How the FUCK are you supposed to support the government if taxes are abolished?
How do you make the FUCKING country function, you degenerate retards?
How the FUCK are you supposed to support the government if taxes are abolished?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't support the government
The way they did before personal income tax.
If you think the state needs supporting, do it voluntarily and on your own dime, no need to resort to extortion and threats of violence. The problem is that governments are inherently violent and by their very definition immoral. Nothing good can come from that which is inherently and objectively immoral.
ancap is just a meme
only retards would fall for it, the rest ared edgy libertariens
Ancap is just a Stefan Molyneux meme-tier ideology. It naively assumes that everyone is 100% rational at all times and that human beings are a fundamental force of good in the universe. It relies on so many delicate variables to be held constant for an ancap society to function for even a day.
>"Y-you like the s-state? Y-you must b-be a l-l-leftist!"
>Can't argue for shit so I'll post a wall of text instead.
>never read anything on anarcho-capitalism
>don't know the authors or the arguments
>is just a molyneux meme, gais!
The country won't function; that's the point.
If they're not, they're subhuman and don't deserve life. They will be in the real world taken away, in a manner of communication.
Acnaps and libertarians complete refuse to accept that people who have a lot of wealth love projecting their influence and have a better edge on making their influence stronger.
Well the government prints money.
Its asically just a flat tax and would fall disproportionately on the poor and could delegitimize the government with inflation (see zimbabwe)
No we don't, we just don't care
The USD is a bubble
Being wealthy in a free market is an achievement worthy of respect. You achieve this state only by providing value to society.
Name me one ancap society. Your arguments are entirely based on assumption, because assumptions are what ancap ideology is all about. It's not based on anything empirical. It's entirely in your head.
Taxes don't go to the government.
Ancaps are the worst.
>taxes are theft!
No, you signed the social contract by earning money as a citizen.
>but I never gave my consent
No consent needed, the state is not a person, it's all of us.
Ancaps need to be physically removed once we install our fascist dictator.
>Statist cuckold
>pirate poster
>reddit rhetoric
You have to go back.
Plenty of stateless societies throughout history (Jericho, Çatalhöyük, Mojendo-Daro, Harappa), none of which is more interesting than 12th century Iceland which had something very similar to ancap (the state didnt monopolise police) but that's completely irrelevant.
The burden is not on me to show that is has occurred before, it is on you to show that it can not occur. That's like arguing for a slavery-free society when slavery was practiced and you'd be the one saying it can not happen because slavery has always been practiced.
Apriori logical axioms are not assumptions, they are always true and do not require empirical evidence.
Empirical evidence that free markets bring the most prosperity and security emerges over and over again. And all the evidence points out that socialist countries invariably turn into miserable shitholes. Have some reading on the subject first, then come back
> It naively assumes that everyone is 100% rational at all times
It does? Actually, I think it assumes that it rational behavior is preferable to irrational behavior, but that irrational behavior is a protected choice.
For example, if I wanted to consolidate my net worth into gold bullion and put it in the mouth of an active volcano, that's alright, even if it's not considered economically productive.
The market deeply depends on people behaving irrationally. This behavior is just sometimes difficult or impossible to predict. Time preference is largely irrational. Time preference is the price of "now" compared to the future, and is reflected in interest rates (the cost of having money now vs. in the future). Our civilization has an increasingly high time preference which auctions off chunks of the future for value in the present. Most people simply don't realize how valuable the future really is.
Also, that 'wall of text' is called a paragraph.
pick one
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.
#metoo #kony2012 #deportthehomeless
I have to ask an ancap, how are you making sure that without the state the supposed communities are being provided protection and how are you making sure that companies wont try to make their own state if they accumulated enough wealth and influence.
That's like saying you can't take the derivative of something without seeing the graph first.
>By earning money
Literally the stupidest shit I've heard all month
>The state is all of us
That's a commune or a nation, not a state
>Central gov't
Well bloody me ,ya sure a cheesy wanker arent ya
The fact of competition keeps yall insurance companies in line. As any business, they need reputation to survive
> be James Madison
> writing a correspondence that would later be incorporated into Federalist No. 62 about the mischievous effects of Government upon itself and the governed
> propose legal solutions which actually work against the Government's interest, given the reasoning that the Government intrinsically is incentivized to act against it's own people; an idea others call `fanciful`
> suddenly a young, effeminate man presses his face against the glass of your study, his pores filled with acne and maple syrup
The money you work for is not your property.
It belongs to the government.
I don't work for money though. I work for useless slips of paper to be quickly traded for money. But if by my money belonging to the government you mean the debt to citizens that the fiat dollar represents, then yes that's the government's.
And that is taxed at a rate you agreed to by accepting said currency, you degenerate
Who said that after they have enough power they would run like a business?
If they have the influence and power they could impose a government on the people whether other people like it or not.
It is known that when a man has power he will try to further strengthen the said power so he his position wouldnt be challenged.
Second of all, how can you be sure that there wouldnt be created a coalition between companies so that they would create a monopoly and increase their revenues at expense of their customers?
I didn't agree to the rate it's "taxed" at; Congress has all the control over that. Regardless, that has absolutely zero to do with whether or not I condone the state's existence.
Type the whole thing again but this time make it coherent.
>No, you signed the social contract by earning money as a citizen.
Where can I find this document? I don't remember signing anything.
You agreed to be taxed at the agreed upon rate by receiving payment. If you don't want to be taxed, you're absolutely free to go live in the woods or walk to Mexico.
For now.
Someday people like you will be used as oven liners.
Did you ever consent to be subject to the law in regards to murder, theft, etc?
Exactly, it's just as unnecessary to have your consent in the matter of taxation.
>a service so crucial we have to force people to pay for it
You can keep calling inflation a tax if you wish but that isn't what it is. Also, whoever employs me is legally obligated (by the state) to pay me in that currency (what a coincidence).
>If I hire a fat guy to sit on you and you can't get him off, you're consenting to him being there.
If the law said it was okay to rape your daughter would you lick that boot too?
Mr IDontFuckingKnow has enough wealth and power and wants to make a state and to make himself a leader of the state, Mr IDontFuckingKnow is so powerful and influential that his decision cannot be challenged by other
Mr FuckMe together with Mr GodDamn and with other Mr want to create a coalition/monopoly so that their revenues can be increased at the expense of their customers,their customers stupid little things they are cannot object this decision because they need to buy that shit because of I dont fucking know for what reasons and therefore they are forced to buy it.
>Did you consent to this fat guy sitting on you? Exactly it's just as unnecessary as your consent for paying taxes.
Ssh you're runining the "the state is God" narrative
That first bit will never happen because people have guns to point at these supposed "state leaders" to keep them away and irrelevant
The second bit is called a cartel and results in lower prices for consumers because you have to predatory price to keep out competition. The only way to keep people out of your market otherwise is to point guns at them (like in a state-run monopoly).
I refute that assertion that anyone could have that much wealth without government intervention. How does one have that much wealth and power without a centralized government to protect them? You do realize that the bigger someone (or a business) gets the easier they are to take down when they don't have politicians to buy off?
youre a retard user
>good and bad neighbourhoods
>just sit in your walled community while your nation goes to shit and trust mr. shekelbergs mcpolice
>Pay the police to/personally partake in the physical removal of baddies
No an argument faggot :^)
Prove that someone can get that much wealth without government protectionism.
Go fuck yourself.
Because they've always run like a business and before they decide to go rogue and transcend that, they will run out of business because people will know.
>a monopoly and increase their revenues at expense of their customers
These are the states (the status quo). States are exactly that: territorial monopolies of ultimate decisionmaking and taxation.
When the revolution comes it will be poli-sci major gender queers and baristas vs farmers, ex military, and factory workers.
You can get significantly more money without government taxes. Protectionism only inhibits free trade, which would give you even more money.
It'll be a minority of the natural elite vs the hoards of sheep and chimps.
And you're free to remain unemployed or kill yourself. You're of no value to the state so you may as well.
Interesting choice of hypothetical leaf. Sure I would, but no fascist country would ever implement such a law unless there were an extreme need for a population boom so the argument is faulty.
The goal of ancap is to create a nation by consent, a group of co-operating autonomical cities created by voluntary association. When there's no daddy state, degenerates would be exiled as they wouldn't be beneficial to society and the expenses of their alternative lifestyles would burden the people, not the state.
Ancap is basically hardcore natural selection, and if the natural order really consists of nations they would arise, but created only by people capable enough.
Ancaps are degenerates. They threaten the existance of any state they dwell within, like a tumor.
>I can't imagine living life without muh government
Basically you are hoping that the supposed corporations will turn agaisnt them if they ever reach a certain point in fear of the leader taking away their wealth from them ,which is a good point but it is still based on the fact that the corporations will be turned agaisnt them but that will certainly leave a power vacuum in the said structure .
The Roman Empire is a prime example of constant power vacuums which lead to short periods of peace and stability that ultimately destroyed Rome.
This guy nails it
I'm employed that's why I have to deal with government fiat money in the first place. I contribute to the economy of the state and pay taxes. Would love to be of no value of the state though. Would love everybody to be of no value to the state.
Nigger go look up what predatory pricing is
>but no fascist country would ever implement such a law
>Implying that threatening the existence of autistic social constructs is cancerous.
They could employ certain defense companies to protect them or they could create their own defense departments.
They would make sure that the said mercenaries are to be paid at a constant and at higher rate and if they are ultimately brought down they would leave a power vacuum which will have to be filled by another company and the cycle will continue thus making peace and stability a rare commodity.
>imperial Japan
How exactly do comfort women strength family values? A bunch of single moms and stds? Terrible idea.
Still, a good alternative to hanging feminists.
Libertarians are the same cancer as communism. It all comes from America - - ancaps, faggots, gay rights etc. They are shills for jews.
No goy, the fact that a book written in 1905 by Jews that promises to use liberalism as a weapon against the West is a mere (((coincidence))). Remember the six gorillion
The /thread is not ; anarchism is the rejection of the state
>One corner of the compass is the same as it's biaxisial opposite
Another Jewish shill detected. Join your local gay club libertarian faggot for maximum freedums.
Are you fucking stupid? I'm not arguing you can't get more money. I'm arguing that that there's a limit to the capital one person can acquire without the government to protect their business assets. The initial argument is someone could make enough money to essentially own a nation which simply is laughable. Most billionaires assets are tied up in the companies they operate, they don't have the liquidity to fund soldiers let alone cover the cost to maintain sovereignty. That's outside the fact that without patent laws, geographic regulation, eminent domain and other protectionist policies the ability to grow a corporation into the billions would be much more difficult especially relative to the competition.
The fuck does the lowering of prices so you wont have another wanker competing agaisnt you with the bloody vacuum following the fucking decline of a powerful company?
>inherently violent and by their very definition immoral
this is just political sour grapes
>i have no capacity for violence
>i didn't want it anyways though, violence is immoral
>How the FUCK are you supposed to support the government if taxes are abolished?
Almost as if That's the point
>If there's no government to print dollar bills, no one will ever be wealthy again!
> Korea is a Confucian country where premarital sex was widely disapproved of, and since the Korean teenagers taken into the "comfort women corps" were almost always virgins, it was felt that this was the best way to limit the spread of venereal diseases that would otherwise incapacitate soldiers and sailors.
The conservatives were the prey, not the victors. But I'd like to hear you explain what the biggest difference was between Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. Was it the military culture? no okay. Was it nationalism? no, okay. Tell me.
>Wall of text
That's easily half a page worth if writing if you're reading anything above a sixth grade level.
I never said an ancap society could not occur. I simply asked you to point towards an example and you failed to procure it. I'm glad we agree on socialist countries turning into miserable shitholes. Unless you're assuming that anyone that acknowledges the utility in government must be a socialist? Work on your reading comprehension, otherwise you'll find you're wasting your arguing against nothing that was ever posited to begin with.
Most reasonable people assume that rational behaviour is preferable to irrational behaviour. That's not exclusive to your ideology. The market also doesn't "deeply depend" on irrational behaviour. There's nothing irrational about people wanting to buy and consume products, that's entirely the prerogative of the individual. Is frivolous spending irrational? Sure, but the voluntary transactions that occur within the market are never irrational. Forced transactions are irrational because they are inherently immoral.
Did you know that a "paragraph" can also be called a "wall of text?" If you run out of arguments, it's best not to resort to semantic grammar. It makes you look petty.
donations idiot
Consider me a degenerate then, I don't know how not wanting people who need a daddy state on their back to appreciate their nation in my country is degenerate.
If you can't maintain your moral standard without somebody forcing you into non-degenerate behavior you're just a weak willed faggot. Making degenerates behave well by holding a gun to their head doesn't the fact that their brains are rotten.
The internet.
i'm saving this smuggie
I just told you, family values.
Mothers were given gold medals for birth and raising as many babies as humanly possible.
How does comfort women fit in with that idealogy at all?
A bunch of stateless mongrel babies and stds so men can cheat on their wives? It's ridiculous to associate such a policy with fascism.
>That's easily half a page worth if writing
>if writing
There has never been a successful governmental system that didn't hold degenerates and swindlers at bay through authoritarian means.
The most successful systems are monarchy and fascism because they don't bother with such trivial matters as "gay rights" or any of that "muh feels" nonsense.
Wrong is wrong and is not allowed. Even the Bible teaches us these points. It says kill the sodomite, not let him run for Senator.
It's not the capitalism part I disagree with. It's the "anarcho" part. Whether these people want to admit it or not, the government does have a role in society: maintaining national security and upholding social contracts between voluntary individuals so that promises have legal weight rather than just wrapping pinky fingers together. If ancaps come together, form a political par- oh wait, they can't form a political party, because that requires some form of government. They don't believe in government, so ancap ideology will never become a society. Therefore it will always be an "intellectuals" wet dream.
How can you be sure your fascist government will adhere to your ideology and only force you to do the things you wanted to do anyway?
>the government does have a role in society
We never said it didn't, just that it's detrimental to society.
>They don't believe in government, so ancap ideology will never become a society
>what is agorism
It's the philosophy of actual persons that possess agency in this reality.
You can't be sure of that of course.
But there's a major benefit to fascism many good goys overlook.
No pressure release valve.
When you get mad in a vote. nothing changes but you feel better.
When you can't vote and you're overthrow the current leader.
So it's in the fascist leader's best interest not to be a cunt or he'll be dead.
This. Yes. This!
They talk of revolution - they have no guns
They are physically inferior
They don't hunt
The military sides with us - you will not have Texas boys fire upon Alabama boys and vice versa
They have no mechanical aptitude
They would be lost without the conveniences of the cities
They could not find food
They have no survival skills...
They stand no chance
That hasn't worked very well for most people living in a dictatorship. Only a few revolutions replaced the old leader with some one who wasn't worse, and most of the time the worst of the worst get away with everything.
>implying this is any different than democracy
You see us going against Israel any time soon?
It's not about what comes in it is about what goes out.
Logically we need to over throw the government and replace it with a dictatorship that will send people to internment camps for life if they are caught criticizing god's chosen.
>and you failed to procure it
I gave my argument. You have nothing.
ALL government action represents socialism (wealth redistribution by a monopoly)
That's literally the Jewish end game.
You can read about it in Revelations and you can read about it in the Protocols of Zion and you can see it coming. How many people have been jailed for (((holocaust denial))).
The only logical thing to do is seize the power before they do.
All these Bitcoin millionaires have clearly provided loads of value to society.
If it's not voluntary it isn't a "contract" in any fucking way retard. If I held a gun to your head and forced me to sign a paper saying I could murder your entire family, you wouldn't call it a contract just because you signed it.
Why not just leave the sodomite to natural selection? Remove him from civilization, stop providing services, exclude him.
The whole idea is individuals forming societies in which degenerates are removed from society and die off in corners, thinking about how good it was to live on welfare and hold a shitty job that doesn't require any skill with a minimal wage.
Watch them die as they can't survive on their own. Makes a good example for the rest of the people, while just shooting the faggot doesn't show anything other than the fact that the state hates fags.
God didn't say kick them out.
God says kill them.
If you're not religious, consider what the faggot will be doing. It'll be looking to garner sympathy, turning people against you, raping kids and reproducing through trauma.
No thanks, physically remove it and be done.
No, ancap people do not presuppose that all actions are voluntary you retard. If I wanted to spend all of my money right now gambling, on alcohol, drugs and hookers it isn't a rational decision but it's irrelevant to whether or not I have the freedom to make it. People make irrational decisions all the fucking time.
Not my problem, bootlicker