Was Frank Zappa the most redpilled musician in the history of rock and roll music? Hardly any Jews in history have been as redpilled as him, he may be the only Jew I respect
Was Frank Zappa the most redpilled musician in the history of rock and roll music...
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he wasn't Jewish. He was Italian and raised Catholic. Not everyone with black hair and a swarthy complexion is a Jew
>big nose
>not a jew
No. He was a product of Laurel Canyon and the Overlook operation.
Go on faggot
Besides that one shitty book full of hearsay anecdotes, has there ever been any empirical evidence to support this?
>unable to tell a semitic nose from a mediterranean nose
>the only Jew I respect
Yeah Frank was not Jewish tho
(((Frank Zappa)))
Frank Zappa was so fucking based. Fun fact, he identified himself politically as conservative. He also saw which way the wind was blowing in the music industry and spoke out against, both in his music and interviews. Plus, Joe's Garage is a masterpiece.
Zappa was born on December 21, 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland. His mother, Rosemarie (née Collimore) was of Italian (Neapolitan and Sicilian) and French ancestry; his father, whose name was Anglicized to Francis Vincent Zappa, was an immigrant from Partinico, Sicily, with Greek and Arab ancestry.[nb 2]
the first wave of psychedelic rockers from Laurel Canyon ALL had mil or intel background
AND next to overlook
AND lived with or worked with Zappa
yeah just a coincidence goy,
try a tab of this,
man ...
blow it out your ass motorcycle man
Zappa was anti-drug, anti-hippie, and mercilessly mocked psychedelic subculture. He was also a fervent supporter of the First Amendment and free thought in general.
You're talking out your ass, user...
Here you go:
Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
Dave McGowan
The Center for an Informed America
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
- Frank Zappa
after releasing the song jewish princess, he went head to head with the ADL. you could argue he is semitic, but i don't think he is jewish, despite the fact that he was neurotic, controlling, stingy and overly sexual.
Baby snakes.
Here's an interview with Dave McGowan discussing Laurel Canyon/Military Intel connection. FZ's father worked on chemical weapons.
why does Sup Forums like to think in black and white when life and nature never works on those rules?
>if you aint capitalist you a communist
>you aint white therefore you are bad.
he said communism doesnt work but never said socalism is bad.
Inca Roads is a fucking masterpiece and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Also, I love how he went against the faggot wives in Washington wanting to censor music so they used their clout to get a parental advisory sticker on one of his instrumental albums
I'm gonna tell you the way it is
And I'm not gonna be kind or easy
Your whole attitude stinks, I say
And the life you lead is completely empty
You paint your head
Your mind is dead
You don't even know what I just said
You're phony on top
You're phony underneath
You lay in bed & grit your teeth
He really enjoyed eating poo, that's a well established fact.
i have found that interesting that actually certain elements of the farther left and right overlap when it comes to deep state politics and things that are generally labelled conspiratorial. apparently dave mcgowan was a 9/11 'truther' and also wrote something called undestanding the F word, which is facism. the right conspiracy theories name the jew more often rather than say elites and use political explanations rather than backroom hand rubbing explanations. personally i take a more rightist approach to my conspiracies, where on that spectrum i don't really know. inb4 muh horseshoe. anyway, .02, love you guys
>inca roads
this. george duke nailed the vocals
>Italian, Greek and Arab
thats literally how jews were created
You might call FZ a classical liberal. He was against neocon warmongering and moralism and at the same time for free expression. I don't like all of his synclavier stuff, but man I wish I had been around to see the Mothers live
spicy brown? is that you?
> I love how he went against the faggot wives in Washington
He was warning us about the French all those years ago...
Thats the thing, despite where he lived, and who his father worked for, he was very this Many of his songs mock the concepts of seances, devil, hexes, lsd, etc etc. If anything, he was aware of his surrounding, and became an ardent exposer via his music
For example, when he once (only once, for reason), allowed on SNL, he played this little number, exposing the propaganda control that media control has on consumer viewers: youtube.com
>he said communism doesnt work but never said socalism is bad.
Probably because he could tell the difference between (((socialism))) and socialism.
Sorry but that’s a Semitic nose; and he had Leb heritage so
Thus he made the perfect MK-ULTRA handler. A sober anti-hippy who got off on manipulating people.
Not Bobby Fischer?
He was really redpill af
Do you retards even know what MK-ULTRA is? It has nothing to do with le musicians.
I've always liked Frank but... I had no idea user...
That was awesome, especially the Don Pardo cameo.
Network TV in the 1970's sure aired a lot of stuff they'd NEVER get away with in today's oppressive culture.
fuck no. his music is the definition of post-modernist music. he's a degenerate who took no real pride in his work, it was all a joke to him.
>completely straight edge
You need to educate yourself
it is pretty fresh when you think about it.
SNL would literally just fade to commercial if anything like that happened today.
yes, keep worshiping a degenerate who took the easy way out and made joke music for the irony of it because he didnt have the balls to attempt creating true musical masterpieces. look at op's picture, the guy obviously drank and did drugs constantly. he's a fucking loser.
man the dude knows of take news 20 years before it became so obvious.
and how anything can be sold if it is advertised properly - touches on the measure of good music is how much of it is sold which doesn't truly have anything to do with how good it is.
Zappa wasn't ahead of his time, he was just willing to use his voice to call out the bullshit he saw.
personal favourite
>can tell when the media is being sensational for views
>knows advertising is mostly bullshit in order to sell stuff
wow, he must really be a genius! that is some revolutionary thinking.
bobby brown goes down by frank zappa
Hey, there people I'm Bobby Brown,
They say I'm the cutest boy in town!
My car is fast, my teeth are shiny,
I tell all the girls they can kiss my heine!
Here I am at a famous school,
I present sharp and I'm acting cool
I've got a cheerleader here wants to help
With my paper let her do all the work
And maybe later I rape her!
Oh, god I am the American dream
I do not think I'm too extreme
And I'm a handsome son of a bitch,
I'm gonna get a good job and be real rich!
(Get a good, get a good, get a good, get a good)
Womans liberation
Came creeping all across the nation
I tell you, people, I was not ready
When I fucked this Dyke by the name of Freddi!
She made a little speech then,
Oh she tried to make me say when
She had my balls in a vice but she left the dick,
I guess it's still hooked on but now it shoots to quick!
Oh, god I am the American dream,
But now I smell like Vaseline
And I'm a miserable son of a bitch
Am I a boy or a lady I don't know which!
(I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder)
So I went out and bought me a leisure suit
I jingling my change but I'm still kind cute
Got a job, doing radio promo,
And none of the jocks can even tell I'm a homo!
Eventually me and a friend,
Sort of drifted along into S&M
I can take about an hour on the tower of power,
As long as I get my little golden shower
Oh, god I am the American dream,
With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream
An' I'll do anything to get ahead
I lay awake nights sayin, ' "Thank you, Fred!"
Oh God, Oh God, I'm so fantastic!
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a sexual spastic
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,
And my name is Bobby Brown,
Watch me now, I'm going down
Haha, yeah, I knew you'd be surprised!
jew nose looks like a 6. and further down on the face when compared to euro noses
It's not the size of the nose, it's the curvature.
I remember (((critics))) hated him and even invented the phrase zappaesque to hold him down.
Perhaps he was our guy.
stfu leaf.
i noted that in my last sentence.
he wasn't ahead of his time he just used a voice to call out bullshit as he saw it.
Most people are too big of pussies to do it, especially once they taste the fame and fortune they aren't willing to bite the hand that feeds.
but you're a leaf who would rather sit in the cold and drink syrup so i don't expect you to have much of a decent world view unless we're talking international hockey
>Frank Zappa did drugs
Joe's Garage is AOTYAY
jews existed before italy, greece and arabs were a thing
Frank was so aware of the situation, this part especially tells me he knew what was up
Zappa the Masta of Controlled Opposition
and every CO who came after him, are from the original mold of the slime man.
Government is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.
- Frank Zappa
A classic: youtube.com
no they didn't
>inb4 the bible said so
>claims FZ is controlled opposition
>posts Alex Jones, a confirmed controlled opposition
Frank Zappa is a bonefide genius. Not surprised to see is one of the rare based musicians.
Tell me this song was not redpill
Based Bobby youtube.com
I was practically raised on Zappa. One of my favorites
I’m open minded to conspiracy threories but Zappa as mk ultra, that is pushing my suspension of disbelief.
There’s ole Gray with ‘er dove-winged hat
Threre’s ole Green with her sewing machine
Where’s the bobbin at?
Tote’n old grain in uh printed sack
The dust blows forward ‘n dust blows back
And the wind blows black thru the sky
And the smokestack blows up in suns eye
What am I gonna die?
Uh white flake riverboat just flew by
Bubbles popped big
‘n uh lipstick Kleenex hung on uh pointed forked twig
Reminds of the bobby girls
Never was my hobby girls
Hand full uh worms and uh pole fishin’
Cork bobbin’ like uh hot red bulb
‘n uh blue jay squeaks
His beak open an inch above uh creek
Gone fishin’ for a week
Well I put down my bush
‘n I took of my pants ‘n felt free
The breeze blowin’ up me ‘n up the canyon
Far as I could see
It’s night now and the moon looks like uh dandelion
It’s black now ‘n the blackbird’s feedin’ on rice
‘n his red wings look diamonds ‘n lice
I can hear the mice toes scamperin’
Gophers rumblin’ in pile crater rock hole
One red bean stuck in the bottom of uh tin bowl
Hot coffee from uh krimpt up can
Me ‘n my girl named Bimbo Limbo Spam
>only once on SNL
he was there a couple times as a musical guest, until he hosted it. That vid you linked was him as a music guest and he came back after it.
this stuff is good too.
the different styles he can draw into one song, a bit of humor, popular culture, and then just a solid musician on top of it.
You're pretty ignorant of Zappa's catalogue my man, at least a good fourth of is completely "played straight" and his first 3 albums(especially the first and the third) have some pretty savage critiques of both consumerist normies and lazy hippies. Towards the end of his career he was producing a lot of avant-garde orchestral shit, as well as throughout his career with all his fully instrumental, midi free jazz stuff
Not a coincidence Zappa developed terminal cancer after he made remarks about running for the presidency.
BASED Jewish man!
He's not Jewish, he's just part Semitic
Frank was not Jewish. He was redpilled AF, all things considered, pic related.
>he's a degenerate who took no real pride in his work, it was all a joke to him.
Not at all true. The whole world was a joke to him, on some level; in this, he was a lot like Carlin. goodreads.com
That response is pretty top tier. Imagine the look on that grunts face
leafs can't comprehend the simplest of sentence structures.
Zappa was the mother of invention in controlled opposition with present day likes of hicks/jones carrying on the tradition.
where's muh rake.
The lyrics to this song say it all
Frank (who was GREEK, not a like, morons) wasn't any side's guy. He was consistently counterculture. He mocked the consumerism of the 50's, then the idiotic communism of the 60's, the sexual revolution of the 70's, and finally the neocon imperialism of the 80's.
He was against racism, but he learned about Jews the hard way with his record deals in the 70's and ended up coming out against them and the ADL.
He believed in free speech across the board.
My only real complaint is that he became a little too euphoric with the atheism in his later years. Still one of the greatest and most prolific 20th century composers.
"It's a known fact that every ethnic group has certain characteristics that distinguish them. And it's also a fact that these characteristics are usually going to be made fun of by other ethnic groupings." - FZ
He has Greek and Arab ancestry, dumbass. Big Noses aren't exclusive to Jews
I thoughts what you may have meant, however the nuances of spoken to written text never translate well
If you're saying FZ was one of the original controlled ops, before "Hicks & Jones" came along, I'd say & substantiate your claims beyond some random hearsay anecdotes
>Frank Zappa
>controlled opposition
Americans never fail to amaze me. He was a degenerate, but he was overtly opposed to censorship, big government, and big corporations. Also
>posts Alex Jones
He's confirmed controlled opposition you fucking moron
Everybody should browse Sup Forums while listening to Captain Beefheart
> leaf who would rather sit in the cold and drink syrup
It's sub par syrup, even Canada with their maple leaf flag can't make good maple syrup.
Vermont always wins those awards
Plus he saw a UFO
>Not a coincidence Zappa developed terminal cancer after he made remarks about running for the presidency.
Yep. They got Bill Hicks the same way, because he was starting to become very well known, particularly thanks to Sam Kinison mentoring him.
I think he got the cancer by straight up challenging God to smite him.
3D printing and automation eventually leads us to a point where we can have communism and "stuff."
Italians are just Jews with better food.
George duke fucking owns
He can be described as what is known as a skeptic
Those lyrics fucked me up famalam
and Pardo doing it just makes it like... i dunno 100x better. Pardo was the man
Or fascism.
Unfortunately in this experience the winners write the history books. just look at wikpedia.
All we have to go on is connecting dots of plausibility given the time of the happenings.
And this case, most if not all the witnesses are dead, so if it is conjecture, then so be it.
The folk fest movement in Boston shut down abruptly with the next phase of operation headed to L.A. and San Fran creating a new wave.
Zappa was the most vocal during that anti-war movement with a group that muddled the early 60's staunch conservative group of young clean cut kids that protested nuclear proliferation that made waves in England with 'Ban the Bomb' march at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment in Aldermaston to Trafalgar Square, 18th April 1960.
There may be unanswered questions, yet we have the ability to piece the truth together in some form of relevance for today's controlled opposition.
I always thought the kind of dude who really trumped Zappa (musically) was kind of a douche or a fag. Like I knew a guitar shop owner who swore Zappa was like the greatest guitarist of all time. But Zappa the man was /ourguy/, nothing but respect for him. Lots of old interviews on JewTube and it's funny because you see that people have been saying the exact same fucking shit for generations. It's neat to think of how info got passed around before the internet too, and I can remember it to a large degree being that I came into consciousness in the late 80s. I remember hearing about freemasons and this and that, basically most of the shit that gets passed around Sup Forums today. And before the day of instantly googling every bit of information you could ever ponder, there was a bit of wonder that is gone now. You couldn't verify or debunk anything in seconds in 1992.
>420 get
Blz it
Is this a Jew trait? What does it mean to be neurotic
Communism doesn't even mean no possessions
he was so butthurt about Bowie sniping his drummer, it's hilarious
>Alex Jones, a confirmed controlled opposition
Remove the fag flag and I'd bother to give you more