

>Hates zionism and wants its destruction, and rightfully so. That shit is a disease.
>some benefits that make Saudi Arabia so successful in this regard
>Saudi Arabia
Good one. Made me chuckle.

Read this nice summary this smart user provided:

Sharia law is within the doctrine of Islam, and is there for Islamic. Don't try to twist or honeycoat your words. I oppose degeneracy and Islam. And if it's a matter of principle then so be it, I will not see the land of my father's father's father's destroyed by the very things they fought to stave off.

>talks about
>is a durka durka sand nigger
That's rich.
What next? Jews telling people what they should believe in? ahahah oh wait a minute....

Because you and your merry band of fuckwits invading my country are demanding i replace thousands of years of MY HISTORY and MY CULTURE with yours.


with 5000 pounds of your bullshit, nejis covered book.

stop taking everything so fucking literally you autist. the nazis effectively had a form of "shariah" in place. that's what op is advocating.

>claims to be against degeneracy
>doesn't want to borrow some ideas from the very Sharia Law the eliminated these degeneracies in Saudi Arabia
Just say you like sucking Syrian dicks, don't try to confuse me with your incoherency.

Sharia Law allows you to preserve your history and culture, stupid. I mean, you are a libertarian, so of course you'd be too retarded to read.

All you'll possibly hear from Saudi Arabia is the opinion of either ignorant or subversive (((people))) conveniently forgetting that they're responsible for ISIS and for creating radicalized pockets ready to blow out into full scale civil war in Europe.

Richer than you, salty bastard roach.


Arabs drink camel piss (see pic related)
Mohammed the "prophet" was the biggest camel-piss salesman around back then
I don't want to drink camel piss, m8
I don't want to listen to the rantings of a PEDOPHILE "prophet" who drank camel piss either

Forgot pic, musta been them evil djinns or somethin

I don't hear you complaining about your daddy Paki.

I'm not a paki, you paki pedo piss drinker

t. paki's fucktoy


>mentions piss drinking a lot
>gets defensively butthurt when called a paki's bottom
Oooh, so you're into watersports with your paki boyfriend? Makes sense, you bongs have always been filthy animals.

Dude, you are the one who worships a pedophile who drinks camel piss (as evinced in the islamic scriptures above), so cease projecting your own self-hatred and confusion onto me.
You complain about "degenracy" in your OP but you follow one of the biggest degenerates in history - a pedophile who drank the urine of animals, and see this as example to follow - and this is proven because Saudi still has camel urine vendors to this day

tl;dr = drink your piss and shut up, pedophile

You sure do love projecting your insecurity, don't you? Did your daddy paki deprive you of pissing in your mouth last night? I can't think of any other explanation on why you're so buttblasted right now.

Drink your piss and shut up, Saudi pedophile

>spergs a million times about piss drinking
>unironically thinks I'm the one obsessed with piss here
Do you want me to export some camels to you? You're being a total tsundere about wanting camel piss in your system, at least that's what I'm getting.

Anyone who is this desperate for a fix tends to be a bit butthurt.

>Hitler had no problem with stealing a Buddhist symbol and make it his own
>his own
Stick your head in the sand Mahmut.