/IG/: /Islam General/

Thread to discuss islam and correct false perception of our religion spread by (((medias))).

I will be transparent and answer all the questions you might have.

For Christians, the main ideological differences between our two religions are:
>We believe Jesus is a Prophet and the Messiah, but he is not the son of God. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses are also Prophets in addition to Mohamed being the last one.
>We believe there is only one God, we do not believe in the concept of Trinity. Consider that God took a human form is blasphemous in Islam.
>We do not believe God is a kind of human in the clouds or that he has made humans in his own image. He is an entity which has created the Universe, has no beginning and no end, is unique, has no sons or parents, has full power on the whole Universe, and has full-knowing of everything that happens in this Universe. We don't represent God because the human brain cannot imagine a physical representation of Him.
>We don't believe in Jesus to be sacrificed to save mankind and its sins. Everybody is responsible for its own acts and pays for its own sins.
>Every human is born free of sins instead of Christians believing that we are all sinners since day 1. Sins are taken into account once you reach puberty. If you die before, you go directly to Paradise.

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This is an organized shill attempt by trannyniggerfaggots who organize on discord, tumblr, sandnigger countires, the democrats, mainstream media and (((Kraut)))

They shit this board full with pointless and demoralization threads to disrupt our cause.

Hide, sage and report, and of course, call them a nigger faggot, because thats what they are.

If you have no questions about the Faith, please leave.

>please leave
I don't take commands from sandniggers.

Wahhabi vs Sunni, what's the difference

You are a Kafir.

Wahhabi is a sect of Sunni. They are radically iconoclastic. You can think of them as similar to what you call Fundamentalists in Christianity. Those who accept only the Bible and read it very literally.

Nobody gives a fuck, faggot, fuck that gay ass nigger bitch religion. Fuckin' camel jockeys.

They are the same. Wahabism or salafism is directly going back to the Quran and Hadith with the interpretation of the early generations of Muslims. The “mainstream” sunnism you see today is actually a watered down version full of innovations like Sufism and Philosophical aspects.

You are very ignorant sir. You believe media lies about the Faith.

And you are a low IQ goatfucker who is so inbred that his hearth will have a failure one day.

Also, your Allahunigger was a pedophile and your whole subhuman tribe got BTFO in Vienna.

You are full of hatred and ignorance about the Faith.

>Those who believe, fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Satan. So fight you against the friends of Satan. Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Satan.


All sand niggers are subhuman trash. Period.

Not an argument, inbred filth.

You would need an higher IQ to understand.

Allah = Satan.
Do you get it???


Allah loves everyone
>What is Islam?
>How to revert?
>From Atheism to Islam
>Christian to Islam
>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!

you want me very bad? here stop my long biological weapon.

Islam is pro-homosexuality and pro-pedophilia, fuck off with your fuckin' fag religion.

Explain sunni vs shia. Why do they hate each other, what are the diffremnces, and what is the true Islam?

Why does Islam acknowledge Jesus, which it derived from Christianity, whilst denying many of the miracles the bible said he did, and denying that the crucifixion happened? It's ironic that Islam adopted that from the Bible, but proceeded to ignore the rest.

Everytime I ask a Muslim this question, they either ignore it (most common) or will get mad at me.

Fuck off goatfucker