So, Sup Forums. Is she right?
Daily reminder that Jesus was a Socialist.
So, Sup Forums. Is she right?
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Daily reminder that Jesus wasn't a real person, socialist or otherwise.
No he wasn't. He was pro-charity. Socialism is not charity. Please neck yourself.
Was he marxist socialist though?
The answer to this question will determine your IQ btw
No. Jesus the Judean hated the Pharisee Jews that was kiking up everything with usury.
Jesus loves humanity and hates sin, she's full of shit
Judge not lest ye be judged
hi hello where are your proofs that jesus was a socialist?!?!
>no I'm not a christian that's stupid
>checkmate christians your god was a socialist jew like me
Commie fag daily shill post gtfo
hi hello where are your proofs that jesus was a real person?!?!
>inb4 muh bible
Yeah, I don't think you've read it recently.
OP still denies that he was god in human form, and thus her opinion is satanic and irrelevant
There is no Socialism that isn't Marxist. Nice try, kike.
Right. Jesus was a cult leading mooch.
This is not news.
hi hello nice deflection comrade
but where are the proofs that jesus was a socialist?!?!?
Many roman documents are my proofs. Even dawkins admits jesus was a real person.Britcuck dumbass
>Implying just having a method of recording how much work you have done undermines Socialism.
huhhuh, wow.
Real or not, his character is of generosity. Making him in favor of the Marxist/Anarchist concept of Mutual Aid.
>Jesus was a socialist
So why did he tell people they needed to learn how to fish instead of just expecting the fish to be handed out?
All of your "Roman documents" are later forgeries or don't mention Jesus at all.
Which you would know, if you had ever read them.
Actually, Jesus is God and all should be able to recognize that all man-made government and institutions are inherently flawed.
God is the absolute sovereign and creator of the universe. His ideal Government is neither socialist or capitalist. We shall live in the Kingdom of God when Christ returns.
Jesus advocated class war, not charity. Read James 5:1.
How can you read this quote and claim that Jesus was anything other than a proto-Communist?
>wants to take the fruit of your labor by force
>hates cops
why do we try to expose women's retardation when they do such a good job of it themselves?
When commies get in power they murder priests and rape nuns. Jesus isn't like them at all.
>He still thinks Socialism is just giving people free shit (lmao).
Theology isn't science. Learn how to talk in ways that we can understand, shlomo.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
What is socialism specifically?
>Real or not, his character is of generosity.
hi hello gomrade very nice thread very nice indeed
but i need real proofs that jesus was a socialist or else this is just silly exercise, no?
Because of Job. What is being argued here is that those who are rich should live decent, honorable and good lives, and help the poor.
The Book of Job is an excellent example of a man who is very wealthy, he is in fact, the most righteous man, and he is rich.
american College liberals are fucking insufferable cunts. They should be the first to be gulaged
I don't want to take the side of the pinkie commies, user, but 2 Thessalonians is a forgery, and not even a very good one.
whatever helps you excuse your self-destructive behavior
Jesus was not a socialist. Jesus believed in Charity, not Government.
Socialism is characterized by workers controlling the means of production, living, distribution. (Factories, roads, houses, etc.) mainly democratically.
The majority either want work to be forced upon people who are able to or just give them the bare minimum to live with. Only minority of Socialists believe in giving people who don't work the same that do.
>Learn how to talk in ways that we can understand, shlomo.
It's simple.
The ideal government is an absolute monarchy under the Kingdom of Heaven under God.
Do you have any source to this that isn't a youtube video?
Socialist? Nah.. he was one of us though. Why else would he flip over tables in the temple and use a whip to flog the Jewish bankers of the time.
give unto ceasrs what is ceasars
give unto god what is gods
yeah socialism
I hate these athiest lefties when they try to tell you about your relegion and they dont know shit about it to begin with
Actually, by all accounts and comparison to Socialism in action, Caesar was the Socialist
Hello, didju know dog isnt REEL???!!!!
t. Athiesd
fuggign gristians irrational :DDD-DD
what is the means of production for more human beings
>give unto ceasrs what is ceasars
Mark 12:17, easiest way to defeat a lefty hiding behind Christ. Most of them have never touched a bible.
Hello, here is a Bible quote.
This, tbqh
>cops aren't people
I want to ram my fist down her throat
The MOP is stuff that you need to make shit. The means of distribution is means to get people the shit that they want/need.
>cops aren't people
I wonder if this fucking cunt knows that the Supreme Court ruled police don't have to protect her from getting gang raped by a huge pack of niggers.
He was a self-hating Jew.
>using modern terminology and systems for an ancient text
Those verses are about tithing, not socialism. Christians already do this when they give money to the churches.
>Might Have Reason for Doubt
So they are doubting their own doubts in the title? Doesn't sound very convincing.
You know Acts is a forgery too, right?
SO full of shit. KYS. Hurry, now.
there’s nothing more totalitarian than claiming you are the son of god, even under the guise of altruism
Protip: people willingly sharing things is still capitalism and it doesn't become socialism until it is forced by the government
It's a consensus among historians that Jesus Christ was indeed a real person.
THere is no contemporary roman document referring to jesus christ. He was a literal nobody when he was alive.
>there’s nothing more totalitarian than claiming you are the son of god, even under the guise of altruism
Torturing and crucifying someone for doing it is much more totalitarian you fucking idiot.
>So they are doubting their own doubts in the title
You can't red-pill the normies by giving them the 100% truth straight away, user. You have to drip feed them, little by little.
>What is being argued here is that those who are rich should live decent, honorable and good lives, and help the poor.
What??? Did you read the same passage I did?
What's actually being argued is that rich people are evil parasites who deserve no mercy from the exploited masses.
The first Christians lived in communes, literally indistinguishable from those in Mao's China (everything was shared in common, everyone had to contribute, wealth was not allowed, etc)
If you believe in Christianity, you must also believe that capitalists, landlords, banksters, slumlords, as well as fascist pro-rich butchers like Hitler and Mussolini will burn in hell for eternity
>it's a "libfag pretends to care about Christianity to manipulate Christians into doing what they want" episode
Cuckservatives need to stop falling for this trick. Liberals REEEEEE nonstop about getting religion out of politics when it comes to abortion or gay marriage but they're the first to use WWJD arguments when it comes to illegals and refugees.
>It's a consensus among historians that Jesus Christ was indeed a real person.
>If you believe in Christianity, you must also believe that capitalists, landlords, banksters, slumlords, as well as fascist pro-rich butchers like Hitler and Mussolini will burn in hell for eternity
Is anybody debating this though? Greed is a sin. But casting judgement on others is also a sin.
Anyone saying Jesus was a socialist is fucking retarded. Not only is politics really never touched upon in the bible, but Jesus never endorsed a government to take your money and redistribute it. This would defeat the purpose of the trial. You are to give away what you own, willingly, not at threat of violence or incarceration.
Jesus was a proponent of personal charity and goodwill. Not government enforced charity and goodwill. Of course this stupid cunt has never read the bible though, seeing as she is mentioning cops for no reason.
>Socialism is characterized by workers controlling the means of production, living, distribution. (Factories, roads, houses, etc.) mainly democratically.
What specifically do you mean by "mainly democratically"? What other methods of control are implemented?
>The majority either want work to be forced upon people who are able to or just give them the bare minimum to live with.
I presume you mean majority of socialists. If I am incorrect let me know.
Which option do you favor:
"The workers" using "mainly democratic" methods of control forcing and have worked forced upon them
"The workers" using "mainly democratic" methods of control to decide what is and provide a "bare minimum to live with".
>Only minority of Socialists believe in giving people who don't work the same that do.
And what does the other variety of socialists tend to think of them?
>He was a self-hating Jew.
Just like Marx
Charity isnt charity when the government forces you to. Its charity when you do it out of the goodwill of your heart. Jesus was for the latter, not the former.
Why do atheists and people dedicated to eradicating Christianity think they have any authority when they talk? You just look retarded.
>was jesus a socialist?
Except no society based on christian values was ever socialist. Really makes you think. Also that story she mentioned is jesus throwing moneychangers out of the temple since it wasn't for that thing but was a place of worship. People like these socialist/communist/far leftist morons misrepresent so massively that it's sickening. It's like dealing with a pathological liar that just makes shit up to fit their viewpoint.
Here's the relevant quote from the bible which she apparently doesn't even want to quote either.
John 2.
13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
Also jesus was not some average guy, in the bible he is literally emanuel (god with us), and not a normal man whatsoever, but a divine creature given birth through a virgin. So he had full authority to do this.
Whereas nobody else has authority to go and break into someones house or vandalize somebody elses property.
I've noticed more frequently now as the commies/socialist run out of ways to try to propagandize their cause that they are trying to turn to scripture to justify their position so i'll say again.
a) they are incorrect
b) no nation in history founded on biblical principles were socialists.
And you can be damn sure they know/knew the bible a LOT better than any of these socialist retards on twitter!
Jesus was a Jew who thought that the meek would inherit the earth. Why so many christcucks join the alt-right is beyond me.
Jesus endorsed that we should do this willingly ourselves. Not that you faggots should change the government to force us. In fact he would probably be ardently opposed to governmental force, as it removes any of the goodness from the act.
Are you actually suggesting that jesus didnt exist? The only matter of contention is the miracles and rising from the dead. The fact that the man existed is indisputable, accepted by mainstream historians and academics - anyone outside of extremist leftist politics.
>You are to give away what you own, willingly, not at threat of violence or incarceration.
Did you not read ?
When Ananias refuses to give away what he owned, he is struck down by God and killed. That's not a threat of violence to you? How is killing someone not a violent act?
he was a nazareen, not a pharisee (jews)
meek does not translate to "timid"
it means "humble before god"
>communism is a religion
Checks out
Did you read it? Cause hes not struck down for being greedy Ill tell you that much.
did you think the crusade was a social matter ? comunnist pig get away with your propaganda. Commies hate jesus that's a fact.
Indisputable, huh?
Well, I suppose you've never read Galatians (a first-century document which EXPLICITLY DENIES THE EXISTENCE OF JESUS). If you had, you wouldn't say such silly things.
This one is not as equivocal.
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.
#maletears #deportthehomeless #kony2016
How are salaries determined? In a socialist society people would vote for higher wages which will cause businesses to close which then leads to unemployment, no?
I'm not fully against socialism but the students at my uni who support it honestly make me terrified of the thing, for example, they believe everyone in a socialist society would get the same salary. How the fuck is that a good idea? Instead of training to becoming a doctor, i could just flip burgers instead. Is this idea large amongst supporters of socialism?
my knowledge in English is horrible, but shouldn't it be effect and not affect
>Except no society based on christian values was ever socialist.
USSR (1917-1953), PRC (1949-1976), DPRK, Cuba were all based on Christian (socialist) values.
Why don't you become a full christian then and stop being a political activist?
The authenticity of jesus existing as a man is more backed up by roman documentation than julius cesear boyo
want to quote the passage that states jesus never existed?
She can't spell "pigs", either.
Not necessarily. An A-ffect is an action taken and an E-ffect is the result. She's discussing actions taken.
why do you fuckers even lie about this? There is historical evidence of a jesus existing in biblical times. Then that coupled with the fact that hundreds of people died for him and yknow, the bible spanning millennia now is a thing, you literally just have to have your head in the sand to deny his mere existence.
>jesus hated
Why sure, user, I thought you'd never ask
>Pic related
By the way, there is a complete absence of "Roman documentation". Diddly-squat.
It's very sad. But all records of early Christianity were either deliberately destroyed or lost to the winds of time.
>The authenticity of jesus existing as a man is more backed up by roman documentation than julius cesear
"Backed up" by not one single shred of Roman documentation?! Let's see this Roman documentation then. This should be good!
>Jesus endorsed that we should do this willingly ourselves. Not that you faggots should change the government to force us
Do this "willingly", except if you don't give all your money away to the poor you get struck down by God and killed. See:
The choice between "give up all your money to the poor" or "get struck down by God" isn't much of a choice at all.
Ya of the 15 Joshuas walking around, ONE of them must have been /ourguy/
Neck yourself
Again, you fucking retard. It is stated right in that passage why the person is killed. And its not cause they didnt give everything away. Why do heathens think they have some authority over Christians? I understood this book better than you when I was in sunday school.
The passage in Josephus, that apparently mentions Jesus, doesn't exist in manuscripts before the fourth century. Josephus didn't write them.
If you read books rather than Wikipedia, you wouldn't make those kinds of mistakes.
Funny how the Josephus passage doesn't exist in any of the earliest copies found before Eusebius "discovered" it in the fourth century CE, ain't it?
>galatians denies the existence of jesus
Are you sober right now?
>USSR (1917-1953), PRC (1949-1976), DPRK, Cuba were all based on Christian (socialist) values.
Total bullshit, it was christian under the tsar but the bolshevist revolutionaries hated christianity. North korea is a disgusting dictatorship and cuba is a total shithole. Hardly something you should argue for in your favour. Fact remains is that christianity has been in europe for over a millennia and yet you can only point to some kind of sickening socialist/commie revolution of previously christian based countries as some kind of 'evidence'. But that's not evidence, that's evidence of socialist/communism overthrowing those few countries you mention. But the vast majority of european nations were not socialist or communist in the slightest. Save me your amateur exigesis. It's fine if you want to believe in the bible but do yourself a favour and read it from cover to cover and then start studying it and you will figure out rather quickly why none of the christian nations were socialist/communist.
Yikes funny how irrelevant this is. Its still evidence of a historical jesus. That combined with the deaths of early christians, that combined with the bible existing for ~2 millenia. YIKES
Stop talking like you're fresh off the boat from reddit
also post the passage
>peddling occult propaganda
>I worship my skin and politics over god
>posts nothing but article headlines
you're really used to assuming power through condescension and appeals to authority, huh redditfag?
>Are you sober right now?
Have you even read the bible?
>Instead of training to becoming a doctor, i could just flip burgers instead.
You could, if you feel more passion for cooking than for helping others.
Other people would rather be a doctor instead of a cook, even if the salary was the same, because they are truly passionate about what they do.
I don't support complete income equality, I think Albanien had the right idea by paying the very best doctors/engineers/scientists only twice as much as your typical street sweeper, milk churner, whatever.