Éire/pol/ - What did ye get from santae lads? edition

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>Brexit has caused strained relationship with UK - Varadkar

>Taoiseach visits Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon

>Turf cutters call for consultation over raised bogs in SACs

>Spending on overseas aid to rise as the economy grows

>Miriam O'Callaghan on top of Fianna Fáil candidate wish list for presidential election

>Direct rule of Northern Ireland by London not an option - Taoiseach

>Irish Travellers in the UK may face greater levels of discrimination post-Brexit

>Car of peace hits Irish person

>Man accused of harassing Sharon Ní Bheoláin to face court in February

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>tfw you will never work on James' farm

Nice, an éire/pol/!

I'll tell ya after i post this, just want to bump the thread real quick

>tfw you will never sing "swing Low" While working the fields on Reynold;'s farm

Got a pull-up bar
New bed cover (comfy too)
pair of trousers
set of darts for dart board

I thought this was a very good article, he's right that swing "merry Christmas" as opposed to "happy holidays" is now counter culture, but its pretty sad that its come to that

feels fucking bad

>Spending on overseas aid to rise as the economy grows
Are these profligates simply stupid or are they mad? perhaps both.

ffs, I would manage the fuck out of that money.
two words
Rail Guns
shit would be cash

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

Just a bottle of Red Label whiskey. Think we'll ever see an Ireland that finally tells the foreigners to fuck off? One can dream.

It's possible

>England's rugby song
>Right-wingers are surprised when they're called West Brits

is that really England's rugby song?
in my country, its an old working song associated with field slaves

Until the National Party stand for an election, Fine Gael are the next best option. They're far from perfect, but at least they're pro-life and won't destroy the economy like Solidarity or Sinn Féin would

>is that really England's rugby song?


but destroying the economy is good under current circumstances.
>repels economic migrants
>causes economic migrants/rent seekers that are here to leave in search of work/better gabs
>creates even more discontent for the govt.

>unavailable in your country
Still, point made. never knew that, interesting.

>>unavailable in your country

This one then, you can remember it the next time you sing it.


No they're not. There may be a number of individual pro-lifers in FG, but the party is not explicitly pro-life.
>but destroying the economy is good under current circumstances
Increased unemployment and reduced job opportunities makes it harder for young Irish couples to start a life together and raise children. In no conceivable reality is this a good thing.

Vote SF, they're unlikely to get into power and the more votes they get encourages other parties to be more nationalistic.

Vote for Rick Sanchez

Will Ireland be united during your lifetime?

no, no we don't want to bolster SF, if anything the opposite
fair enough that. my logic is that it will anger the people, done to the proper extent, a situation akin to Greece

Pic not related

What about Independents?

You are one fine Gael

You responded to a point I never made on the economy. I think you meant to reply to the American poster


What's the point?

The Taoiseach is pro-life


>Increased unemployment and reduced job opportunities makes it harder for young Irish couples to start a life together and raise children.

Indeed. We should raise the minimum wage, make Third Level Education free again and expand the Community Employment scheme. These are largely band-aid solutions, however it's the best that the current conditions will allow.

>the more votes they get encourages other parties to be more nationalistic.

That's not how it works.
Did the DUP become more Nationalist with the rise of Sinn Féin in Stormont during the 2000s? No.
Have Fine Gael become more Nationalist than they were in the 90s? No.

The Nature of the rise of Sinn Féin means a direct weakening of the Nationalism of all other Parties. In decades to come, you will see a much weaker iteration of Fianna Fáil than you see now as a direct result of this process.

You should also promote Gaelic language in Irish schools too

>The Taoiseach is pro-life
cherry picking my dude.
There are plenty of pro choice FG members.
fact of matter is there is no significant difference between FF or FG, they are essentially the same party and it really doesn't matter which one is in power

>Pro choice

Call it mass murder of Irish babies instead.


Guys we really need to go all out to stop Abortion becoming legal. This isn't America. Abortion in Ireland will only serve to kill white children and further reduce our population while Muslims pump out their subhumans orc style.

The point is not giving FG/FG or any of those cunts guaranteed votes, stop letting them maintain control with little effort to earn that position.

Yes, you're correct.
>The Taoiseach is pro-life
Varadkar is fairly wishy-washy about the whole thing. Sure, he's not in favour of abortion on demand available as found in the UK, but it would be a stretch to call him a proper pro-lifer.

We already do teach Irish in school

>This is the Mentality of the Psychotic Left
Is that so.

I agree, but we should also change the welfare and taxation system to ensure healthy white breeding, but from the right types of family. I would propose abolishing child benefit, and replacing it with tax credits. Eg, for each child you have (up to the fourth child, let's say), you get 3k off your income tax bill. This will be of great (and disproportionate) benefit to hard working, middle income families, while removing the incentive from worthless council-house dwelling single mothers to breed.

We need white children, but they ought to be the right white children.

There are plenty of parents who are not in council housing but who pay little-to-no income tax. Such a proposal will not do much to raise birthrates, as many of the people who would benefit from such a proposal will still choose not to have children due to Bourgeois Lifestyleism.
You could at least propose the French system where you get expense reductions after your third child.

Why do Irish girls hunger for foreign cock so much? Seriously, I'm not even from here and I've fucked so many Irish sluts. Why are "men" here so cucked?

>many of the people who would benefit from such a proposal will still choose not to have children due to Bourgeois Lifestyleism
I don't believe so. I know many people in their early 30s who would like to start a family, but are currently prevaricating because they're so financially squeezed. And yes, those people would benefit greatly from what I'm proposing.
"Bourgeois Lifestyleism" is largely forced because people can't see themselves being able to adequately provide for a child and raise it in a reasonably comfortable and stable environment, so they put off child-raising. In many cases that I see, it's a forced choice.

where you from bucko?
idk, western Euros seem very cucky to me too desu, don't know why
>why are women attracted to foreigners
could be multiple different factors
1. as you mentioned, men in Western Europe are rather cucky
2.could be a subconscious attempt on part of the female to make other men around her jealous and compete for her
3.inherent whoring

> reasonably comfortable and stable environment
all depends on their definition of that.
in our society "reasonable living conditions: have become very decadent

Unironically vote for Fine Gael.
To quote my granddad "I left fine gael ages ago because all the fellas in young fine gael have gotten so bloody right wing"

I even met one of the heads of Young Fine Gael and he said he's a big fan of Paul Ryan. I know he's a "cuckservative" but by Irish/Europe political standards that's a good step in the "right" direction.

Plus, I'd prefer daddy to people before profit

>I know many people in their early 30s who would like to start a family, but are currently prevaricating because they're so financially squeezed

People in their early 30s are being squeezed by taxation? An elderly person, I can imagine. Not 31.
You seem to be under the impression that people are much less aware of their financial situation than they actually are.
People who do not have kids are not doing so because of an economic process which began in the 70s - where inflation and the Cost of Living greatly outgrew the rise in wages. The New Stage of Capitalism - a shedding of Keynes and the embrace of Neoliberalism.
The drop in birth rates (especially the Whites) in the USA coincided largely with this shift.

With the actual Bourgeois, they historically have a lower birth-rate than the Working Class. This goes back Centuries.

>calling Leo "daddy"
please consider suicide you, brazen faggot

>People in their early 30s are being squeezed by taxation?
Depends on who you know. A lot of the people in my social group of that age pay a fair whack of tax.
>You seem to be under the impression that people are much less aware of their financial situation than they actually are
No, I believe that many people are acutely aware of their financial situation. And yes, I am aware of the trends you speak of.

>With the actual Bourgeois, they historically have a lower birth-rate than the Working Class. This goes back Centuries.
Would you say the differential was as wide as it is becoming now?

Also, the use of the word Bourgeois tends to muddy things up a bit. By that word, do you mean the top 1%? 15%? 35%?

What's the matter yank?
Too much of a macho-American man to have a little fun with a gay man?

Americans are all so insecure about homosexuality and can't just lighten up like us Euros

You're right. They're a uniparty. But it's better than giving the vote to Sinn Féin or Solidarity or the Social Democrats.

They're the least shit option until the National Party start running candidates

I'd personally reduce both income tax brackets by half (10% and 20% instead of 20% and 40%, and eliminate property taxes and inheritance taxes)

I don't really see the point in the latter two, particularly when an ever greater proportion of the nation's wealth and property is resting in fewer hands. Sure, allow something like a modest family home to escape the inheritance tax net, but I don't see why anything greater shouldn't be taxed. Similarly with property taxes, I'd be in favour of a generous enough tax-free threshold, but I'd have no problem with a modest tax on very valuable non-agricultural properties.

>Depends on who you know. A lot of the people in my social group of that age pay a fair whack of tax.

Well Marxists do say that Fascism is the Petit-Bourgeois' reaction to the failures of Capitalism.
Have these friends of yours ever thought about asking for a raise?

>And yes, I am aware of the trends you speak of.

And so, you will also be aware that we are experiencing the result of half a Century of this Process. The present is a snapshot of processes which take centuries to complete.

>Would you say the differential was as wide as it is becoming now?

Birthrates for the Working Class are obviously lower, Upper Class birthrates are likely lower too. I do not see any potential of an Upper Class Baby Boom.

>Also, the use of the word Bourgeois tends to muddy things up a bit. By that word, do you mean the top 1%? 15%? 35%?

The Borgeouis is in control of the Means of Production, Petit-Bourgeous are largely small business owners, Working Class is everybody who has to sell their Labour to live.
Lumpenproletariat are those who are unemployed and Labour Aristocracy are Working Class individuals who are paid a lot of money (Bankers, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants etc).

Yeah, but the Greeks ended up voting for the Far-Left in response. That's the last thing we want to happen. Solidarity already have Parliament seats, and the last thing we want is to give them any more

I'm more of a Libertarian as it relates to the economy. I see individuals being able to keep more of their money as a good thing, as it encourages consumer spending and means there's less gibs money for niggers.

Are you that fucking faggot Leftist I had that big debate with around Christmas Eve?

No word of a lie I've walk on his land, hes a neighbour and our fields are beside his, tis a mighty piece of land.

I do not believe that you live next to the most controversial man in Longford farming

Hello, boom in Income Inequality

I do not discuss politics in polite company. If you're talking to random cunts on Christmas Eve, what do you expect.

How's life lads?

>equality matters, prosperity doesn't
Sorry but I don't care how much money a few lads down in the Southside have, as long as I'm doing good

I swear to god I do, hes literally down the road from me, hes a Coolarty man like myself.

Confusing, depressing and somewhat sorrowsome. Feel like I'm trapped in a glass box.

How's life for you? Better i hope.

>he refers to the Dáil as PARLIAMENT

oh I am laffin, the absolute STATE of West Brit Right-Wingers

Nice bait. Irish men are no more cucked than any in Western Europe (not that this is ideal, but I guess we could be worse).

what's the area like? Are they in support of him, against him? Do they even know about his party?
I couldn't imagine living near a leader in a political party, regardless of size

Really dont see much wrong with political violence.

yay no lefties

This has been a typical sentiment expressed commonly for hundreds of years now, it matters little in the long-term.


hindus are subhuman

Its a farming community very rural, we have one pub that everyone goes to and not much else. The locals here don't really follow is poltical pursuits sadly and most dont care but his poltical views did cost him his job. Ah, I wasnt too suprised by his rise to notoriety hes been active in politics for many years it is a bit surreal discussing it on here though.

Nah, Hindu's are good.

>a bit surreal discussing it on here though
why is that?
him being a neighbor and all?

What does that mean

kys lefty

I did it because Americans might not know what I mean by 'Dáil', so it's easier to just say Parliament

>Muh income inequality
More proof that the Left doesn't give a fuck about the working class or the middle class. They'd rather use them as tax cattle as long as it means they reduce 'income inequality'

You alright, man? Don't feel sad right after Christmas. Lighten up :)

Well yeah I've been frequenting this board for a few years now, its a bit weird that im talking about a neighbour. To be honest he gets a fair bit of ridicule but my family and a few others would support him.

ur back again mr montenegro

Irish girls are soulless harpies, moreso than the average woman.

>(((us Euros)))
Alan Shatter? That you?

British slags incoming , lads

Well there isn't a town left that hasn't been BROWNED, so pretty bad.

I'm back a week from Canada and bored out of my fucking tits.

The fuck do you lads do when you live here in your 20s?





I'm drowning in a Whiskey Riverrrrrrrrr




I am too, gone through 2 1/2 bottles in 3 days, but I'm still bored senseless. Can't stand another fucking Turkey sandwich already.


why have you not gotten yourself into the bootleg whiskey business yet or Poitin(?) as I believe you call it.

>free drink
>cash money
>keeps you occupy
yeah I could see that.
seems like an alright guy, from those vids I've seen of him he seems like a really smart fellow just not a good speaker
I cannot for the life of me find a Br*tish girl attractive

I'll try. I have my ups and downs, but it's been down generally this last 3 years. Life is a fucker sometimes.

Seems based af. India is for Hindus. I am no lefty. I'd have the Hindu's removed from Europe too, but i appreciate Hinduism, i like the Vedism aspect to it too.

Really? Come to Connaught, Its great craic expect ballyhannis