Hey Sup Forums, tell me everything wrong about my country.
That is if you can find it on a map
Hey Sup Forums, tell me everything wrong about my country
I swear I thought Tunisia was some kind of condiment
High % of black people in population of Tunisia - 15% according to Al-.Jazeera
this is why im ashamed to be American
the lake on the image which is in the middle of the desert
fuck that lake
Yeah , blacks need to pass by here to get to europe
or else they'll go through libya and could become slaves
fuck off you nigger
something like 100% of tunisian child rapists are tunisian
1. your food, which people say "OH WOW" is boring trite faggotry
B you smell
F: fuck you niggers, your country? stay in it you niggers
all wanting to come into europe you fucking meme faggots
you're the vestiges of the rape-crusades
we will mop you up with vengeance
you goddamn nigger
you have no fucking clue
no fucking clue what you've awaken
the gleaming
sword of the eternal anglo
it will cleave you in two
it will not judge a baby in the womb from a fighting age nigger
we will cut you all down
and use your blood to fertilize the saharah
Your flag has a weird logo.
> blacks need to pass by here to get to europe
According to the article, they live there, not in the short term.
>sword of the eternal anglo
Go to to larp
we just plagiarised Turkey's
All I know is that the original Soy Wars was filmed there.
>something like 100% of tunisian child rapists are tunisian
Yeah we have actual tunisian blacks that identify
I mean we are african after all
it's just I've noticed a lot of new french speaking blacks since the mass immigration started
low iq desert niggers
What do you produce that has any value? Is there a Tunisian car?
Are you amazigh?
if not GTFO my homeland
>thinking anyone gives a shit about a shitskin muzzie cesspool
high quality olive oil and nice beaches
that's it
we are beyond poor
Harbour of jihadists and muslim integralists despite having the potential of being a rich developped country
Sad as FUCK
GTFO canadians' homeland
>Hey Sup Forums, tell me everything wrong about my country.
okay so like, your flag needs to have green isntead of red. I can't think of anything else. nope. that's it.
the country with less stupid muz in north africa, people there are much closer to the occident. only country in north africa that can live under somtheing else than a dictature.
I mean other fucking shariaa law countries are trying to stop us from being secular by funding propaganda
I have hope though , right now we have beef with most muslim countries in the gulf
Its flag
That's rich mate
are we that fucking boring that the worst thing is our flag?
Nothing, your country is perfect. Stay home.
Best country in the Arab world IMO.
Yeah, that's shameful. I really hope you get your secular country back before cheap workforce could get a middle class started in no time with the right political condition. Tourism would be taken for granted too
i will when we come to kill you ar*bs
dunno, not enough oil or too much mudslims i guess.
Majority-Islamist population operating under the guise of 'secularism', whatever that means
Why is your flag the inverted nip flag with the modern symbol of peace and freedom in the middle? Crypto nips of peace?
I agree
we fail even at being an arab country aka oil machine
failure is not what i have in mind of tunisia compared to other muz countries. no dude your country is an economic success.
Leaf considers northern Africans Arabs...
Being this ignorant. You're worse than burgers.
I'm Moroccan. Good country... But the south of Tunisia Is salafist
temchina naykou
Former Phoenician colony and regional power as Carthage, and important Roman province, now inhabited by Maghrebi invaders and inbred Islamified natives.
He's a fake leaf, an immigrant
Sup Forums leafs are based
Holy shit that's too accurate
I couldn't figure out a better definition of my country
well, you don't have state welfare do you?
maybe build a border fence? I can't really help you because you help yourself by not being as bad as the rest of africa....
i am berber who wants to kill arabs
Too much radical islam because they are poor af, now the only relevant thing that Tunisia have is the slave trades and the people from ISIS, but nice history and all that, great cities built here
Turks get the copter, because they're commie scum.
Argan Oil for beauty usage
A turk anywhere is an embarrassment to his host country.
Aslemma habibi, been to your country twice
economically, tourism was too big of a sector, I know there's other shit, but I saw some starved for business places
culturally not sure if you want to be arab, muslim or secular, french or tounsi
yeah we can't figure out our shit
Hey at least there will never be an alt right movement cuz we identify to nothing
there is no such thing as a tunisian socialist
Doubt there's any turk or people considering themselves turkish in modern-day Tunisia.
can i call your country carthage?
Carthage is a city in Tunisia, it still exists, it's just not a city-state anymore.
It would be as silly as calling Italy "Rome" today.
It's technically true if talk about the goverment
cuz the presidential palace is in the city of Carthage
Yeah t b h I probed some people about nationalism there and got weird responses, there was some sense of identity though. I mean, Islam is strong and it's an international thing, so there's that. I know ya'll mothafucka's racist towards sub-saharans, which is normal, so I'm sure there are limits.
You're in a transitional period, so it'll take some time (transition from retard communism to shitty capitalsim was ~20 years in my country)
which city are you from?
Even the romans called it Afriquya you dumbo, there's not much left of Carthage
I'm from the capital , Tunis
though I lived quite a while in the north in Bizerte
Rome re-built Carthage and made it like the second biggest city in the Empire, with 500,000 people. Roman Carthage was a very strong economically speaking city.
That's because Carthagenians were more intrested in trade than most of the roman empire that loved conquering shit
Carthage sold everything , now that I think about it , it's like they were kikes
Good stuff. I've spent there the most time. Probably 2 weeks in total. You have some top-tier women there, even wanted to bring some back with me.
My nan went there and to Morocco as well this summer for bants
Carthage must be ____________
Another leaf left behind.
Yelling at coloured people for taking all the good jobs while being qualified for none of them.
Morocco member of Arab League I think doesn't have oil too.
i like tunisians
One of my co-workers visited it, said Tunisia was pretty comfy for tourists, so I guess you guys are ok. Through I heard Tunisia has some problems with Al-Qaeda, so be careful. Islamists will easily turn it into shithole given possibility.
pic related the country
do average tunisians today know that they're approx. 20-25% turkish? or do they consider themselves just arabic and barber mixture?
Tunisian women are qt
I heard you were liberal and democratic.
that would make them chinese by default. real turks are chinese looking.
I hear you're the most feminist of all the Muslim countries. Literally the one good thing Islam does and you fuck it up. Shame!
No oil.
oghuz turkics 1800 years ago first appeared in near caspian sea. area just before turks was inhabited by iranian peoples. original turkics in history were mixture of euroasian peoples. even ughur turks in china today has 25% european and 25% iranian dna. on the other hand you armeno-kurd, we keep killing your kind here :)) come and rescue your people
The only Arabs (and Berbers) with democracy. I wish you success.
There is literally garbage everywhere except for the nicer parts of Tunis.
People are nice though. A bit dumber than other north africans but one of the few peoples where I would genuinely trust everyone and feel completely safe.
Oh and please stop coming to europe. I know its nice to make 7 euro per hour illegally harvesting fruits in italy instead of 2 in tunisia, but youre seriously destroying parts of europe, and youre making life miserable for genuine syrian refugees, who want nothing more than to return to their homes and rebuild their countries after the war, who now have to face racism because so many north africans and niggers just randomly come to europe to live a fat life here all the while destroying european identity.
>youre making life miserable for genuine syrian refugees, who want nothing more than to return to their homes and rebuild their countries after the war
Ahmed, you have to go back.
You had the highest amount of volunteering ISIS fighters IIRC. Aside from that you're pretty cool, i mean your country, you OP are a faggot.
Shut the fuck up.
>having the crescent moon on your rag
Fuck off, mudslime.
Found the towelhead.
No, not by a long shot. I hate Islam and everything that has to do with it. :)
Unfortunately, we don't have enough Raid to purge your region.