How do we stop right wing violence?
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This is an organized shill attempt by trannyniggerfaggots who organize on discord, tumblr and (((Kraut)))
They shit this board full with pointless and demoralization threads to disrupt our cause.
Hide, sage and report, and of course, call them a nigger faggot, because thats what they are.
> trannyniggerfaggots
> not trannyniggerjew
user ...
Sage and that is the ass of a lazy person..disgusting.
Truck smashed that arse flat.
How about you fuck off back to the closet? That will stop it
jesus christ
Literally butthurt.
Literally pantifa. Our memes always turn real. I also would like the name of this freak. The Portland police did a huge service getting the real name of this freak for us.
Stop taking bait user. Anyone can pretend to be a fag or grill online.
Who the fuck likes cottage cheese?
This faglet and the Refuse Fascism PDX facebook and twitter feed are so over the top I'm not even sure they're real. This is beyond parody, meta af.
Weirdest part is that it's a fucking dude. It's some kind of mentally ill tranny that doesn't know how to cross the street. It's fucking hilarious that the cops got his dox, but I'm still waiting on the news story or whatever to make the name public. Anyone able to get this info for us?
Diminished Glutes.
Lmfao that body hahahah!
I have no clue what this pic is. No clue at all.
One post by Op then they apparently ran away like the man/woman/thing in the video.... Sounds about right. When confronted they try and kill themselves.
I can't even tell if that's his front or back, nor if those are his thighs or knees.
How can you be so deformed?
I need links/proof that the post is from that dude.
The mental gymnastics of seeing yourself as a victim when:
a) you were there with the intent to commit violence
b) you were armed with a deadly weapon
c) you ran across a busy highway to physically threaten and possibly stab a Christian protestor with your weapon
Someone needs to file a complaint with local pd and show them the stills of this cunt running around with the knife
apparently getting hit by a truck leaves the same marks as when daddy punishes you for being naughty.
But yeah, they probably brought a small mob, saw a much bigger mob, ran away and pretended they got pursued/pushed, but probably legit got laughed @ for being nigger faggots
holy shit that is an ass wtf
Education. The less educated are more likely to be Trump supporters for example. Solve ignorance and you cut the crap in half, regardless of ethnicity.
Why would we stop the one chance we have at turning this Jewish prison into something of value?
Is that a tranny?
Usually when women wear underwear it fits them.
That looks like a man ass in a speedo.
Where is the person's face? It said he/she was unmasked.
oh noes, the mean Proud Boys stole her butt too
For real. That body gives me the heebie jeebies.
Oh, you haven't seen the video? Jump to 1:00.
yah its a faggot, imagine my shock
>I ran on to a highway to try to assault a PP member, and was hit by a truck that was slamming on it's brakes. Don't my pink panties look cute? Please protect me Antifa-kun.
>They literally play dress-up medics as if they're soldiers at war.
At some point you've got to start jailing them for inciting violence.
Anyone got the photo of this creature.
It bothers me too
after reviewing the video evidence I apologize for misgendering xer
These fags should tone down the cosplaying and study this shit if they mean to be serious about it. We're reaching levels of LARPing that shouldn't even be possible.
NOBODY SHOULD! We're just cleaning house, that's all. Fuck off faggot!
You can't make it up
> Recently finished computer sci PhD. They or she. Street medic. This machine heals antifascists. Rape crisis counselor, activist, SF/F fan, LARPer. צדק, צדק תרדף
Laughing so hard at them. Holy shit, how pittiful of them - They haven't grown up at all! Still they have the mentality of 12 year olds.
I never understood how Peggy just overlooked that part of Hank.
They're adopting the black block aesthetics but are so narcissistic they have to make it special, defeating the purpose of all looking the same to evade arrest. These people are beyond retarded.
How about LOOKING BOTH not blame others for your lack of logical judgement.
No one pushed you out onto the road, You were told to remove your weapon Then as most of you snowflakes do. You ran away like a retarded butterfly not paying attention to the real world around you.
You cause the accident You damaged the the mans car You brought the weapon with you You chose to get it out and You chose to walk into a busy road without looking.
Grow the fuck up and act like an adult.
I would say get a job but no one wants to hire lazy marxist retards
You'd think she could handle some proudboys after blowing a xenomorph out of an airlock desu
Stop victim blaming
What a fucking fighter
They have sex with the lights off in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. She almost never sees his bare ass.
I hope you were the person from that video who attacked the Jesus march, I found it fucking hysterical when your unshaggable arse got lashed by that car then laughed harder at the grown men who were laughing at you. Mind you I can see what you're doing siding with Antifa because no straight man would fuck what's in that picture
I did not blame the VICTIM.. His car was hit by this snowflake bitch. Did she pay for his damages? Bet not.
The Bitch is NOT the victim here
She is the cause of her own misfortunes, You can not be the victim and abuser at the same time retards
1. No one pushed her out onto the road ( Lied to pretend to be victim)
2. She was told to remove your weapon (abuser status)
3. Ran into Traffic without looking (blames everyone else for not looking for her)
4. Runs in front of moving car (blames car not herself)
5. Gets hit by car because she chose to run in front of it (pretends to be victim yet caused the issue)
6. Damages the working classes property by her actions (bet did not pay for repairs)
How is FACTS about her NOT being the victim "victim shaming"?
The victim was the driver minding his own business traveling on a marked road at the speed limit when this degenerate runs in front of him.
Those Beta males did nothing to "protect" her nor did they help till TOLD to by Alpha males.
Says a lot about about you degenerates
He was joking dude. This is just how that retard would respond because nothing is every one of these faggots' fault. Notice how even in its own post the stupid piece of shit tried to claim that it was being chased down by extremists.
Have you seen Peggy?
By education you mean indoctrination,right?
Your a cunt the whole crowd was a bunch of cunts / your in the fucking road jackass what do u expect?
you dont get to run around in the road causing traffic accidents and potentially injuring people, all cause your poor little feelings got hurt.
Betcha he pooped himself.
>this picture is a FUCKING DUDE wearing little pink panties
the absolute state of retarded commies
Remove Fasicm PDX remove the post after they realized the optics weren't as good as they initially thought.
If you really want to stop violence, then stop niggers from existing.
w-wait what?
Is it the same tranny that punched the negro in portland?
ooh I get it now, Still buzzed from the xmas parties.
That chicks ass is so flat it looks like a dudes. not worth a squirt
>"They did to us what we do to them!"
That ass is more flat than Earth.
the thing just wanted an excuse to post an ass shot in ill fitting underwear
nog nog nog
>Bringing children to these things
It's kind of amazing really. No matter where burgers stand politically, they always manage to disgust me.
No matter what you do or how you do it, you're the most awkward and embarrassing people to have walked the planet. Even Indians are more dignified.
>be fat antifa cuck faggot
>wear a pink shirt and pink panties
Why should anyone take you fools seriously lmao!
>You can come and get me if you want
>Everybody please hold
Thanks for the free booty pics. I'll jerk of to that tonight.
It posts about original poster yet they're all done with different personas and different Flags. What do the shills mean by this?
I think saw the video lmao. She deserved it.
8 posts by op i mean.
First post of truth
>it looks like a dude's
That's because it is kek