Why does society think it's wrong for a 34 year old man and a 19 year old woman to be intimate?
Why does society think it's wrong for a 34 year old man and a 19 year old woman to be intimate?
>half black
>beiber leftovers
poor scott can't even pull decent tail anymore
It's legal as long as they both consent. Who cares?
She’s not white
Hans up the temperature in oven 2 pls
It's "Bieber". Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
Because that social stigma is being pushed by roasties in their 30s. HOW DARE men in their 30s go for young woman! I deserved to settle down after riding cock carousel all my life!
>t. Suggar Daddy
They aren't good looking enough to pull it off
Literally the only reason
Haters gonna hate, etc.
It's a bunch of old, jealous spinsters and virtue signaling, effeminate men that push this type of culture control on people. You wouldn't think anything of this unless you're watching The View or reading People magazine 24/7.
No one really does. People are just pieces of shit who strike at anything joyous they can't have.
Why would you ever want to breed with a 40ish dried up vagina?
There's a pretty big difference in maturity when it comes to a 34 year old and a 19 year old. People see this and go
>well why is he having trouble getting with people of his own age?
which is usually a red flag in terms of
>financial/mental stability
>abuse, physical or verbal
The abuse angle is there because most 30-year-old women will not stay in an abusive relatiobship. A stupid 19-year-old will.
inb4 a bunch of faggots claiming they were much smarter than they actually were at 19. This subject isn't rocket science you fucking morons, stop playing dumb because you wanna get college pootie at 30
They're both legal adults, it doesn't matter how mature they are or aren't.
at least fuck a white 19 year old
I have friends who look at me weird because I have sex with 18 year olds. I'm not even 30 yet. Why the fuck would I want some used up looking 26 year old? Most of them start looking like shit after 25, they get wrinkles and flab.
Men and women are different and mature differently. Old men being with younger women has be normal through a majority of human history. As well if you're looking to have kids most women in their 30s are nuts/damaged.
Well no shit, but things aren't as cut-and-dry as that. "Society" looks at things from every angle. The angles I provided are usually true when it comes to people who date far out of their age range. THAT is the problem people have with it, not the numbers and nothing else you moron. Dating far down as a man says a lot about your character
Things they don't teach at school
>after childbirth a woman's budy is ruined
>some try to get back in shape
>most of them rather be mommys
That's why my gfs are min 8 years younger and childless.
The Lord can do literally anything he wants.
They're PROBABLY not gonna get married and have children due to the big age difference. And at 34 it's about fucking time. So, it's degenerate.
That's not why most people oppose it though, it's mostly just butthurt and whiteknighting.
t. morbidely obese virgin
>implying I give a shit how mature a hot ass 19 year old is while plowing her.
Also as someone who's dated a broad age range, they are all immature, just about different things.
It is not your fault. Being with women older than you, who had a mile of dick, is the way to go goy.
I'll even fuck your wife if that gets you off. It's a win win, right?
Society's thoughts are irrelevant. If you're not breaking the law then who cares what some nosey cunts think.
Dating down boils down to fertility and attractiveness. A man in his 30s has no obligation to date in his age group, and he's an idiot to do so.
Do you seriously not see how your implication is the problem that people have with these relationships? There's no substance, you just want to fuck and will probably get manipulative when that young hottie wants out. I feel like I'm talking/explaining to literal children
Only jealous and losers think so
>who cares what some nosy cunts think
Was the whole point of this thread not to dissect this? Or do you just want to jerk it with other 30-year-olds over your likeminded views?
Came here to post this, absolutely spot on.
>implying I give a shit how mature a hot ass 19 year old is while plowing her.
somebody give this leaf a timbit
hey faggot, is a 19 year old girl old enough to make decisions for herself?
>I feel like I'm talking/explaining to literal children
You are
It's not manipulation it's human nature. It's also sad you think it's just about fucking. Please explain the 'problems' cause I don't see any.
>old enough to go to prison for life
>not old enough to have sex
Make up your mind. I plan to lock down a 19-20 year old. These 26+ year old roasties aren't worth the headache, they're damaged goods.
>they are all immature
Oh c'mon there's usually a big difference. Older women are still crazy but they'll usually be more mature.
Even though a lot of them won't be. Women do not really need to grow up and mature, so a lot of them do not.
Are you living in a cave with no real world interaction? Your assumption is that a 19 year old with a 30 year old fucking has no substance to the relationship, but a 25 year old and a 30 year old fucking does. Not only that but you have this arbitrary word "substance" that you use. What is this substance composed of that makes the difference when the age gap is closed by 5 years?. You do realize that having an age gap of 10 or so years Being seen as appalling is only a recent phenomenon. My parents have a 10 year gap, and by grandparents have a15 year gap.
>we wuz germanics and shit
>can't even spell basic german
They're retarded because the "56%" meme is true.
I'm 36 and I completely ignore women over 30. Only dated chicks in their 20s. Never had a problem so far?
They don't. A few cat ladies are jelly
>>t. Suggar Daddy
that's where it's at.
Why are you even in this thread if you're just going to dismiss what OP proposed? So what if she can make the decision for herself? Does the conversation end there? No, it doesn't. She can make the decision to enter the relationship with a 30-something-year-old man for whichever reason she chooses, whether it's for love or money - and I agree that she's responsible for her own decisions. It's usually never the same coming out of these things as it is going in though. You're lying through your teeth if you tell me you don't think these older men use their fame and money to manipulate these women's decision to stay or leave. Don't be an idiot
There's almost no difference in maturity between a 19 or 40 year old woman.
>will probably get manipulative when that young hottie wants out.
and you're capable of predicting this how?
I'm not, and you're really cherry-picking your talking points here. My father is 65 and my mother is going on 50. You really think I'm gonna believe your parents met at 34 and 19 when the example you used usually applies to people meeting in their 30s/50s? Like my parents did?
You suck at debating. This isn't fun if it's this easy
>Take your age and divide that number by 2
>add 7
This is the youngest person it is acceptable to have sex with
Also sage this shit slide thread
>It's usually never the same coming out of these things as it is going in though
opinions aren't facts, faggot
>You're lying through your teeth if you tell me you don't think these older men use their fame and money to manipulate these women's decision to stay or leave
and women use their sexuality to manipulate men for anything and everything
see, I can make generalizations too
gtfo newfaggot
because, i quote the famous saying
>it was her turn
The absolute golden rule, can't believe it hasn't been posted already
Man in his 30s is much more likely to be both financially stable and socially respected than one in his 20s, on top of maintaining health and vigour needed to have family. 30s are male's peak years (for those who keep in shape and use their 20s to set themselves up) and you see men earn or already settled in management positions or independently running businesses in that age.
Women are sexually mature by the time they hit 20 and their prime sexual value is until they hit 30. It is of no surprise that women will prefer men of at least their age or older, while men, regardless of how old or young they are, will always go for women of prime sexual age.
For both it is a perfect situation - he gets fresh eggs and good genes, while she gets resources and protection for her offspring. Society was built on marriage of convenience and evolutionary propensity for such matches, which always gave advantage to such pairings. To criticize it now is just bitterness on the parties that is not involved (i.e women past expiration and losers).
Because 'society' is largely driven by the wishes of middle-aged women, and they hate it because they know they could never compete with the 19-year-old.
feminists invented this meme
Alright buddy, there's clearly no getting through to you. Have fun with your retarded views. Tell em to a girl and they'll laugh in your stupid face
I honestly feel sorry for you youngfags because you're lost in a world of sluts and chads but the mating game is fairly simple desu.
>finish school
>get a job
>attract young chick
I can't believe you people fall for this meme.
>Tell em to a girl and they'll laugh in your stupid face
how many women have you fucked, user?
fucking women is easy
liking them is hard
>is a 19 year old girl old enough to make decisions for herself?
Is any woman?
>middle age cope
Young genes should stick with and produce with young genes.
t. Roastie
>Is any woman?
you know it and I know it user, but this whiteknight faggot doesn't
that'll just sabotage the natural dynamics of genetic competition and slow down evolution
I'm starting to become convinced they want a certain poster's dick
They literally think about him 24/7
I can't into science: The Post Edition
If you can get a girl when you are young, then who am I to stop you? This was merely to point out to people that age difference like shown in OP is nothing. Men past 40 need to be more worried about sperm count and motility, but that doesn't stop them from producing relatively healthy children.
Women need to be married off or at least arranged as young as possible.
im 32 yr old roastie but look 25 should i lie about it?
Like the most based thing you can do; I'm 29 and don't date older than 25 goal is to wife up a qt 20 year old and keep her pregnant till she's 30
Like six dude. I'm not disagreeing that they're generally stupid and annoying, but if you're going to treat them like second-class citizens you should just go to a third-world Islamic shithole where your barbaric views are more widely accepted.
what society are you living in?
Actually it's not. All women become WORTHLESS past 30. Men just become more and more valuable as they age.
What? When did that start? Was there a memo or something?
Honestly think about it from this perspective, who here would be okay with their 19 yr old daughter getting plowing by a man in his 30's not even taking into account that this one has three kids and addiction issues, kek, talk about baggage. You probably wouldn't be comfortable with it and now think why.
>The abuse angle is there because most 30-year-old women will not stay in an abusive relatiobship
Yes, the women with the least amount of options are the most likely to leave.
This hurts to read because I just know you have zero women in your life
I would argue unless you are married to the woman, pursuing any woman over the age of 25-27 is flat out retarded
>There's a pretty big difference in maturity when it comes to a 34 year old and a 19 year old
Your claim might be true for an individual person, but when comparing two different people it isn't a certainty.
>well why is he having trouble getting with people of his own age?
Only people who don't understand the preference of many males for younger Women think this, they assume that the older man settled for the younger woman because he couldn't get an older one, when in fact the younger woman was his preferential choice. it's as stupid as someone claiming that every man with Brunette had settled for her because he couldn't get a Blonde.
>The abuse angle is there because most 30-year-old women will not stay in an abusive relationship. A stupid 19-year-old will.
Whats your evidence for this claim?
>having sex with someone in or fresh out of high school while approaching 30
>can't take them anywhere 21+
Once you're out of college, if they can't drink and you can, it's weird user.
Who cares what other people think?
If they're both the same race age doesn't matter.
>spending money on a female
Ultra cuck. I don't spend a god damn cent on my dime.
brit user, you are the only person in this thread thinking with the head on their shoulders and not in their crusty tighty whities
Depends on life circumstances. Our fall from grace is more gradual, i.e. you can still remain fuckable into late 40's early 50's; women peak at 25 fall accelerates at 30 and basically even the most alpha Stacy is gone by 35...but places like Canada where drinking age is 19 you get 22 year olds who look damn near 40
Quit being such a pussy, dude
just find a chinless virgin who bought bitcoin early.
im 34 and recently left a 23 year old. ive met women my age id commit to aswell as many 10 years younger, never met one over 35 id risk breeding with regardless of personality
Im 47 and fuck girls 18 to 20 on the reg. Here is my last girl
UGLy negroid nose. He should be aiming higher if he is going to be seen in public with a girl
Phew I'm not sure anyone is willing to handle that desu.
Even if I'm out drunk in some fucking pub I'm not hunting for scraps because I have money. So I'm not exactly sure how you sound attractive?
they'll find out anyway
if you look younger then you have good genetics and are healthy
or you're fat lol
there's nothing to gain by lying unless you're just looking to fuck random guys which at 32 years old is very concerning
Who cares what society thinks?
Not only this, but a woman who'd date that much older of a man definitely has A LOT of problems.
>I'm not disagreeing that they're generally stupid and annoying
You admit it, but you won't be honest with them about it, and I will - which is why they fuck me, because I don't pretend I'm not better than they are. The world sucks right now because of faggots like you who are afraid of bitches.
Women don't want equal, they want better. You're a sucker until you figure that out, user.
Because the 34 yo man is a jew taking advantage of goyim 10yo woman.
Quit overcompensating you fucking fairy
>lol ur a PUSS bro
Half this board sounds like they wanna be in a fucking fraternity. I don't think any of you really know how you sound
>thumbs down
>three kids and addiction issues, kek, talk about baggage
if not for this I'd be fine with it.
I don't really go drinking so it's not an issue for me
Baseless implication. Either spell it out or shove it up your ass.
Men in their late 20’s & early 30’s with late teenage women was the norm for most of history
Jews hate normality
I met my wife when she was 16 and I was 24
It’s the ideal pairing
>Woman is at maximum fertility until 25, leaving room for 8-10 healthy, non-gay, non-autistic babies she’ll still have the energy to chase around
>Younger women are kinder, less jaded, more optimistic, more obedient, and more physically beautiful
>Locking-in a virgin drastically raises odds of a happy successful marriage
>Older men have experience in handling women, more money, and wisdom
Only a cuck would disagree
I shouldn't fuck younger than that???
I would hardly fuck anything older than that
bitches are in their prime between 21 and 25, always and ever
deal with it.
even if that 19 year old would be sucking and fucking you every minute of the day then still she won't be able to fulfill the needs i have in a relationship. she should pick someone her age or slightly older
.t 35 year old
>32 yo
>took out a 21 yo
>genuinely thought she was a bit older than that
>we had a good time
>I think I can take her out again when she gets back in town after Christmas
>she works for the same company and I run in to her at work once or twice a week though
wat do
For the
Well. Lets see the last girl you fucked. Fucked this girl last friday. Let me guess shes gross too at 22