I just realized I was gay on Christmas but I am still right-wing and like memeing and stuff so what's the issue with this? What's the alt-rights opinion on this? Reading this out it sounds like a shitty slide thread but im being 100% serious.
What is alt-right opinion on Homosexuality?
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Just say no homo and you're good
just dont be a faggot
No such thing exists. It's just anybody who isn't a pawn to the far-left is automatically labeled far to the right.
Duterte says it's fine.
Good enough for me.
Faggotry is only bad when you parade it in the streets and try to indoctrinate children. Heterosexuality is the norm and should be quasi-enforced
But OP is, unironically, a faggot.
If you think the parades are about some sort of self interest, you're mistaken. The sole motivation is to troll. Once it loses its value as a tool to troll people, it'll disappear.
>kekistani flag
>realized I was gay on Christmas
>like memeing
>preemptively calling it a shitty slide thread
>100% serious
Beautiful. Possibly some of your better work, whoever you are.
Stop making shitty slide threads faggot.
Also stop using your asshole as a shitty slide thread for other dudes cocks.
I disagree. Not everyone deserves such a noble title. It would be like if everyone was called "king" it would dilute the honor in the title
do what the fuck you want, just dont demand I accept your insanity 110%, fuck off fag no one cares, youre not special, youre just insane.
Never did that before
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How did you just realize you were gay?
Did you wake up with a dick in your ass?
WE need to know to prevent more gays from happening.
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
I was at my girlfriends parents house and we were watching some stupid Christmas movie. There was a scene when they have sex and they take off their shirts and i got a boner but i was 90% sure i was looking at the guy when i got a boner. The rest of the movie i was trying to mental gymnastics my way out of it but it didn't work I realize lying to myself won't work
Le based gay pedophile.
Just closet that shit, most of us don't give a shit. Not my business, I don't care.
Is being closeted better than out. What if he gets a bf?
i have a girlfriend im not breaking up.
actually i don't think im gay anymore i just looked up a gay model stuff and i didn't get a boner so idk im good now.
What do you think of her pussy? Apparently gays really fucking hate vaginas.
How old are you? That also is a determining factor.
You are gay from birth. Being only attracted to some members of the same sex doesn't make you less gay.
Generally people don't care. It's when you faggots try to force everone to be okay with your degeneracy when in reality we don't give a fuck. Do what you want. Also if you're not splitting with your girlfriend, just fuck her butthole doggy style and pretend it's a dude.
I am not attracted to vaginas, am I gay?
How do you just realize you're a fag?
Did you trip and fall onto a dick and realize it just felt right?
Neck yourself, faggot
Taste one first, Ahmed.
Gays are typically REPULSED by the vagene. if u are merely not attracted to it then that's just a neutral stance
Nigger, you gay.
Even gay white men should pump out an heir and a spare.
i got a boner when i watched a sex scene but i felt like i was looking more at the guy
Kill em all
>proper sexual attraction starts to develop at 13/14/15
>underage faggot
off this board
It's okay in my books OP.
If you want to, donate some sperm so the bloodline will at least flow
im 18
I guess your name is Sam.
Stop watching porn you impressionable faggot.
After a month try starting not horny and only think of dudes. Get an erection without touching.
99% chance you can’t
>an heir and a spare.
why do they let the spare act like a nigger?
Maybe you just put yourself mentally into his position ... brain may do some weird stuff sometimes and mix up different emotions and sensory inputs.
>eating pussy
Way gayer than OP is.
So is this gayness thing...
is it a choice or is it something you're born with?
I get the feeling that (((they))) are trying to make it seem that it's something you're born with because it would imply that they can't be held accountable for sexual deviant acts if they have that "it's in my nature" card.
> I just realized I was gay on Christmas
> im being 100% serious.
> actually i don't think im gay anymore
Wow great thread man
I for one am totally fine with this as long as you die of AIDS you fucking faggit!!
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You wanna talk about homosexuality?
Here you go:
You're a teenager right?
You should stop being gay immediately. That's no way to live your life. If you were right wing you would know this.
i dont think i am anymore its just last night i thought i was and this mourning.
all your gay links are fake and gay
Just concentrate on studying, sports, and jerk off to pictures of hot women and you'll be fine. Gay people are made through classical conditioning of the brain, they're not born.
don't worry OP you can be homosex and NOT a faggot at the same time, there's this guy who rides a motorcycle up and down my street with revs and noise pollution covering every corner and creek, biggest faggot I know
I already screwed up on the first part and am unathletic. Very unatheletic. I'm 5'6 and weak
You should realize you were gay the moment you first described yourself as alt-right.
>inb4 people need to stop supporting gay right wingers etc., especially the ones saying we need to lighten up to have a bigger -normie- audience.
That's the diffence between alt-right and true right wingers, we don't compromise on this stuff.Never compromise, even in the face of armageddon.
Its a health risk too
1. A non-negligible number of respondents were miscounted as having been raised in LM or GF households. The sources of these potential errors—which we estimate to exceed one-third of Regnerus’s subsample of LM and GF—were the inclusion of individuals whose highly implausible responses to other questions call all of their responses into doubt, individuals who reported living in these households for a very short period of time, and individuals whose responses in the calendar data were incompatible with the original categorization of being raised in a LM of GF household.
2. A number of other methodological and modeling decisions made by Regnerus—decisions that have plausible alternatives that at minimum should be checked to assess the robustness of the patterns—appear to artificially inflate the differences between LM/GF and IBF households.
3. Once corrections to these potential coding errors and alternatives to these methodological choices are made, the putative disadvantage in the outcome profile of respondents from same-sex parent families (both single-parent LM and GF house- holds and two-parent LM and GF households) decreases dramatically—with some of the remaining differences not ‘‘sub- optimal’’ (e.g., whether or not the respondent identifies as entirely heterosexual and the number of other-sex partners) or a function of one or two influential cases.
78% figure is from a 1977 survey of gay men where 60% said they had crabs at one point. Not reliable anymore and CERTAINLY not from the CDC. That's an outright lie.
Homosexual inclination is a disorder and homosexual actions are disgusting and perverted.
The lgbt political movement is a disaster.
Discovering that homosexuality actually existed publicly and being disgusted by it is what radicalized me politically to the right wing in hopes that it becomes illegal again