Would you have supported slavery or would you not have?
If you lived in the 1800s would you be pro Slavery or pro Abolition?
pro deportation
anti slavery.
pro deportation.
If I was a Democrat then I would probably have defended my right to own slaves.
Well philosophically I'd be anti-slave, being that I don't own a farm, but who am I to tell my neighbor what to do with his own property.
send them back
Pro-slavery. If people want to be slaves they should be allowed.
>"but nobody wants to be a slave!"
>he types into his iphone while studying at uni to increase his denbts while knowing full-well that he will work 40 years as a service-sector slave if he doesn't out-compete thousands of more qualified, more colourful competitors.
Pro-genocide we should have killed them all before the war even started.
Abolition. I am against slavery in all its forms.
Against, a cartel of labor degenerates the market.
The Natural Law of man is God's law and is superior in all its modes against the inferior of modes corrupt despots.
Better question
If you lived in 1930s German would you be pro holocaust or pro jew?
Anti slavery with the mandatory stipulation that once it's ended they are all deported to Africa
I'd be pro-sending them back.
If you were part of the top 1% of course you would support slavery. Your mansion and wealth depended on it.
if you were a working schmuck, you realize that you can't compete against slave labor. Also realize slave population out number the white population and only getting worse ans fear the day when slaves are 200 to 1 and violently revolt, killing all the white people.
Definitely pro-holocaust because it never happened and I would have fun rounding up jews with my imaginary friends.
Pro abolition. Abolitionists wanted to deport them. It was the right thing to do.
if I lived in the 1800s I'd be living in a rural part of southern Europe
my entire family emigrated to the US during the 20th century at different points in time
Abolition under the exclusive pretense that every single one, along with their families are repatriated back to their county of origin.
you have to go back
Or just Haiti or the Mosquito coast. Then all ships that were built as a brown water navy by the Union could be used to assist in shipping them back. Africa is far.
Kill all niggers plz ;)
Fpbp, you can tell it is true because the last two numbers are the same
came here to say exactly this
Anti slavery.
It's immoral to expect fair economic participation when there's a class of people working for basically no cost.
Send them back.
Pro kill all jews. One drop rule, not the "1/4 is OK" bulshit.
Wouldve preferred no niggers period, fucking fore fathers and their short sighted stupidity left us with the nigger problem we have now.
Seeing its 19th century od go with abolition and force every single nigger to go back.
we should have executed anyone that brought niggers to america. that would have resulted in a lot of dead jews though.
Who Dominated The Slave Trade?
pro sterilization like arabs did
3/5ths was far too generous
this is the single best argument against mass amnesty I can think of.
The US would be better if we sent the blacks home.
It would be perfect if we never let the kikes in.
with punishing those that brought them here
too expensive
just chopp them balls
I'm hearing confession tonight...
As much as I don't want non-whites in the West, they deserve to not be someone's property. Also, freedom is meant to be the basis of all of America's principles, yet they allowed slavery for almost 300 years (even if it was blacks).
I'm a Southerner, so Pro-Slavery due to its economic necessity to the South and the fact that its continuance presented the best possible outcome for American Blacks.
For a more accurate review of Slavery:
Slavery's importance to the Southern economy:
Slavery based on race no good but indentured servitude is fine for debt repayment, criminals, and the like.
Ashkenazi ran the slave ships, Arabs ran slavery.
Most slaves didn't even go to America they went to South America and central America.
Slavery is not a white man's ideology.
Yeah, there is some merit to the idea of having the choice to work for others and being payed in basic daily needs to work off debt or for other needs.
Would make it illegal to import fertile slaves
Remember to spade and neuter your slaves before bringing into the country!
Pro abolition. However, I would have required that the south sell all of their slaves to the government for fair market value, then ship the niggers back to Africa, ban further importing of slaves,and prohibit Africans from moving to the US. Would have cost less than the war, and would not have cost 600,000 white lives.
That was the "original idea"Lincoln was going to implement the return to Africa,....but he got Assasinated
Slavery is Anti Civilizing
Pro slavery, In fact I'm still pro slavery even in 2017. Niggers do not deserve freedom.