What do you even need guns for in the 21st century.
>bu... but muh gubmenment
o yeah because a gun can stop a drone
Americans how do we stop mass shootings
For niggers.
This is an organized shill attempt by trannyniggerfaggots who organize on shareblue, crt and democrats, the young turks and various undercover litard media journos.
They shit this board full with pointless and demoralization threads to disrupt our cause.
Hide, sage and report, and of course, call them a nigger faggot, because thats what they are.
You have to go back.
Why would you want to stop them?
No one has ever been killed in a mass shooting that wasn't already going to die.
We don't. Mass shootings are the byproduct of a multiracial and multicultrual society that breeds the most illest of people.
>get rid of guns it stops violence
>crimes where guns are used are 99% to be either stolen or serials scratched off.
Now wtf are you smoking, titty teeth?
Go to Chicago and ask them how many people are arrested with weapons that are obtained illegally. Logic really isn't your best side? Actually its more so common sense.
People in the US like getting shot. If you live in Tennessee or some other shithole, your only hope of existential relevance is some sort of gunfight.
Also notice how when the poor, dispossessed, hopeless, preyed upon or defenceless need help in the US nobody with a firearm comes lurching out like the Lone Ranger to help them. People in the US think that if you die in a mass shooting, you deserve it. If they survive a mass shooting, that means they are right. They bought the right pills or car or TV or whatever.
Mass shootings make Americans feel special. It confirms their uniqueness and divinity.
Fuckoff faggot...go see if yer Dad will drop another load in yer ass...faggot...
They can't be stopped. The rest of the world just has to stand by and wait until Americans have eliminated each. Then we can step in and reclaim America to make it a truly admirable land. For Australia, I claim the Rocky mountains and California, just because they're close (ish).
In the meantime, enjoy your massacres and your incredible rate of gun murders by toddlers.
The fuck are you on about yellow toothed jackass
Shoot back.
Stop posting this retarded thread.
The vast majority of shootings occur in cities you utter fucking chimp.
And for spics and sand niggers.
I know I can't stop a drone, but I can poke holes through the chest of the 13 - 18 year old nigger trying to invade my home, the 19 - 25 year old machete- swinging manlet, or the 26 - 31 year old towel head trying to ram me with a pick-up truck of peace.
We live among 3rd world shitskins, so we need guns to protect ourselves from being eaten by spear- chunking cannibals.
>The vast majority of shootings occur in cities
The vast majority of human interaction of any kind occurs in cities. What are you attempting to communicate?
what about Hawaii..i want to be an aussie
That you're a retarded chimp.
People in Tennessee aren't being shot. People in gun free shitholes run by people like you are.
>1 post by this id
>3 posts by this id
Most mass shootings are false flags from the corrupt cabal. Gun crontrol only leaves law abiding people fucked like in France charlie heeboo shooting. CIA niggers still get guns to bad people dumbass.
This is a slide thread, reminder that the ones leading the push for disarmament are all jews.
a fucking air rifle can stop a drone.
what piece of shit part of the world are you coming from.
>People in Tennessee aren't being shot.
...at the same rate as people in Bongo-bongo land. In comparison to places populated by humans Tennessee is an open-air gun battle where people somehow find time to sleep.
No it isn't you mentally ill chimp.
>just ban guns lmao
>we can confiscate ALL the guns!
>banning weed totally worked!
>nobody will use guns if they get banned!
80 IQ brainlet located.
No wonder you lost a war to emus.
>implying the more heavily armed and competent white Americans won’t handidly win against the spray-n-pray street monkeys
>implying a bunch of poorly armed never-shoot Aussies Canadians and Euros will pry our land from us
Your implications are laughable
>o yeah because a gun can stop a drone
MEANWHILE, IN AFGHANISTAN... where the US has been for the last ~15 fucking years.