Give me 1(one) good reason why steroids are illegal.
Give me 1(one) good reason why steroids are illegal
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Steroids are legal
Because just like drugs like Meth and the like it is very easy for the body to become dependant on it.
justifies government jobs. thus increasing communist votes and funding for communist orgs.
Ask that Zyzzz faggot why they are illegal
They are illegal without having Dr.Shekelberg prescribe them.
Zyzz ate some wood cleaning product or something.
Er... right
Zyzz had heart problems before steroids and he did coke.
I can't.
As the former owner of 2 different UG labs, I can say I'm glad they are.
Why the fuck would you want to use them?
As soon as you stop you're going to start producing a shit tonne of estrogen because your own body won't be able to make testosterone anymore.
This sounds more realistic, I always assumed it was steroids alone that ended his life
Do you even PCT, bro?
Redpill me about your old businesses and how many shekels you pulled in.
>birth control (female hormone) is a civil right according to leftists
>steroids (male hormone) are illegal
what did they mean by this?
Why do all the faggots on this board have such low testosterone?
Just checked up on this
Does really allow the body to start manufacturing its own test after steroid use?
Zyzz was a ticking time bomb tbph. An accident waiting to happen. The steroids were the least of his problems.
Coke (and apparently meth) absolutely wreck your heart, and his heart was already straining with an undiscovered congenital defect. The sauna (which puts even more pressure on your heart) was just the last straw.
Well, why are they illegal? I always assumed it was because the government is more or less a nanny state.
I’ve been on and off roids several times. Even if you do something extremely hard like Tren which shuts you down big time, a short course of HCG will wake your balls up before starting your full PCT therapy.
Don't you ever in your life speak his name you Philistine.
They give you incredible physical strength and the Jews don't want that.
They can seriously fuck with your health. I'm not saying that they should be legal, but steroids is something that requires extensive knowledge to do properly.
you thought zyzz, the man, the myth, the legend was a well adjusted lad? look at his ploys for attention. you don't burn that bright and make it out. Hulk Hogan somehow is still with us, bless him.
i've thought about cycling a low dose of test-c or test-e just to make some extra gains
but it's such a pain in the dick to get everything. you have to get needles by telling the pharmacy guy your cat is diabetic. you have to get PCT meds. you have to get estrogen blockers for your cycle. and of course you have to actually get the test itself but finding pharmacy grade shit is its own pain in the dick because most of the shit gymrats use looks like it was synthesized in a bathtub
i wish i could just get a doc to write me a script but they're all assholes and won't until you're 50 years old
Actually lol’d
Used to wrestle varsity in High School, one of the few guys who didn't juice. Glad I didn't, at 30 basically everybody I knew who did fucked their bodies Arnold Schwarzenegger once joked "What's the point in getting every muscle in your body big if the one that counts the most is small?"
Because politicians (not scientists) decide what's legal and what's illegal. Politicians make their decisions based on what will get them reelected, and that usually means choosing the path of least resistance.
No one wants to be the guy who stands up to defend free speech for Nazis, or steroids, or kicking out illegal child migrants, or taking away gibs from single mothers, etc. It would look bad. It's easier to just keep your head down. The tallest poppies are the first to get cut.
Blame professional sports for giving steroids a bad name in the first place.
>i wish i could just get a doc to write me a script but they're all assholes and won't until you're 50 years old
It's bullshit. They hand out hormones like candy if you're mentally ill and want to chop your dick off, but you can't have a 25 year old going on test when he has the test level of a 50 year old man.
Yes, like most drugs that have serious physiological effects.
Fuck, could write an entire wall of greentext on this.
Need about 10k to get in. Cost of manufacturing worked out to about 6 dollars a bottle, sold for 40 mostly. Bulk orders I'd go down to 20-25/bottle.
high 5-fuigure, low 6-figures per month
why are steroids illegal?
because they are an easy fix to the estrogenization of white males, lad.
I did a cycle and my balls completely, and I mean Completely, disappeared.
Because they damage your organism.
Believe me I used to take steroids, I had 2 cycles.
first was methandienone + sustanon + anti estrogens, second was sustanon in the beginning and then testosterone propionate + trenbolone + stanozolol + antiestrogens.
Also I used to take peptides.
Yeah they really work but after that I got some health problems like increased heart size, tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc.
I wish I had never taken them.
Zyzz didn't die from heart problems, steroids or any of that nonsense, that was a cover story. Genova killed him in a kickboxing match in Thailand.
fatlifts or chemfag?
they're not actually illegal in the UK, unless you cucks changed the laws while I was away
t. used to bring back suitcases of primo from Turkey and sell them in the local gym for a massive markup
People who are too stupid to find steroids online should not get to use them.
Because we don't yet respect bodily autonomy.
HHAHAHAHA no of course not
the only PCT that works is 250mg of 'TRT' a week
I've been on for 15 years straight now
Not illegal to possess for personal use, illegal to sell to anyone without a prescription.
Yeah, Arnold never did steroids at all
Because (((they))) want you weak and defenseless
Would it be any benefit to take hcg without the roids? Would it up your regular production
This is why we never saw the body
It was a mess
or fuck you could be the legend himself batlord
there's a huge difference between running like 200mg of test (supplementing your naturally produced hormones) for 8 weeks and pumping a dozen different chemicals into your body
i hate fuckers who put their bodies through a frankenstein cycle of all these experimental, crazy steriods then turn around and tut tut anyone who wants to elevate their test levels WITHOUT being a total tard about it that it's a bad idea
no, a low to mid dose of test is not going to explode your heart. but a cocktail of tren and dbol and hgh and some other crazy shit will.
his name was RICH PIANA
he believed in 2 SCOOPS
its time for a cookie, right, babe?
you're right they should be legal
every insecure closeted fag bodybuilding idiot should be allowed to die quicker and stop being a waste of air and chicken breast
I'm just a cook, user
Only fair after zyzz broke big lennys back
Nah it just mimics lieutenising hormone to kick start test production.
If you want to increase your test you’d be better off taking the regular PCT med like nolvadex or clomid
shady online pharmacies are easy to find, dumbass. the issue is they're fucking shady.
i don't eat food from shady looking restaruants what makes you think im going to inject my body with something from a shady website?
If you've used gear, you've probably used my gear.
A lot of UG's would private label my gear which was fine. Just kept a layer between me and the public.
He was on a lot of stuff besides steroids. I heard of him doing E pills and coke.
At the time of his death, I believe he was doing DNP to prep for a show or a shoot. DNP started off as a pesticide until they noticed that people who started working in the factory were losing serious weight in like a matter of a week or two. So in the 1930's it was a weight loss drug. Until people were dropping dead from it.
You can still buy it at some stores that sell pesticides. Everybody that I know who has used it feels like shit on it. But you can drop like 15-20lbs in like a weight of actual fat and not lose much muscle mass.
Pretty much though bodybuilding isn't a healthy sport even if you're totally natural. Putting your body through all that with the diet and weight training and the cardio (on a cut) puts stress on your internal organs especially your heart, kidneys and liver.
Most serious weight lifters have some degree of left-ventricular hypertrophy. Marathon runners and athletes in other sports also get this condition. It's more commonly known as Athlete's heart.
I've only ever used my own :^)
Because people are too stupid not to kill themselves.
Literally everything can be ordered online with minimal hassle. Bitcoin for gear, overseas pharmacies for PCT, and plenty of stores selling needles and syringes no questions asked.
200mg of test won't help you to gain something anyway it will only kill your endogenous testosterone production. So it's pointless at all.
The law here is (deliberately?) obscure and impossible to predict.
Apparently, primobolan is legal for personal use, but illegal to traffic and sell (so you were actually breaking the law). But there are also some strange caveats (eg. you can be "prescribed" medication by foreign doctors that you've never met, which is a loophole that a lot of traffickers use to get drugs into the country).
Creates industry for the supplement companies to sell people things using steroid users as advertisment tools?
Say hi to Mr LONG
I hope hes FINE
Someone can also give you the primo as a bonus gift with your bottle of creatine that you pay a ridiculous amount for.
to keep the man down
my favourite deadlifter
I go the extra 9 yards and get everything mass spec'd. A friend of mine got estrogen instead of the roid he ordered, pretty comical shit honestly.
stupid teenagers would abuse it even more without knowing the long term consequences, which there are many
UGL don't touch it
I can confirm DNP is incredible for weight loss and it is very muscle sparing. You do need to be very careful with it because the body does not have any kind of negative feedback loop to deal with an overdose, nor is there any type of antidote like most drugs.You basically overheat and die with an overdose.
DNP is probably the most effective weight loss supliment available, but can’t be prescribed because people are stupid. If one pill works well why not take two or three or four. The only way to safely administer DNP to the general public is a daily visit to the doctors office to be dosed one at a time.
Whenever you put exogenous androgens in your body, you will experience some degree of shut-down.
Your first cycle, you could do like 14-16 weeks on like 400-500mgs a week of test E or C (split the amount up in to two shots) and you'll put some good weight on. The main thing that will restrict your gains is your diet, your training, your rest and of course how close you are to your genetic maximum.
Don't forget to take HCG up until about 2 weeks after your last shot. And don't forget to take arimadex while you're on cycle (to prevent bitch tits) and do a good 8 weeks of Nolvadex/Clomid for your PCT (you start this about 2-3 weeks after your last shot)
If you take too little of a dose you won't get any gains.
Up until my lifting career was over I blasted and cruised for over 10 years. My cruises got up to being about a gram a week of testosterone and my blasts were way over that. And I was blasting with other steroids.
I got bloodwork done about 6 months after I stopped using and my hormones were back to normal. That doesn't mean you'll get the same result though. Whenever you take a steroid, you're assuming risk.
A lot of trust has to exist between you and the supplier. Having 100k sitting out there with an order sitting at customs for 3 extra days isn't a good feeling.
If your just cooking for personal use, then I'd pay the extra for domestic service. Hell a single Kg should last you the rest of your life.
I started out just trying to cover my personal use cost, then a couple buddies wanted some, then their buddies... I never intended to get into it and had too many sleepless nights (not from tren). I was glad to get out.
Perhaps some short term gains, esp in competitive sports. Just vanity wise steroids isn't all that
This faggot's son died and he blamed it on steroids. Then he went on a national campaign to demonize them.
Are you sterile
You won't raise your levels up high enough to get any noticeable gains.
Everything has side effects. And if you put an LH hormone analog in your body, your body will try to normalize itself (although it can't). What that means is your pituitary won't make any actual LH hormone. So when you stop taking it, you'll still experience some degree of shut down until your pituitary comes back.
You might want to research more in to the HPTA system in the body. When you mess with one of those, it affects the rest of it.
Steroids shouldn’t be legal
But testosterone should be prescribed to any man who wants it (and looks remotely necessary)
It pisses me the fuck off some weird fucking mentally tranny women can ask the doctor for testosterone and he will give it to her. I’m not mentally ill, but I could for sure use a good testosterone boost. Square up my jawline, help with my naturally skinny build etc.
I fucking hate trannys
None other than joe average most likely not using it responsibly like Rich PIANA or zyzz
because drugs are degenerate
>i wish i could just get a doc to write me a script but they're all assholes and won't until you're 50 years old
Because its fucking dangerous to mess with your endocrine system and physiology like that unless you have non-functioning testicles or are going female to male transition. And even then I wouldnt prescribe that without extensive testing to confirm (non-functioning testicles) or after an extensive psychiatric work-up (trans/mentally ill).
Its INCREDIBLY fucking stupid and a waste of human life to die of an Aortic Aneurysm caused by steroid induced cardiac hypertrophy at age 26 in a "get biceps quick" scheme.
Source: white, libertarian medical student
Steroids aren't going to really help with your skinny build. Problem is you don't eat enough and you probably don't eat the right things.
Most skinny people think they eat more than they actually do. just like most fat people think they eat less than they do.
The only way to effectively gain wait is to measure and weigh what you normally eat so you know what your caloric baseline (factor in carbs proteins and fats) then add 500 calories (60% should come from protein 30% carbs and 10% fats) give it a month if that doesn't give you gains, add another 500 calories and repeat.
If you can't make gains without steroids, you won't make them with it. Seriously if you're not making any gains right now. Just taking some testosterone will make you gain about 5lbs of water.
I have low testosterone from PTSD and I'll tell you right now that its made all the difference in the world to me to be prescribed synthetic testosterone.
I'm also a med student and I'd assume you've read actual case studies of steroid use, right? Because if you have then you'd understand why TRT is universally agreed on as being beneficial and has shown that it can actually prevent a lot of age related diseases along with adding an additional 5-7 years onto a males life span.
You will get small dick.
Empirically false. Steroids can actually cause permanent penis enlargement. You're thinking of testicular shrinkage.
says boris, the guy who clearly is an expert on steriods
such an expert he fucked up his heart and body permanently with his expertise
hate to tell you this, but youre probably going to have heart and fertility issues later in life.
1000 mg of anabolic drugs places you at an extreme risk for drug induced cardiac hypertrophy and decreases sperm production. increasing the risk of infertility and causing heart issues like leaking valves, and ventricular hypertrophy causing bulging of the aorta.
In layman's terms: Your heart is muscle, so it is affected by anabolic steroids the same as skeletal muscle. This causes the heart to grow in size and output pressure over time. The heart begins beating harder, but the aorta doesnt expand at the same rate so the pressure on the aortic walls increase causing the aortic wall to pouch out and eventually burst, killing you almost instantly.
What's your dosage? I took prednisone for awhile and it really lifted my mood
19 cases of steroid related death between 1990 and 2012.
Everything you're talking about has been thoroughly debunked in modern medicine hence medical inclination towards TRT. If you've actually read the medical literature on steroid abuse you'd know that heart growth due to steroid use is reversible after cessation of steroids unless HGH has been introduced at massive quantities, and even then its highly unlikely to become an issue once the user stops.
Sup Forums I have a really shitty jawline but I'm otherwise in great shape, muscular and very little fat. How do I get a better jawline other than jawline reconstructive surgery? I'm sure using HGH or some other steroid can deliver a more natural look to it, and without my family judging me for getting plastic surgery
I use 250mg of test cypionate weekly. My testosterone levels via bloodtests are around 1100. I would never give someone prednisone for prolonged periods of time unless you want your tendons snapping.
Yea I'm an expert because when I did them I have learned many thing about them. All people reach differently on them, because they literally break the fuck up your hormone balance in the body. If you don;t believe me that 200mg of test is worthless ask any trainer in the gym and if he's smart enough he'll only laugh at your face.
I've yet to hear of an actual case, where we can confirm steroids IS the cause of somebody's death. There really isn't enough studies done on the subject to know.
Sure steroid use COULD be a contributing factor to one's death, but there also could be other factors like pre-existing illnesses, diet, other drug use and simply genetics.
It's really hard to deduce the actual cause beyond all reasonable doubt in a particular individual's case study either. That's also why you don't find steroids as the CAUSE of death in coroner's reports. You'll see it as a contributing factor.
I don't believe any drug should be illegal. That being said, I don't think a healthy person under 25 years old should be messing with his HPTA. There is a risk of permanent damage from the use of steroids to the endocrine system. So by waiting until the body is relatively done developing in to adulthood, you can minimize that risk.
As far as trannies go. I think doctors should prescribe some psychiatric therapy instead of steroids for them. They're obviously fucked up in the head. Humoring their delusions instead of treating the real problem (their mental illness of believing they're the wrong gender/sex) violates a Hippocratic oath.
Pharma grade?
Keep the kings name out of your mouth u mad faggot
what dose would you suggest as a 'starter cycle' then for test-e/c?
>thinking steroids cause cardiac hypertrophy
>thinking cardiac hypertrophy causes aortic aneurysm
You really are a med student. Shut the fuck up you know less than a vet tech or a personal trainer.
Yes. Everything I use is technically "pharma" grade because all that really means is a certain purity and acceptable levels of heavy metals.
I meant that as i wouldn't prescribe it to people seeking it for performance enhancement. a guy with low testosterone levels is ideal for a hormone treatment modality because it will most definitely increase their quality of life. Some 20 year old gym rat with normal test levels doesnt need TRT.
>19 cases of steroid related death between 1990 and 2012.
and those deaths were probably not from someone on TRT monitored by a physician. likely some black market test they bought in the gym locker room.
>If you've actually read the medical literature on steroid abuse you'd know that heart growth due to steroid use is reversible after cessation of steroids
doesnt matter if your blow out your aorta while on steroids. Thats what im getting at, its an incredibly stupid risk to take for something as superficial and trivial as a few lbs of muscle gain. If you need TRT because your test levels are consistently below the clinical range, then its perfectly viable as a treatment option.