Is it possible to admit you support Brexit and Trump at university? There's this girl that I like but she has posted a lot of anti Trump and Brexit stuff. I can't reveal that I support both if I want to get with her. What do ?
Is it possible to admit you support Brexit and Trump at university...
just keep telling her what she wants to hear until you give her the dick
afterwards is when you redpill her
women cannot resist the power of the cock
>having social anxiety
>I support Brexit because leaving to EU for bigoted xenophobic reasons will be diisastrous and will make a fine exemple for rest of the EU countries who might try to hinder multiculturalism
>I support Trump because having that racist in power will show the world how evil and incompetent the republicans are and will guarantee a massive shift in the people's political views which will ultimately be a great boon to the democrats in future elections and to the country in general
>liking women
Such a waste..
Accept no substitute for intelligence.
>being this thirsty
Make her learn to love you or she's shit.
Reminder that pic related is why Canadians are the way they are, they're lashing out in their final throes.
>thinks women have valid political opinions and what they think about politics matters at all
>act as if right wing women exist in universities
>feels he needs to reveal his ideas to a woman in order to mate with her
You need to change your thinking if you are ever going to get laid. They are just vessels for babies. Get it straight user. This is why your race is getting wiped out.
Tell her what you believe, I voted leave, my friend voted remain, still friends because politics and friendship are different, would be petty otherwise.
Why the fuck would you want to get with a dumb bitch like this? If she's virtue signalling about how she hates Trump when she's in Britain, just going along with the social tide, laughing with her friends and feeling so superior over the 'dumb' Americans, when she has no idea what it's like being a working class American from the rust belt, why waste your fucking time? Let her buy the Guardian, get a pat on the back from her Limousine Liberal friends, and laugh at Have I Got News For You, whilst you go find yourself a decent chick. Don't waste your time, user.
>changing your personality to suit your crush
that's a woman's job.
It’s too late she has been indoctrinated
>supporting brexit
>supporting trump
I'm sorry but you're probably a globalist kike. Trump is the antithesis of everything british while being the epitome of the loud, fat, arrogant, jew loving burger that sensible brits detest.
I don't know about uni but I was completely apolitical with my girlfriend for a good month when we got together
then I would comment on the news we saw together or just drop some history in now and then, history has the amazing ability to relate to the modern day while cutting through the leftist bullshit spin.
Only do this if you can make her cum. She will only respond if you complete dominate her sexually. Trust me, get the sex down and wait to drop in some redpills that coincide with world events.
far right ideology is like homosexuality -- best kept in the closet
Give her a slap....she'll like it
>pathetic alt right kid changes his views in desperate bid to get pussy
lol am not surprised in the least
you sad fucks talk a big game but you are exactly as pathetic as the media paints you to be, you cave in the INSTANT some slag is willing to fuck you and drop all the Nazi LARPing in a heartbeat
Right after you inserted your dick in her admit that you support both. She will be happy to have you met.
>Is it possible to admit you support Brexit and Trump at university?
Yes. So long as you have the intellectual heft and self-confidence to conduct yourself like a normal fucking human being, you can believe what you want short of outright Fascism. If you're not on top of the facts, you'll look like a complete idiot.
t. someone who was the only Brexit voter in a class of two dozen law students
Just avoid talking about politics with her.
Good luck user
I think the appropriate time to mention it is right after ejaculation.
Just be coy about it. Don't bring it up just bring up counter points when she makes claims. Never get upset and make her look like the idiot.
Then say sorry and that you didn't realize she would get so upset/passionate about it and that you both have different perspectives on it.
Just keep taking it slow from their and you should have her yelling 1488 race war now in no time. Girls are really susceptible to influence if you act claim and confident. They are emotional beings. It is less about what is said and more how it is said.
If you ever admit it to someone, be prepared to be challenged and ridiculed by people all the time.
>mfw my remainer friend always gets in a drunken rage about brexit when we hang out